Dicţionar ilustrativ latin

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🔶 A 🔶

(Înapoi la Cuprins)

aedificare (to build)
Divina natura dedit agros, ars humana aedificavit urbes.
Divine nature gave us fields, human skill built our cities.

amicus (friend)
Amicus meus puellae pecuniam dat.
My friend is giving money to the girl.

amare (to love)
Non omnes homines eadem amant.
Not all people love the same things.

antiquus (ancient)
Libri antiqui verba sapientiae saepe continent.
Ancient books often contain words of wisdom.

ars (art)
Philosophia est ars vitae.
Philosophy is the art of life.

🔶 B 🔶

(Înapoi la Cuprins)

bellum (war)
Bella sunt mala.
Wars are evil.

bis (twice)
Bis vincit qui se vincit in victoria.
He conquers twice who conquers himself in victory.

🔶 C 🔶

(Înapoi la Cuprins)

causa (cause)
Timendi causa est nescire.
The cause of fear is ignorance.

cito (quickly)
Levis est fortuna: id cito reposcit quod dedit.
Fortune is fickle: it quickly demands back what it gave.

cogitare (to think, to ponder)
Cogito ergo sum.
I think, therefore I am.

consilium (plan, advice)
Malum est consilium quod mutari non potest.
A plan that cannot be changed is bad.

⬥ currere (to run)
Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt.
Those who run across the sea change the sky, not their soul.

🔶 D 🔶

(Înapoi la Cuprins)

dare (to give)
Bis das si cito das.
You give twice if you give quickly.

deus (god)
Cur dei potentes et immortales oculos a rebus humanis avertunt?
Why do the powerful and immortal gods turn their eyes away from human matters?

dies (day)
Romani primum diem a sole appellaverunt, qui primus est stellarum.
The Romans called the first day after the sun, which is the first of the stars.

⬥ dolor (pain, grief)
Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim.
Be patient and tough; one day this pain will be useful to you.

donum (gift)
Da mihi donum basiorum mille.
Give me a gift of a thousand kisses.

🔶 E 🔶

(Înapoi la Cuprins)

⬥ exitus (to end)
Exitus acta probat.
The end justifies the means.

🔶 F 🔶

(Înapoi la Cuprins)

facere (to make, to do)
Quid tu facies?
What will you do?

fama (rumor, report, fame)
Fama nihil est celerius.
Nothing is swifter than rumor.

feliciter (happily)
Omnes sapientes feliciter, perfecte, fortunate vivunt.
All wise men live happily, completely, and fortunately.

femina (woman)
Formam feminarum semper laudant.
They always praise the beauty of women.

filia (daughter)
Iulia filia Augusti erat.
Julia was the daughter of Augustus.

filius (son)
Filium ducis currentem ad hostes videmus.
We see the son of the general running toward the enemy.

forma (form, shape, beauty)
Forma linguae Latinae a multis laudatur.
The beauty of the Latin language is praised by many.

fortis (strong, brave)
Fortes fortuna adiuvat.
Fortune helps the brave.

fortuna (fate, fortune)
Stulti fortunam timent, sapientes ferunt.
The foolish fear fate, but the wise endure it.

🔶 G 🔶

(Înapoi la Cuprins)

genus (kind, sort)
Illa femina omnia genera artium bonarum intellexit.
That woman understood all kinds of good arts.

🔶 H 🔶

(Înapoi la Cuprins)

habere (to have, to hold)
Cicero, vir magnae famae, multos amicos habet.
Cicero, a man of great fame, has many friends.

homo (person)
Non est locus istis hominibus in hac terra.
There is no place for such people in this land.

🔶 I 🔶

(Înapoi la Cuprins)

imperator (commander, general, emperor)
Ave, imperator, morituri te salutamus.
Hail, emperor; we who are about to die salute you.

invenire (to find, to discover)
Ubi civitas viros bonorum morum inveniet?
Where will the state find men of good character?

ira (anger)
Maximum remedium irae mora est.
The greatest remedy for anger is delay.

🔶 L 🔶

(Înapoi la Cuprins)

labor (work, toil, labor)
Nihil sine magno labore vita mortalibus dat.
Life gives nothing to mortals without hard work.

laudare (to praise)
Marcus et Horatio nos laudant.
Mark and Horace are praising us.

⬥ legere (to read, to choose)
Laudant illos libros bonos, sed istos legunt.
They praise those good books, but they read those lousy ones.

lente (slowly)
Festina lente.
Make haste slowly.

liber (free)
Liberae sunt nostrae cogitationes.
Our thoughts are free.

🔶 M 🔶

(Înapoi la Cuprins)

magnus (large, great)
Bona res est magna pecunia.
A good thing is great wealth.

⬥ mare (sea)
Exercitus Gallorum per rura ad mare cucurrit.
The army of the Gauls ran through the fields to the sea.

⬥ maximus (very great, greatest)
Diligentia maximum etiam mediocris ingeni subsidium.
Diligence is a very great help even to a person of mediocre intelligence.

monere (to advise, to warn)
Debetis me monere si erro.
You should warn me if I make a mistake.

mors (death)
Vita est brevis; mors longa.
Life is short; death long.

multus (much, many)
Fortuna multis hominibus dat nimis, satis nulli.
Fortune gives too much to many people, enough to no one.

🔶 N 🔶

(Înapoi la Cuprins)

nihil (nothing)
Nihil me terret.
Nothing terrifies me.

nullus (no)
Nulla avaritia sine poena est.
No greed is without punishment.

🔶 O 🔶

(Înapoi la Cuprins)

ordo (rank, class, order)
Bonum virum natura, non ordo, facit.
Nature, not rank, makes a good man.

otium (leisure)
Otium sine litteris mors est.
Leisure without literature is death.

🔶 P 🔶

(Înapoi la Cuprins)

⬥ palam (openly)
Secrete amicos admone; lauda palam.
Advise friends in secret; praise them openly.

parvus (small, little)
Pericula belli non sunt parva.
The dangers of war are not small.

patria (homeland)
Roma est patria mea.
Rome is my home country.

pax (peace)
Pax fuit toti populo cara.
Peace was dear to all the people.

periculum (danger)
Pericula belli sunt magna.
The dangers of war are great.

philosophia (philosophy)
Me totum philosophiae dabo.
I will give myself completely to philosophy.

populus (the people, a nation)
Nullus tyrannus superare populum Romanum poterit.
No tyrant will be able to overcome the Roman people.

posse (to be able)
Nulla pars vitae vacare officio potest.
No part of life can be free from duty.

properare (to hurry)
Si post fata venit gloria, non propero.
If glory comes after death, I am in no hurry.

puella (girl)
Puella quam amo pulchra est.
The girl whom I love is beautiful.

puer (boy, child)
Magistri parvis pueris crustula et dona saepe dant.
Teachers often give cookies and gifts to small children.

putare (to think)
Homo sum: humani nihil a me alienum puto.
I am a human being: I think nothing human is alien to me.

🔶 Q 🔶

(Înapoi la Cuprins)

quam (how)
Quam bene vivas refert, non quam diu.
How well you live is important, not how long.

🔶 R 🔶

(Înapoi la Cuprins)

ratio (reason)
Nihil sine ratione agunt.
They do nothing without reason.

res (thing)
His rebus auditis, coepit timere.
When these things had been heard, he began to be afraid.

ridere (to laugh, to laugh at)
Rident stolidi verba Latina.
Fools laugh at the Latin language.

Romanus (Roman)
Studium historiae Romanae difficile est.
The study of Roman history is difficult.

🔶 S 🔶

(Înapoi la Cuprins)

saepe (often)
Milites Caesaris saepe adversus Gallos pugnaverunt.
The soldiers of Caesar often fought against the Gauls.

sapientia (wisdom)
Dubium sapientiae initium.
Doubt is the beginning of wisdom.

semper (always)
Semper gloria et fama tua manebunt.
Your glory and fame will always remain.

sentire (to think, to feel)
Quid hi de te sentiunt?
What do these men think about you?

⬥ sero (late)
Potius sero quam numquam.
Better late than never.

species (appearance)
Fallaces sunt rerum species.
The appearances of things are deceptive.

sperare (to hope)
Dum spiro, spero.
While I breathe, I hope.

🔶 T 🔶

(Înapoi la Cuprins)

tum (then, at that time)
Plato tum magister philosophiae erat.
Plato at that time was a teacher of philosophy.

🔶 U 🔶

(Înapoi la Cuprins)

umquam (ever)
Hannibal ad Alpes venit, quas nemo umquam ante eum cum exercitu transierat.
Hannibal came to the Alps, which no one had ever crossed before him with an army.

urbs (city)
Dux milites Romanos ad urbem reducit.
The general leads the Roman soldiers back to the city.

🔶 V 🔶

(Înapoi la Cuprins)

valere (to be strong, to be well)
Si tu et Octavianus valetis, ego et Cicero valemus.
If you and Octavian are well, Cicero and I are well.

velle (to wish, to be willing)
Si vis amari, ama.
If you wish to be loved, love.

venire (to come)
Amo puellam quae ex Italia venit.
I love the girl who came from Italy.

vere (truly)
Ille dolet vere, qui sine teste dolet.
That man mourns truly, he who mourns without witnesses.

videre (to see)
Antonius ad Aegyptum iit, ubi Cleopatram vidit.
Antony went to Egypt, where he saw Cleopatra.

vir (man)
Fortuna viros magnos amat.
Fortune loves great men.

vita (life)
Vita est brevis; ars longa.
Life is short; art long.

vitare (to avoid)
Debemus iram vitare.
We ought to avoid anger.

vocare (to call, to summon)
Officium liberos viros semper vocabit.
Duty will always call free men.