– A – ♦ – B – ♦ – C – ♦ – D – ♦ – E – ♦ – F – ♦ – G – ♦ – H – ♦ – I – ♦ – J – ♦ – K – ♦ – L – ♦ – M – ♦ – N – ♦ – O – ♦ – P – ♦ – Q – ♦ – R – ♦ – S – ♦ – T – ♦ – U – ♦ – V – ♦ – W – ♦ – X – ♦ – Y – ♦ – Z –
♦ cake —— 蛋糕 [dàngāo]
生日蛋糕很漂亮。[Shēngrì dàngāo hěn piaòliang.] – The birthday cake is very beautiful.
♦ calculate (to ~) —— (计)算 [(jì)suàn]
他要计算一下他的收入。[Tā yào jìsuàn yíxià tā de shǒurù. ]- He wants to calculate his income.
我大致算了一下,每年可以收取至少一百万美元。[Wǒ dàzhì suànle yīxià, měinián kěyǐ shōuqǔ zhìshǎo yībǎi wàn měiyuán.] – According to my back-of-the-envelope calculations, we could reap at least one million dollar a year. [I did a rough calculation and I could charge at least a million dollars a year.]
♦ California —— 加利福尼亚 [jiālìfúníyà]
我是加利福尼亚人。[Wǒ shì Jiālìfúníyà rén.] – I am from California.
♦ call (to ~) —— 叫 [jiào]
我叫… [Wǒ jiào …] – “I am called…
他叫小明。[Tā jiào xiǎomíng.] – His name is Xiaoming.
他被人叫出去了。[Tā bèi rén jiào chūqùle.] – Somebody called him outside.
洛杉矶又叫天使之城。[Luòshānjī yòu jiào tiānshǐ zhī chéng.] – Los Angeles is also called the City of Angels.
♦ camera —— 照相机 [zhàoxiàngjī.]
请别带照相机。[Qǐng bié dài zhàoxiàngjī.] – Please don’t bring a camera.
♦ can, to be able to —— 会 [huì], 可以 [kěyǐ], 能 [néng]
我不会。[wǒbúhuì] – I don’t know how.
我会说汉语。[Wǒ huì shuō hànyǔ.] – I can speak Chinese.
我会开车。[Wǒ huì kāi chē.] – I know how to drive.
我们明天可以做完。[Wǒmen míngtiān kěyǐ zuò wán.] – We can finish doing it tomorrow.
你能吃完吗?[Nǐ néng chī wán ma?] – Can you finish eating all?
♦ Canada —— 加拿大 [jiānádà]
加拿大很大。[Jiānádà hěn dà.] – Canada is big.
我是加拿大人。[Wǒ shì Jiānádà rén.] – I am from Canada.
♦ cancel (to ~) —— 取消 [qǔxiāo]
中国取消修建一百多座火力发电厂的计划。[Zhōngguó qǔxiāo xiūjiàn yībǎi duō zuò huǒlì fādiàn chǎng de jìhuà.] – China is cancelling plans to build more than 100 coal-fired power plants.
中国应该取消所有的出生限制。[Zhōngguó yīnggāi qǔxiāo suǒyǒu de chūshēng xiànzhì.] – China should lift all controls on births.
面对这么多问题,他们不得不取消整个项目。[Miàn duì zhème duō wèntí, tāmen bùdé bù qǔxiāo zhěnggè xiàngmù.] – Confronted with so many problems, they had to cancel the entire project.
根据电视新闻,这项工程可能会被取消。[Gēnjù diànshì xīnwén, zhè xiàng gōngchéng kěnéng huì bèi qǔxiāo.] – According to the TV news, this project is likely to be cancelled.
国航取消了所有从北京和上海到东京的航班。[Guóháng qǔxiāole suǒyǒu cóng běijīng hé shànghǎi dào dōngjīng de hángbān.] – Air China cancelled all flights to Tokyo from Beijing and Shanghai.
♦ cancer —— 癌症 [áizhèng]
健康的生活方式可以减少罹患癌症的风险。[Jiànkāng de shēnghuó fāngshì kěyǐ jiǎnshǎo líhuàn áizhèng de fēngxiǎn.] – A healthful lifestyle might reduce the risk of cancer.
♦ capital —— 首都 [shǒudū]
在首都北京,人和杨树的比例是十比一。[Zài shǒudū běijīng, rén hé yáng shù de bǐlì shì shí bǐ yī.] – Beijing city, the capital of China, has one poplar tree for every 10 people.
♦ car —— (汽)车 [(qì)chē]
你有车吗?[Nǐ yǒu chē ma?] – Do you have a car?
她说了再见就上车了。[Tā shuōle zàijiàn jiù shàng chē le.] – She said goodbye then got into the car.
汽车很多。[Qìchē hěn duō.] – There are many buses.
都是他才酿成了车祸。[Dōu shì tā cái niàng chéngle chēhuò.] – The car crash was all his fault.
♦ carbon dioxide —— 二氧化碳 [èryǎnghuàtàn]
交通流畅的时候二氧化碳排放就会减少。[Jiāotōng liúchàng de shíhòu èryǎnghuàtàn páifàng jiù huì jiǎnshǎo.] – Carbon dioxide emissions are reduced when traffic is free-flowing.
♦ care (to take ~), to deal with, to manage —— 办 [bàn]
我有很多事要办。[Wǒ yǒu hěnduō shì yào bàn.] – I have a lot to take care of.
♦ carry (to ~) —— 背 [bèi]
你有没有必要去背这个沉重的包袱。[Nǐ yǒu méiyǒu bìyào qù bèi zhège chénzhòng de bāofú.] – Do you need to carry the heavy burden?
♦ cat —— 猫 [māo]
猫喜欢吃鱼。[Māo xǐhuan chī yú. ] – Cats like to eat fish.
这只小猫是黑的。[Zhè zhī xiǎomāo shì hēide.] – This little cat is black.
又有一只猫来到我家了。[Yòu yǒuyī zhǐ māo lái dào wǒjiāle.] – Another cat came to my house.
猫比狗刨得慢。[Māo bǐ gǒu páo dé màn.] – Cats run slower than dogs.
♦ cease (to ~) —— 辍 [chuò]
中学辍学后,他开始卖皮包。[Zhōngxué chuòxué hòu, tā kāishǐ mài píbāo.] – After dropping out of middle school, he began selling leather handbags.
♦ to change —— 换 [huàn]
我要换衣服。[Wǒ yào huàn yīfu.] – I need to change my clothes.
♦ character —— 字 [zì]
我认识一百个字。[Wǒ rènshi yībǎi gè zì. ] – I recognize one hundred characters.
这个字不难写。[Zhè ge zì bù nán xiě.] – This character is not difficult to write.
我认识这个字。[Wǒ rènshí zhège zì.] – I know this character.
你这个字写得不对。[Nǐ zhège zì xiě dé bùduì.] – You wrote this character wrong.
♦ chase (to ~) —— 追 [zhuī]
一言既出,驷马难追。[Yī yán jìchū, sìmǎ nán zhuī.] – A word already produced, team-of-4-horses difficult chase. [As soon as the words are spoken, the horse is hard to follow.]
♦ cheap —— 便宜 [piányi]
这件衣服又便宜又好。[Zhè jiàn yīfu yòu piányi yòu hǎo.] – This outfit is good and inexpensive.
♦ cheer (to ~) —— 加油 [jiāyóu]
加油![Jiā yóu!] – Cheers!
♦ chess —— 棋 [qí]
我对下棋不感兴趣。[Wǒ duì xià qí bùgǎn xìngqù.] – I’m not interested in chess.
♦ chest —— 胸 [xiōng]
♦ child —— 孩子 [háizi], children 儿女 [er nǚ], 儿童 [értóng]
他的孩子还小。[Tā de háizi hái xiǎo.] – His child is still young.
孩子感冒了。[Háizi gǎnmào le.] – The child has caught a cold.
这些孩子很可爱。[Zhèxiē háizi hěn kěài.] – These children are very lovely.
让孩子自己做。[Ràng háizi zìjǐ zuò.] – Let the children do it themselves.
孩子在唱歌。[Háizi zài chànggē.] – The child is singing.
孩子喜欢穿新衣。[Háizi xǐhuān chuān xīnyī.] – Children like to wear new clothes.
这孩子像他爸爸。[Zhè háizi xiàng tā bàba.] – This child resembles his father.
比尔和其他的孩子们正在玩耍。[Bǐ’ěr hé qítā de háizimen zhèngzài wánshuǎ.] – Bill and the other boy(s) are playing.
儿女都已长大成人。[Érnǚ dōu yǐ zhǎng dà chéngrén.] – The children have all grown up.
这孩子说话咬字不清。[Zhè háizi shuōhuà yǎozì bù qīng.] – The kid has unclear articulation. [The child can’t speak clearly.]
这孩子一年不见,长这么高了。[Zhè háizi yī nián bùjiàn, zhǎng zhème gāole.] – It’s only a year since I last saw the child and he’s grown so tall.
看到孩子们有进步,心里很高兴。[Kàn dào háizimen yǒu jìnbù, xīnlǐ hěn gāoxìng.] – He was very pleased to see that the kids had made progress.
儿童应该在非常小的时候就开始学会自食其力。[Értóng yīnggāi zài fēicháng xiǎo de shíhòu jiù kāishǐ xuéhuì zìshíqílì.] – Children are expected to earn their keep, starting at a very early age.
♦ China —— 中国 [zhōngguó]
中国历史很长。[Zhōngguó lìshǐ hěn cháng.] – China has a long history.
中国发展得很快。[Zhōngguó fāzhǎn de hěnkuài.] – China is developing fast.
我乘飞机去中国。[Wǒ chéng fēijī qù zhōngguó.] – I take an airplane to go to China.
中国秋天很美。[Zhōngguó qiūtiān hěn měi.] – Autumn is beautiful in China.
中国人不太喜欢咖啡。[Zhōngguó rén bù tài xǐhuān kāfēi.] – The Chinese do not like coffee very much.
中国的春节真热闹。[Zhōngguó de chūnjié zhēn rènao.] – China’s Spring Festival is very lively.
每年十月一号是中国的国庆日。[Měi nián shí yuè yī hào shì Zhōngguó de Guóqìng rì.] – The annual October 1 is China’s National Day.
中国有很多大山。[Zhōngguó yǒu hěnduō dà shān.] – There are many big mountains in China.
明年我要回中国。[Míngnián wǒ yào huí zhōngguó.] – I’ll go back to China next year.
北京在中国北方。[Běijīng zài zhōngguó běifān.] – Beijing is in northern China.
中国橘子很甜。[Zhōngguó júzi hěn tián.] – Chinese oranges are very sweet.
她去了中国很多地方。[Tā qùle zhōngguó hěnduō dìfang.] – She has been to many places in China.
中国队很多人。[Zhōngguó duì hěnduō rén.] – The Chinese team is large.
♦ Chinese —— 汉语 [hànyǔ], 华语 [huáyǔ]
汉语不难学。[Hànyǔ bù nán xué.] – Chinese is not difficult to study.
学华语真有趣。[Xué huáyǔ zhēn yǒuqù.] – Learning Chinese is really interesting.
汉语语法不太难。[Hànyǔ yǔfǎ bú tài nán.] – Chinese grammar is not very difficult.
我会说汉语。[Wǒ huì shuō hànyǔ.] – I can speak Chinese.
哥哥和弟弟都学汉语。[Gēge hé dìdi dōu xué hànyǔ.] – My older and younger brothers both study Chinese.
他说的汉语很流利。[Tā shuō de hànyǔ hěn liúlì.] – His spoken Chinese is fluent.
你的汉语怎么样?[Nǐ de hànyǔ zěnmeyàng?] – How is your Chinese?
我用词典学汉语。[Wǒ yòng cídiǎn xué hànyǔ.] – I use the dictionary to study Chinese.
♦ Chinese food —— 中餐 [zhōngcān]
我喜欢中餐。[Wǒ xǐhuān zhōngcān.] – I like Chinese food.
♦ Christmas —— 圣诞节 [shèngdànjié]
圣诞节我要回家。[Shèngdànjié wǒ yào huíjiā.] – I will go home for Christmas.
圣诞节在十二月。[Shèngdànjié zài shíèr yuè.] – Christmas is in December
你的圣诞礼物是什么?[Nǐ de shèngdàn lǐwù shì shénme?] – What is your Christmas gift?
♦ cigarette —— 香烟 [xiāngyān]
香烟一般是一包二十支。[Xiāngyān yībān shì yī bāo èrshí zhī.] – Cigarettes typically come in packs of 20.
♦ circle —— 圆形 [yuán xíng]
圆形,正方形和三角形都是常见的几何形状。[Yuán xíng, zhèngfāngxíng hé sānjiǎoxíng dōu shì chángjiàn de jǐhé xíngzhuàng.] – Circles, squares, and triangles are common geometric shapes.
♦ city —— 城(市) [chéng(shì)]
这座城市人口太多。[Zhè zuò chéngshì rénkǒu tài duō.] – The city is over-populated.
纽约是大城市。[Niǔyuē shì dà chéngshì.] – New York is a large city.
洛杉矶又叫天使之城。[Luòshānjī yòu jiào tiānshǐ zhī chéng.] – Los Angeles is also called the City of Angels.
♦ classroom —— 教室 [jiàoshì]
教室有黑板。[Jiàoshì yǒu hēibǎn.] – There is a blackboard in the classroom.
♦ clean —— 干净 [gānjìng]
他的房间很干净。[Tā de fángjiān hěn gānjìng.] – His room is very clean.
♦ clean (to ~) —— 打扫 [dǎsǎo]
我们 打扫 完 了 。[Wǒmen dǎsǎo wán le.] – We finished cleaning.
他每天打扫房间。[Tā měitiān dǎsǎo fángjiān.] – He cleans the room everyday.
我妈妈每天帮我打扫房间。[Wǒ māmā měitiān bāng wǒ dǎsǎo fángjiān.] – My mother helps me to clean my room every day.
♦ clear —— 清 [qīng], 明确 [míngquè]
这孩子说话咬字不清。[Zhè háizi shuōhuà yǎozì bù qīng.] – The kid has unclear articulation. [The child can’t speak clearly.]
亚裔努力在数学和科学等具有明确衡量标准的领域取得成功。[Yà yì nǔlì zài shùxué hé kēxué děng jùyǒu míngquè héngliáng biāozhǔn dì lǐngyù qǔdé chénggōng.] – Asian-Americans work hard to succeed in areas with clear metrics like math and science.
♦ clever —— 聪明 [cōngming]
你的建议很聪明。[Nǐ de jiànyì hěn cōngming.] – Your suggestion is very clever.
♦ climb (to ~) —— 登 [dēng]
最先登上珠穆朗玛峰的人是谁?[Zuì xiān dēng shàng zhūmùlǎngmǎ fēng de rén shì shéi?] – Who first reached the summit of Mt. Everest? [Who was the first person to climb Mount Everest?]
♦ close —— 近 [jìn], 闭 [bì]
银行很近,前面左转就到了。[Yínháng hěn jìn, qiánmiàn zuǒ zhuǎn jiù dàole.] – The bank is close by, turn left in the front, you will find it immediately.
随着国内钢材价格的暴跌,钢铁企业纷纷减产甚至倒闭。[Suízhe guónèi gāngcái jiàgé de bàodié, gāngtiě qǐyè fēnfēn jiǎnchǎn shènzhì dǎobì.] – As domestic steel prices have collapsed, steel-producing companies have scaled back or closed.
♦ clothing, clothes, outfit —— 衣服 yīfu
衣服洗好了。[Yīfú xǐ hǎole.] – The clothes have been washed.
他穿了一件黑衣服。[Tā chuānle yī jiàn hēi yīfu.] – He wore one piece of black clothing.
我要换衣服。[Wǒ yào huàn yīfu.] – I need to change my clothes.
这件衣服又便宜又好。[Zhè jiàn yīfu yòu piányi yòu hǎo.] – This outfit is good and inexpensive.
我的衣服很旧。[Wǒde yīfu hěn jiù.] – My clothes are very old.
孩子喜欢穿新衣。[Háizi xǐhuān chuān xīnyī.] – Children like to wear new clothes.
♦ cloud —— 云 [yún]
巨大的火光像蘑菇云一样照亮了夜空。[Jùdà de huǒguāng xiàng mógūyún yīyàng zhào liàngle yèkōng.] – A fire and a huge flash of light that resembled a mushroom cloud illuminating the darkness.
♦ coal —— 煤炭 [méitàn]
中国今年将继续减少煤炭产量。[Zhōngguó jīnnián jiāng jìxù jiǎnshǎo méitàn chǎnliàng.] – China will keep cutting excess coal production this year.
♦ cock —— 公鸡 [gōngjī]
公鸡啼了。[Gōngjī tíle.] – The rooster is crowing.
♦ coffee —— 咖啡 [kāfēi]
中国人不太喜欢咖啡。[Zhōngguó rén bù tài xǐhuān kāfēi.] – The Chinese do not like coffee very much.
♦ coin —— 硬币 [yìngbì]
硬币通常是圆而扁平。[Yìngbì tōngcháng shì yuán ér biǎnpíng.] – Coins are usually round and flat.
♦ cold —— 冷 [lěng] (to have a cold, to catch a cold — 感冒 [gǎnmào])
今天好冷。[Jīntiān hǎo lěng.] – Today is quite cold.
这儿冬天很冷。[Zhèr dōngtiān hěn lěng.] – Winter here is cold.
孩子感冒了。[Háizi gǎnmào le.] – The child has caught a cold.
天越来越冷了。[Tiān yuè lái yuè lěngle.] – The weather is getting colder and colder.
♦ collar —— 领 [lǐng]
蓝领工资现在是每小时四至六美元仍远低于美国。[Lánlǐng gōngzī xiànzài shì měi xiǎoshí sìzhì liù měiyuán réng yuǎn dī yú měiguó.] – Blue-collar wages are now 4 to 6 dollars an hour, still far lower than in the United States.
♦ combine (to ~) —— 结合 [jiéhé]
运动与节食结合也许是减肥最有效的途径。[Yùndòng yǔ jiéshí jiéhé yěxǔ shì jiǎnféi zuì yǒuxiào de tújìng.] – Combining exercise with the diet may be the most effective way to lose weight.
♦ come (to ~) (back) —— (回)来 [(huí)lái]
你早点来。[nǐ zǎo diǎn lái] – Come early.
你明天再来吧。[Nǐ míngtiān zàilái ba.] – Please come again tomorrow.
今天我来晚了。[Jīntiān wǒ lái wǎnle.] – Today I came late.
明天我会来。[Míngtiān wǒ huì lái] – I will be here tomorrow.
请你下次再来。[qǐng nǐ xià cì zài lái] – Please come again next time.
明天他来吗?[Míngtiān tā lái ma?] – Will he come tomorrow?
他三天后回来。[Tā sān tiānhòu huílái.] – He’ll come back in three days’ time.
他今天来过两次。[Tā jīntiān láiguò liǎng cì.] – He came twice today.
又有一只猫来到我家了。[Yòu yǒuyī zhǐ māo lái dào wǒjiāle.] – Another cat came to my house.
请常来玩儿。[Qǐng cháng lái wáner] – Please come often to play.
三小时后她来。[Sān xiǎoshí hòu tā lái. ] – She will come three hours from now.
昨天有三个人来找你。[Zuótiān yǒusān gèrén lái zhǎo nǐ.] – Three people came to see you yesterday.
他刚才来找过你。[Tā gāngcái lái zhǎoguò nǐ. ] – He has just come to look for you.
明天我朋友来美国。[Míngtiān wǒ péngyou lái měiguó.] – My friend will come to America tomorrow.
狼来了。[Láng láile.] – A wolf is coming.
♦ come out —— 出来 [chūlái]
我每天傍晚都出来散步。[Wǒ měitiān bàngwǎn dōu chūlái sànbù.] – I go out to walk every evening.
♦ comfort 安慰 [ānwèi]
听了你讲的话,我心里很安慰。[Tīngle nǐ jiǎng dehuà, wǒ xīnlǐ hěn ānwèi.] – After listening to what you just said, I am feeling much better now. [After hearing what you said, I feel very comforted.]
♦ comfortable, feeling well —— 舒服 [shūfu]
我今天不舒服。[Wǒ jīntiān bù shūfu.] – I am not feeling well today.
♦ common —— 常见 [chángjiàn], 常用 [chángyòng]
圆形,正方形和三角形都是常见的几何形状。[Yuán xíng, zhèngfāngxíng hé sānjiǎoxíng dōu shì chángjiàn de jǐhé xíngzhuàng.] – Circles, squares, and triangles are common geometric shapes.
比如说,叫一个人夜猫子就是一个常用的比喻。[Bǐrú shuō, jiào yīgè rén yèmāozi jiùshì yīgè chángyòng de bǐyù.] – Calling a person a night owl is an example of a common metaphor.
♦ communicate (to ~) —— 通信 [tōngxìn]
中国移动通信集团公司 [Zhōngguó yídòng tōngxìn jítuán gōngsī] – China Mobile Communications Corporation
♦ company —— 公司 [gōngsī], 企业 [qǐyè]
我的公司不大。[Wǒ de gōngsī bú dà.] – My company is not big.
公司的主任在开会。[Gōngsī de zhǔrèn zài kāihuì.] – The directors of this company are having a meeting.
这家公司有十名女员工。[Zhè jiā gōngsī yǒu shí míng nǚ yuángōng.] – This company has ten female staffs.
随着国内钢材价格的暴跌,钢铁企业纷纷减产甚至倒闭。[Suízhe guónèi gāngcái jiàgé de bàodié, gāngtiě qǐyè fēnfēn jiǎnchǎn shènzhì dǎobì.] – As domestic steel prices have collapsed, steel-producing companies have scaled back or closed.
♦ complete —— 完全 [wánquán], 满 [mǎn]
他满身是汗。[Tā mǎn shēn shì hàn.] – He is sweating all over. [completely]
按照中国的传统,一个孝顺的儿子意味着完全听父母的安排。[Ànzhào zhōngguó de chuántǒng, yīgè xiàoshùn de érzi yìwèizhe wánquán tīng fùmǔ de ānpái.] – According to Chinese tradition, being a filial son means complete obedience to his parents.
♦ compliment —— 恭维 [gōngwéi]
刚开始听起来像是恭维,其实不然。[Gāng kāishǐ tīng qǐlái xiàng shì gōngwéi, qíshí bùrán.] – At first it sounds like a compliment, but it is not.
♦ compose (to ~) —— 作曲 [zuòqǔ]
莫扎特五岁就开始作曲了。[Mòzhātè wǔ suì jiù kāishǐ zuòqǔle.] – Mozart began to compose when he was five years old.
♦ computer —— 电脑 [diànnǎo]
我弟弟喜欢玩电脑。[Wǒ dìdi xǐhuān wán diànnǎo.] – My younger brother likes to play on the computer.
♦ conference —— 会 [huì]
他正在开会。[Tā zhèngzài kāihuì.] – He is in conference.
♦ confirm (to ~) —— 确认 [quèrèn]
确认过眼神,我遇上对的。[Quèrènguò yǎnshén, wǒ yù shàng duì de.] – Having ascertained the gaze, I’ve met the right person. [After confirming the eyes, I met the right one.]
♦ confront (to ~) —— 面对 [miàn duì]
面对这么多问题,他们不得不取消整个项目。[Miàn duì zhème duō wèntí, tāmen bùdé bù qǔxiāo zhěnggè xiàngmù.] – Confronted with so many problems, they had to cancel the entire project.
♦ congratulate —— 祝贺 [zhùhè]
祝贺你![Zhùhè nǐ!] – Congratulations!
朋友们祝贺我了。[Péngyoumen zhùhè wǒ le.] – My friends all congratulated me.
♦ congratulation —— 恭喜 [gōngxǐ]
恭喜你啊!听说你通过了注册会计师考试。[Gōngxǐ nǐ a! Tīng shuō nǐ tōngguòle zhùcè kuàijìshī kǎoshì.] – Congratulations! I heard that you passed the CPA exam.
♦ constriction —— 缩小 [suōxiǎo]
早期症状可能包括瞳孔缩小,流鼻涕,喘息和肌肉抽搐。[Zǎoqí zhèngzhuàng kěnéng bāokuò tóngkǒng suōxiǎo, liú bítì, chuǎnxī hé jīròu chōuchù.] – Early symptoms can include pinprick pupils [myosis= pupil constriction], runny nose, wheezing and muscle twitching.
♦ contain (to ~) —— 含有 [hányǒu]
当局警告人们远离江水中升起的含有苯的气体。[Dāngjú jǐnggào rénmen yuǎnlí jiāngshuǐ zhōng shēng qǐ de hányǒu běn de qìtǐ.] – Authorities are warning people to avoid the benzene fumes [benzene-containing gas] rising from the river.
♦ continue (to ~) —— 继续 [jìxù]
我们要继续前进。[Wǒmen yào jìxù qiánjìn.] – We must continue to move forward.
中国今年将继续减少煤炭产量。[Zhōngguó jīnnián jiāng jìxù jiǎnshǎo méitàn chǎnliàng.] – China will keep cutting [will continue to reduce] excess coal production this year.
♦ control (to ~) —— 控制 [kòngzhì]
我控制不住自己。[Wǒ kòngzhì bù zhù zìjǐ.] – I can’t control myself.
♦ convenient —— 方便 [fāngbiàn]
这儿买东西很方便。[Zhèr mǎi dōngxi hěn fāngbiàn.] – It is convenient to go shopping here.
♦ convulsion —— 抽搐 [chōuchù]
早期症状可能包括瞳孔缩小,流鼻涕,喘息和肌肉抽搐。[Zǎoqí zhèngzhuàng kěnéng bāokuò tóngkǒng suōxiǎo, liú bítì, chuǎnxī hé jīròu chōuchù.] – Early symptoms can include pinprick pupils, runny nose, wheezing and muscle twitching [convulsion].
♦ to cook —— 做饭 [zuòfàn]
妈妈做饭做得真好。[Māma zuòfàn zuò de zhēnhǎo.] – Mom cooks very well.
♦ cool —— 凉快 [liàngkuài]
北部夏天很凉快。[Běibù xiàtiān hěn liángkuài.] – It is cool in the north in summer.
♦ copy (to ~) —— 抄 [chāo]
我把书名抄下了。[Wǒ bǎ shū míng chāo xiàle.] – I have copied the book title.
♦ core —— 核心 [héxīn]
从来没有一个女性进入核心权力集团。[Cónglái méiyǒu yīgè nǚxìng jìnrù héxīn quánlì jítuán.] – A woman has never sat in the inner circle of power.
♦ corporation —— 公司 [gōngsī]
中国移动通信集团公司 [Zhōngguó yídòng tōngxìn jítuán gōngsī] – China Mobile Communications Corporation
中国电信集团公司 [Zhōngguó diànxìn jítuán gōngsī] – China Telecommunications Corporation
♦ correct —— 正确 [zhèngquè]
他的见解很正确。[Tā de jiànjiě hěn zhèngquè. – His opinion is correct.
♦ corruption —— 腐败 [fǔbài]
腐败是永远根除不了的。[Fǔbài shì yǒngyuǎn gēnchú bùliǎo de.] – Corruption is something you can never completely root out.
♦ cost —— 费用 [fèiyòng]
具体费用或许会有浮动,这取决于到场人员的规模。[Jùtǐ fèiyòng huòxǔ huì yǒu fúdòng, zhè qǔjué yú dàochǎng rényuán de guīmó.] – [Specific] Costs could fluctuate depending on the size of the crowd that turns out.
♦ country, state —— 国家 [guójiā]
你是哪个国家的?[Nǐ shì nǎge guójiā de?] – Where are you from? [Which country are you from?]
有很多国家参赛。[Yǒu hěnduō guójiā cānsài.] – There are many countries participating in the games.
♦ cousin —— 表弟 [biǎo dì]; ; younger female cousin on mother’s side: 表妹 [biǎo mèi]; older female cousin on mother’s side: 表姐 [biǎo jiě]; older male cousin on father’s side: 堂哥 [táng gē]; younger male cousin on father’s side: 堂弟 [tāng dì]
他表弟住在美国。[Tā biǎo dì zhù zài měiguó.] – His younger brother is staying in USA.
♦ cow —— (母)牛 [(mǔ)niú]
那是一头母牛,不是公牛。[Nà shì yītóu mǔ niú, bùshì gōngniú.] – That is a cow, not a bull.
母牛流产了。[mǔ niú liú chǎn le。] – The cow cast her calf.
♦ crash (to ~) —— 坠落 [zhuìluò]
一架小型客机在起飞后不久坠落到一条河里。[Yī jià xiǎoxíng kèjī zài qǐfēi hòu bùjiǔ zhuìluò dào yītiáo hé lǐ.] – A small passenger plane crashed into a river shortly after takeoff.
♦ create (to ~) —— 创造 [chuàngzào]
为什么大自然要不厌其烦地创造蚊子呢?[Wèishéme dà zìrán yào bùyànqífán de chuàngzào wénzi ní?] – Why did Mother Nature have to take such great pains to create mosquitos?
♦ credit card —— 信用卡 [xìnyòngkǎ]
现在大家都用信用卡。[Xiànzài dàjiā dōu yòng xìnyòngkǎ.] – Everyone uses a credit card now.
♦ crew —— 剧组 [jùzǔ], 人员 [rényuán]
剧组成员们都担心自己的房间被窃听。[Jùzǔ chéngyuánmen dōu dānxīn zìjǐ de fángjiān bèi qiètīng.] – Crew members suspected their rooms were bugged.
具体费用或许会有浮动,这取决于到场人员的规模。[Jùtǐ fèiyòng huòxǔ huì yǒu fúdòng, zhè qǔjué yú dàochǎng rényuán de guīmó.] – Costs could fluctuate depending on the size of the crowd [crew] that turns out.
♦ cross (to ~) —— 横断 [héngduàn]
一颗大树横断在路上。[Yī kē dà shù héngduàn zài lùshàng.] – A big tree crossing the street blocked the road.
♦ crow (to ~) —— 啼 [tí]
公鸡啼了。[Gōngjī tíle.] – The rooster is crowing.
♦ culture —— 文化 [wénhuà]
我喜欢美国文化。[Wǒ xǐhuān měiguó wénhuà.] – I like American culture.