– A – ♦ – B – ♦ – C – ♦ – D – ♦ – E – ♦ – F – ♦ – G – ♦ – H – ♦ – I – ♦ – J – ♦ – K – ♦ – L – ♦ – M – ♦ – N – ♦ – O – ♦ – P – ♦ – Q – ♦ – R – ♦ – S – ♦ – T – ♦ – U – ♦ – V – ♦ – W – ♦ – X – ♦ – Y – ♦ – Z –
♦ each —— 各个 [gège]
中国女性在生活的各个领域取得了巨大进步。[Zhōngguó nǚxìng zài shēnghuó de gège lǐngyù qǔdéle jùdà jìnbù.] – Chinese women have made huge progress in most [in each] spheres of life.
♦ eagle —— (老)鹰 [(lǎo)yīng]
老鹰飞得高。[Lǎoyīng fēi dé gāo.] – Eagles fly high.
♦ early —— 早(期) [zǎo(qí)]
你早点来。[nǐ zǎo diǎn lái] – Come early.
明天我要早去。[Míngtiān wǒ yào zǎo qù.] – Tomorrow I’ll go early.
他起床起得不早。[Tā qǐchuáng qǐ de bù zǎo.] – He does not get up early.
这件事我早就知道了。[zhè jiàn shì wǒ zǎo jiù zhī dào le] – I knew about this a long time ago.
早期症状可能包括瞳孔缩小,流鼻涕,喘息和肌肉抽搐。[Zǎoqí zhèngzhuàng kěnéng bāokuò tóngkǒng suōxiǎo, liú bítì, chuǎnxī hé jīròu chōuchù.] – Early symptoms can include pinprick pupils, runny nose, wheezing and muscle twitching.
♦ east —— 东边 [dōngbiān]
太阳从东边升起。[Tàiyang cóng dōngbiān shēngqǐ.] – The sun rises from the east.
♦ easy —— 容易 [róngyì]
成功不容易。[Chénggōng bù róngyì.] – To succeed is not easy.
♦ eat (to ~) —— 吃 [chī]
我想吃点什么。[Wǒ xiǎng chī diǎn shénme.] – I’d like to have something to eat.
你 吃 完 了 吗 ?[Nǐ chī wán le ma?] – Are you done eating?
你能吃完吗?[Nǐ néng chī wán ma?] – Can you finish eating all?
我一天吃一个苹果。[Wǒ yī tiān chī yí gè píngguǒ.] – I eat an apple a day.
我每天都吃面包。[Wǒ měitiān dōu chī miànbāo.] – I eat bread every day.
他不喜欢吃鱼。[Tā bù xǐhuān chī yú.] – He doesn’t like to eat fish.
冰箱里有什么,我们就吃什么。[Bīngxiāng li yǒu shé me, wǒmen jiù chī shénme.] – We’ll eat whatever we can find in the fridge.
他病得一点也不想吃。[Tā bìng dé yīdiǎn yě bùxiǎng chī.] – He is so ill that he doesn’t feel like eating anything.
我爱吃烤鸭。[Wǒ ài chī kǎoyā.] – I love to eat roast duck.
♦ education —— 教育 [jiàoyù]
美国的大学教育很好。[Měiguó dàxué jiàoyù hěnhao.] – American higher education is good.
♦ effective —— 有效 [yǒuxiào]
运动与节食结合也许是减肥最有效的途径。[Yùndòng yǔ jiéshí jiéhé yěxǔ shì jiǎnféi zuì yǒuxiào de tújìng.] – Combining exercise with the diet may be the most effective way to lose weight.
♦ efficiency —— 效率 [xiàolǜ]
他的工作效率很高。[Tā de gōngzuò xiàolǜ hěn gāo.] – He is really efficient. [His work efficiency is very high.]
♦ elder brother —— 哥哥 [gēge], 大哥 [dàgē]
我有两个哥哥。[Wǒ yǒu liǎng gè gēgē.] – I have two brothers.
哥哥学习很好。[Gēge xuéxí hěnhǎo.] – The older brother studies well.
我哥哥是工程师。[Wǒ gěge shì gōngchéngshī.] – My older brother is an engineer.
哥哥和弟弟都学汉语。[Gēge hé dìdi dōu xué hànyǔ.] – My older and younger brothers both study Chinese.
我哥哥已经从国外回来了。[Wǒ gēgē yǐjīng cóng guówài huíláile.] – My brother has came back from abroad.
李大哥请我吃雪糕。[Lǐ dàgē qǐng wǒ chī xuěgāo.] – Brother Lee treats me ice cream.
她没有姐妹,只有一个哥哥。[Tā méiyǒu jiěmèi, zhǐyǒu yīgè gēgē.] – She has a brother but no sisters.
♦ elder sister —— 姐很 [jiějiě], 大姐 [dàjiě]
我姐姐很漂亮。[Wǒ jiějiě hěn piàoliang.] – My sister is very pretty.
李大姐是我的邻居。[Lǐ dàjiě shì wǒ de línjū.] – Sister Lee is my neighbor.
♦ elevator, escalator —— 电梯 [diàntī]
我坐电梯上楼。[Wǒ zuò diàntī shànglóu.] – I am taking the elevator to go upstairs.
二号楼的电梯坏了。[Èr hào lóu de diàntī huàile.] – Building 2’s elevators are currently out of service.
♦ eliminate (to ~) —— 取消 [qǔxiāo]
少数几家餐馆减少或取消了小费。[Shǎoshù jǐ jiā cānguǎn jiǎnshǎo huò qǔxiāole xiǎofèi.] – A small number of restaurants have reduced or eliminated tipping.
♦ eloquent —— 雄辩 [xióngbiàn]
事实胜于雄辩。[Shìshí shèng yú xióngbiàn.] – Facts beat eloquence. [Facts speak louder than words.]
♦ emission —— 排放 [páifàng]
交通流畅的时候二氧化碳排放就会减少。[Jiāotōng liúchàng de shíhòu èryǎnghuàtàn páifàng jiù huì jiǎnshǎo.] – Carbon dioxide emissions are reduced when traffic is free-flowing.
♦ engineer —— 工程师 [gōngchéngshī]
我哥哥是工程师。[Wǒ gěge shì gōngchéngshī.] – My older brother is an engineer.
♦ English —— 英语 [yīngyǔ]
他不说英语。[Tā bù shuō yīngyǔ.] – He does not speak English.
你应该学英语。[Nǐ yīnggāi xué yīngyǔ.] – You should study English.
抱歉,我不说英语。[Bàoqiàn, wǒ bù shuō yīngyǔ.] – I am sorry I don’t speak English.
你说英语吗?[Nǐ shuō yīngyǔ ma?] – Do you speak English?
他的英语很差。[Tā de yīngyǔ hěn chà.] – His English is very poor.
山田的英语在他的班上是首屈一指的。[Shāntián de yīngyǔ zài tā de bān shàng shì shǒuqūyīzhǐ de.] – Yamada is second to none in English in his class.
♦ to enter —— 进(入) [jìn(rù)]
火车进站了。[Huǒchē jìn zhàn le.] – The train has entered the station.
从来没有一个女性进入核心权力集团。[Cónglái méiyǒu yīgè nǚxìng jìnrù héxīn quánlì jítuán.] – A woman has never sat in the inner circle of power.
♦ to enter the field —— 入场 [rùchǎng]
现在美国队入场。[Xiànzài měiguó duì rù chǎng.] – The American team is now entering the field.
♦ enthusiastic —— 热心 [rèxīn]
他很热心地帮助我。[Tā hěn rèxīn de bāngzhù wǒ.] – He helps me enthusiastically.
♦ entire —— 整个 [zhěnggè]
面对这么多问题,他们不得不取消整个项目。[Miàn duì zhème duō wèntí, tāmen bùdé bù qǔxiāo zhěnggè xiàngmù.] – Confronted with so many problems, they had to cancel the entire project.
♦ eradicate (to ~) —— 根除 [gēnchú]
腐败是永远根除不了的。[Fǔbài shì yǒngyuǎn gēnchú bùliǎo de.] – Corruption is something you can never completely root out [eradicate].
♦ estimate (to ~) —— 估计 [gūjì]
因为火车晚点,估计我不能按时到达。[Yīnwèi huǒchē wǎndiǎn, gūjì wǒ bùnéng ànshí dàodá.] – Because the train was late, I do not think I can make it on time.
♦ eternal —— 永恒 [yǒnghéng]
Wǒ tīng suìyuè xiàng xuánlǜ yǒnghéng.] – I’ve heard that the passage of time is as eternal as a melody. [I listen to the years like the melody of eternity.]
♦ Europe —— 欧洲 [Ōuzhōu]
德国在欧洲。[Déguó zài ōuzhōu.] – Germany is in Europe.
♦ even —— 连 [lián], 甚至 [shènzhì]
连他都不知道。[Lián tā dōu bù zhīdào.] – Even he doesn’t know it.
随着国内钢材价格的暴跌,钢铁企业纷纷减产甚至倒闭。[Suízhe guónèi gāngcái jiàgé de bàodié, gāngtiě qǐyè fēnfēn jiǎnchǎn shènzhì dǎobì.] – As domestic steel prices have collapsed, steel-producing companies have scaled back or even closed [down].
♦ evening —— 晚(上) [wǎn(shang)]
晚上我去看电影。[Wǎnshang wǒ qù kàn diànyǐng.] – In the evening, I am going to see a movie.
他们是在一次晚会上认识的。[Tāmen shì zài yīcì wǎnhuì shàng rènshí de.] – They got to know each other at a party.
♦ every —— 每 [měi], 都 [dōu]
每个学生都有书。[Měi gè xuésheng dōu yǒu shū.] – Every student has a book.
我每天傍晚都出来散步。[Wǒ měitiān bàngwǎn dōu chūlái sànbù.] – I go out to walk every evening.
♦ everybody —— 每个人 [měi gè rén], 大家(都) [dàjiā (dōu)]
大家都到了吗?[Dàjiā dōu dàole ma?] – Is everybody here?
每个人都吃完午饭了吗?[měi gè rén dōu chī wán wǔ fàn le ma ?] – Did everybody finish their lunch?
♦ every day —— 每天 [měitiān]
他每天锻炼身体。[Tā měitiān duànliàn shēntǐ.] – He exercises his body every day.
他每天打扫房间。[Tā měitiān dǎsǎo fángjiān.] – He cleans the room everyday.
我每天都吃面包。[Wǒ měitiān dōu chī miànbāo.] – I eat bread every day.
我每天上学读书。[Wǒ měitiān shàngxué dúshū.] – I go to school every day.
我妈妈每天帮我打扫房间。[Wǒ māmā měitiān bāng wǒ dǎsǎo fángjiān.] – My mother helps me to clean my room every day.
♦ everyone —— 大家 [dàjiā]
现在大家都用信用卡。[Xiànzài dàjiā dōu yòng xìnyòngkǎ.] – Everyone uses a credit card now.
大家都这么说。[Dàjiā dōu zhème shuō.] – So they say. [Everyone says so.]
♦ everything —— 一切 [yīqiè]
一切都会好的。[Yīqiè dūhuì hǎo de.] – Everything will be OK.
老板,一切听你的![Lǎobǎn, yīqiè tīng nǐ de!] – Boss, anything you say! [Boss, everything listens to you!]
♦ everywhere —— 到处 [dàochù]
北京到处是奢侈品牌手提包精品店。[Běijīng dàochù shì shēchǐ pǐnpái shǒutí bāo jīngpǐn diàn.] – Beijing was awash with luxury handbag boutiques.
♦ exam —— 考试 [kǎoshì]
恭喜你啊!听说你通过了注册会计师考试。[Gōngxǐ nǐ a! Tīng shuō nǐ tōngguòle zhùcè kuàijìshī kǎoshì.] – Congratulations! I heard that you passed the CPA exam.
♦ excuse (to ~) —— 请问 [qǐngwèn]
请问! [Qǐngwèn ] – Excuse me!
请问你姓什么?[Qǐngwèn nǐ xìng shénme?] – May I know your surname? [What’s your last name?]
♦ to exercise —— 锻炼 [duànliàn]
他每天锻炼身体。[Tā měitiān duànliàn shēntǐ.] – He exercises his body every day.
年轻人也要锻炼。[Niánqīngrén yě yào duànliàn.] – Young people also need to exercise.
♦ expensive —— 贵 [guì]
这本书不贵。[Zhè běn shū bù guì.] – This book is not expensive.
香蕉不贵。[Xiāngjiāo bú guì.] – Bananas are not expensive.
这条裤子很贵。[Zhè tiáo kùzi hěnguì.] – This pair of pants is quite expensive.
我买贵了。[Wǒ mǎi guìle.] – I paid too much for it. [I bought it too expensive.]
♦ experience —— 经验 [jīngyàn], 体会 [tǐhuì]
让我告诉你我的体会。[Ràng wǒ gàosù nǐ wǒ de tǐhuì.] – Let me tell you how I feel about it. [Let me tell you my experience.]
♦ express (to ~) —— 表达 [biǎodá]
中国网友表达了对该行动的支持。[Zhōngguó wǎngyǒu biǎodále duì gāi xíngdòng de zhīchí.] – Chinese online comments expressed support for the operation.
♦ extremely —— 非常 [fēicháng]
今天非常热。[Jīntiān fēicháng rè.] – It’s extremely hot today.
他们都非常忙。[Tāmen dōu fēicháng máng.] – They are all extremely busy.
♦ eye —— 眼睛 [yǎnjīng]
他有一双明亮的眼睛。[Tā yǒu yīshuāng míngliàng de yǎnjīng.] – He has a pair of bright eyes. [He has bright eyes.]