5idea Chinese

(1) How to use “因为所以…”? Chinese Grammar Lesson 5idea Chinese


Yīnwèi… Suǒyǐ…

– because

因为她生病了, 所以她请假了。Yīnwèi tā shēngbìngle, suǒyǐ tā qǐngjiàle. – She got sick, so she asked for leave.

因为天气不好,所以他们没出门。Yīn wéi tiānqì bù hǎo, suǒyǐ tāmen méi chūmén. – The weather is not good, so they didn’t go out.

因为我今天很忙,所以我很累。Yīnwèi wǒ jīntiān hěn máng, suǒyǐ wǒ hěn lèi. – I was very busy today, so now I am very tired.


(2) How to use “虽然但是…”? Chinese Grammar Lesson 5idea Chinese


虽然他生病了,但是他还是坚持工作。Suīrán tā shēngbìngle, dànshì tā háishì jiānchí gōngzuò. – He is sick, but he persists in working.

虽然压力很大,但是她很喜欢这份工作。Suīrán yālì hěn dà, dànshì tā hěn xǐhuān zhè fèn gōngzuò. – She is under much stress, but she likes this job.

虽然他很想出去玩儿,但是他太累了。Suīrán tā hěn xiǎng chūqù wán er, dànshì tā tài lèile. – He wants to hang out, but he is too tired.

虽然他只学了一年的中文,但是他的中文说得很好。Suīrán tā zhǐ xuéle yī nián de zhōngwén, dànshì tā de zhōngwén shuō dé hěn hǎo. – Although he has just learned Chinese for one year, he speaks good Chinese.

Answer for Last Lesson:


Yīnwèi tā zhǎodàole xīn gōngzuò, suǒyǐ tā hěn kāixīn.

– She found a new job, so she was very happy.


(3) How to use “一边…一边…”? | Chinese Grammar Lesson | 5idea Chinese

我一边看电视,一边吃零食。Wǒ yībiān kàn diànshì, yībiān chī língshí. – I eat snacks while watching TV.
他们一边喝酒,一边聊天。Tāmen yībiān hējiǔ, yībiān liáotiān. – They chat while drinking.
他一边散步,一边听音乐。Tā yībiān sànbù, yībiān tīng yīnyuè. – He listens to music while taking a walk.
他一边走路,一边看手机。Tā yībiān zǒulù, yībiān kàn shǒujī. – [He was walking while looking at his mobile phone.] He looks at his phone while walking.


(4) How to use “先…然后…”? | Chinese Grammar Lesson | 5idea Chinese


先。。。然后。。。Xiān… Ránhòu… – first… and then

我先吃早饭,然后去公司。Wǒ xiān chī zǎofàn, ránhòu qù gōngsī. – I have breakfast first and then go to the company.
我们先见面,然后商量吃什么。Wǒmen xiān jiànmiàn, ránhòu shāngliáng chī shénme. – We meet first and then discuss what to eat.
我先去超市,然后回家做饭。Wǒ xiān qù chāoshì, ránhòu huí jiā zuò fàn. – I go to the supermarket first and then I go home to cook.





(5) How to use “一…就…”? | Chinese Grammar Lesson | 5idea Chinese

It means doing another thing immediately after something happens.

我一到公司就去找你。Wǒ yī dào gōngsī jiù qù zhǎo nǐ. – I’ll see you as soon as I get to the company. [I will look for you as soon as I get to the company.]
我一吃完饭就给你打电话。Wǒ yī chī wán fàn jiù gěi nǐ dǎ diànhuà. – I will call you as soon as I’m done eating.
她一下飞机就去公司了。Tā yīxià fēijī jiù qù gōngsīle. – She went to the company as soon as she got off the plane.
他一收到邮件就告诉我了。Tā yī shōu dào yóujiàn jiù gàosù wǒle.  – He told me as soon as he received the email.



6) How to use “如果…就…”? | Chinese Grammar Lesson | 5idea Chinese

如果有人打电话,就说我在开会。Rúguǒ yǒurén dǎ diànhuà, jiù shuō wǒ zài kāihuì. – If someone calls me, tell them I’m in a meeting.
如果下雨, 我们就不去了。Rúguǒ xià yǔ, wǒmen jiù bù qùle. – If it’s rainy, we don’t go.
如果你要去,我就和你一起去。Rúguǒ nǐ yào qù, wǒ jiù hé nǐ yīqǐ qù. – If you go, I will go together with you.
如果你不懂,就问问你的同事。Rúguǒ nǐ bù dǒng, jiù wèn wèn nǐ de tóngshì. – If you don’t understand, ask your colleague.



(7) How to use “就”? | Chinese Grammar Lesson | 5idea Chinese


JiùIt is used when something happens very early.

他六点起床了。Tā liù diǎn qǐchuángle.  – He gets up at six o’clock.

我四点就下班了。Wǒ sì diǎn jiù xiàbānle. – I got off work at four o’clock.
她八点就睡觉了。Tā bā diǎn jiù shuìjiàole.  – She went to bed at eight o’clock.
他七点就上班了。Tā qī diǎn jiù shàngbānle. – He went to work at seven o’clock.




(8) How to use “才”? | Chinese Grammar Lesson | 5idea Chinese

Cái  – It is used when something happens very late.

他十点才起床。Tā shí diǎn cái qǐchuáng. – He got up at ten o’clock.
她晚上十点才下班。Tā wǎnshàng shí diǎn cái xiàbān. – She got off work at ten o’clock. [She doesn’t get off work until ten o’clock in the evening.]
她十二点才睡觉。Tā shíèr diǎn cái shuìjiào. – [She didn’t go to bed until twelve.] She went to bed at twelve o’clock.
他十点才上班。Tā shí diǎn cái shàngbān.  – He went to work at ten o’clock. [He didn’t go to work until ten o’clock.]



(9) How to use “得(děi)”? | Chinese Grammar Lesson | 5idea Chinese


dé  – need

我得早点儿睡觉。Wǒ děi zǎodiǎn er shuìjiào. – I need sleep early. [I have to go to bed early.]

我今天得加班。Wǒ jīntiān děi jiābān. – I need work overtime today.

我得走了,你们好好玩儿。Wǒ dé zǒule, nǐmen hǎo hǎowán er. – I need go.You guys have fun. [I have to go, you guys have fun.]



(10) How to use “终于”? | Chinese Grammar Lesson | 5idea Chinese

我终于做完了所有的工作。Wǒ zhōngyú zuò wánliǎo suǒyǒu de gōngzuò. – I finally finished all work.

你终于来了。Nǐ zhōngyú láile. – You finally come.

两个小时后,会议终于结束了。Liǎng gè xiǎoshí hòu, huìyì zhōngyú jiéshùle. – The meeting finally came to the end after two hours. [After two hours, the meeting finally ended.]

我得给他打电话。Wǒ dé gěi tā dǎ diànhuà. – I need call him.

你终于给我打电话!Nǐ zhōngyú gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà!  – You finally call me!



(11) How to use “以为”? | Chinese Grammar Lesson | 5idea Chinese

以为 Yǐwéi – It is used when your thought os something is wrong.

我以为你回家了。Wǒ yǐwéi nǐ huí jiāle. – I thought you went home.

我以为今天是星期五。Wǒ yǐwéi jīntiān shì xīngqíwǔ. – I thought it was Friday.

我以为她回来了。Wǒ yǐwéi tā huíláile. – I thought she came back.

我以为外面在下雨。Wǒ yǐwéi wàimiàn zàixià yǔ. – I thought it was raining outside.



(12) How to use “看起来”? | Chinese Grammar Lesson | 5idea Chinese

看起来 Kàn qǐlái – it looks like; it seems like

他看起来很累。Tā kàn qǐlái hěn lèi.  – He looks tired.

这个菜看起来很好吃。Zhège cài kàn qǐlái hěn hào chī. – This dish looks delicious.

她看起来很开心。Tā kàn qǐlái hěn kāixīn. – She looks very happy.

他看起来很困。Tā kàn qǐlái hěn kùn. – He seems sleepy.



(13) How to use “没想到”? | Chinese Grammar Lesson | 5idea Chinese

没想到 Méi xiǎngdào  – It is used to indicate that we didn’ expected something would happen.

没想到他的中文这么好。Méi xiǎngdào tā de zhōngwén zhème hǎo. – I didn’t expect his Chinese is so good.

这个菜看起来不好看,没想到这么好吃。Zhège cài kàn qǐlái bu hǎokàn, méi xiǎngdào zhème hào chī. – This dish looks doesn’t look good, I didn’t expect that is so delicious.

没想到他这么早就回来了。Méi xiǎngdào tā zhème zǎo jiù huíláile. – I didn’d expect he would come back so soon. [Unexpectedly, he came back so early.]

没想到他这周会回来。Méi xiǎngdào tā zhè zhōu huì huílái. – [I didn’t expect him to be back this week.] I didn’t expect he would come back this week.


(14) How to use “白+v”? | Chinese Grammar Lesson | 5idea Chinese

Bái + V = to do something in vain

今天银行没开门,我白跑了一趟。Jīntiān yínháng méi kāimén, wǒ bái pǎole yī tàng. – I couldn’t do what I wanted because the bank wasn’t open.

我的话都白说了。Wǒ dehuà dōu bái shuōle. – If I talk to somebody but this person didn’t listen to me. [My words are all in vain.]

我的报告白写了。Wǒ de bàogào bái xiěle. – [My report was written in vain.] I wrote my report in vain.

今天的单词都白学了。Jīntiān de dāncí dōu bái xuéle. – I studied the words in vain today.


(15) How to use “V+下来”? | Chinese Grammar Lesson | 5idea Chinese

V + 下来 Xiàlái  = It is used to indicate that somebody has persisted in doing something.

每天早起很难,但我坚持下来了。Měitiān zǎoqǐ hěn nán, dàn wǒ jiānchí xiàláile. – Getting up early is hard. But I have persisted in it.

学汉语很难,但我还是学下来了。Xué hànyǔ hěn nán, dàn wǒ háishì xué xiàláile. – Studying Chinese is hard. But I kept studying it.

每个人都放弃了,只有我坚持下来了。Měi gèrén dōu fàngqìle, zhǐyǒu wǒ jiānchí xiàláile. – Everyone gave up, but I persisted in it.

我没坚持下来。Wǒ méi jiānchí xiàlái. – I didn’t persist in doing it.


(16) How to use “V+下去”? | Chinese Grammar Lesson | 5idea Chinese Learn Chinese

V + 下去 xiàqù  = It is used to indicate that somebody decides to keep doing something from now on.

谢谢你的鼓励,我会继续坚持下去的。Xièxiè nǐ de gǔlì, wǒ huì jìxù jiānchí xiàqù de. – Thank you for your encouragement. I will continue doing it.

为了在中国生活下去,我要好好学习中文。Wèile zài zhōngguó shēnghuó xiàqù, wǒ yào hǎo hào xuéxí zhōngwén. – In order to keep living in China, I’ll study Chinese hard.

请说下去。Qǐng shuō xiàqù. – Please keep talking.

我会学下去的。Wǒ huì xué xiàqù de. – I will persist in studying.


(17) How to use “难怪”? | Chinese Grammar Lesson | 5idea Chinese Learn Chinese

她生病了,难怪她看起来那么累。Tā shēngbìngle, nánguài tā kàn qǐlái nàme lèi. – She gets sick. No wonder she looks so tired.

他不喜欢运动,难怪他身体不好。Tā bù xǐhuān yùndòng, nánguài tā shēntǐ bù hǎo. – He doesn’t like exercising. No wonder he is not healthy.

他刚来广州,难怪他不知道怎么去。Tā gāng lái guǎngzhōu, nánguài tā bù zhīdào zěnme qù. – He just came to Guangzhou. No wonder he doesn’t know how to go there.

他已经在中国生活了五年了,难怪他的汉语这么好。Tā yǐjīng zài zhōngguó shēnghuóle wǔ niánle, nánguài tā de hànyǔ zhème hǎo. – [He has lived in China for five years. No wonder his Chinese is so good.] He has already live in China for five years. No wonder his Chinese is so good.


(18) How to use “是……的”? | Chinese Grammar Lesson | 5idea Chinese Learn Chinese

是。。。的 Shì… De = It is used to emphasize the time, person or the way of doing something.

我是二零一七年毕业的。Wǒ shì èr líng yīqī nián bìyè de. – I graduated in 2017.

是他帮我修的电脑。Shì tā bāng wǒ xiū de diànnǎo. – [It was the computer he helped me repair.] He helped me repair the computer.

我是坐飞机来中国的。Wǒ shì zuò fēijī lái zhōngguó de. – I came to China by air.


(19) How to use “还没”? | Chinese Grammar Lesson | 5idea Chinese Learn Chinese

还没 Hái méi  – has/have not done smth… yet





How to Order FOOD in Chinese | Survival Chinese | 5idea Chinese


Wǒ xiǎng yào zhège hé nàgè./


Wǒ xiǎng yào zhège hái yǒu nàgè.

– I want this and that.

就这样。Jiù zhèyàng. – That’s it.

够了。Gòule. – That’s enough.

好了。Hǎole. – OK.

不够再点 Bùgòu zài diǎn ~~  – I will order again if the dishes already ordered are not enough.
