Learn Chinese with Pegasus
二十多年前,我还是个少年打开家里刚买的彩电看到了五百五十五港京拉力赛。Èrshí duō nián qián, wǒ háishì gè shàonián dǎkāi jiālǐ gāng mǎi de cǎidiàn kàn dàole wǔbǎi wǔshíwǔ gǎng jīng lālìsài. – Twenty years ago, I was a teenager when I opened the color TV I just bought at home and watched the 555 Hong Kong-Beijing Rally.
我惊呆了原来车还能这样开。Wǒ jīng dāile yuánlái chē hái néng zhèyàng kāi. – I was shocked that the car can still drive like this.
我立志长大以后也要成为一个拉力车手。Wǒ lìzhì zhǎng dà yǐhòu yě yào chéngwéi yīgè lālì chēshǒu. – I am determined to become a rally driver when I grow up.
一九九九年世界拉力锦标赛在中国举行。Yījiǔjiǔjiǔ nián shìjiè lālì jǐnbiāosài zài zhōngguó jǔxíng. – The 1999 World Rally Championship was held in China.
我瞒着家人坐火车去北京看比赛。Wǒ mánzhe jiārén zuò huǒchē qù běijīng kàn bǐsài. – I took the train to Beijing to watch the game without telling my family.
当拉力赛车在我身边呼啸而过我知道, 这将是我的一生热爱。Dāng lālì sàichē zài wǒ shēnbiān hūxiào érguò wǒ zhīdào, zhè jiāng shì wǒ de yīshēng rè’ài. – When the rally car whizzed past me, I knew it would be the love of my life.
我将为此一直奋斗。Wǒ jiāng wèi cǐ yīzhí fèndòu. – I will always fight for this.
后来我真的成了一个拉力车手戴上头盔, 绑上安全带。Hòulái wǒ zhēn de chéngle yīgè lālì chēshǒu dài shàng tou kuī, bǎng shàng ānquán dài. – Then I really became a rally rider wearing a helmet and wearing a seat belt.
听着领航员的路书,我宛如新生那些只能在电视上看到的中国顶级拉力车手们。Tīngzhe lǐngháng yuán de lùshū, wǒ wǎnrú xīnshēng nàxiē zhǐ néng zài diànshì shàng kàn dào de zhōngguó dǐngjí lālì chēshǒumen. – Listening to the navigator’s road book, I feel like newcomers who can only see China’s top rally drivers on TV.
我终于能和他们在现实里交手。Wǒ zhōngyú néng hé tāmen zài xiànshí lǐ jiāoshǒu. – I can finally play against them in reality.
我和我的搭档,也变得越来越强巴音布鲁克。Wǒ hé wǒ de dādàng, yě biàn dé yuè lái yuè qiáng bā yīn bùlǔkè. – My partner and I have also become stronger and stronger.
那里有着四千米的海拔有悬崖,峭壁森林,雪山。Nà li yǒuzhe sìqiān mǐ dì hǎibá yǒu xuányá, qiàobì sēnlín, xuěshān. – There are cliffs, cliff forests, and snow-capped mountains at an altitude of 4,000 meters.
赢下巴音布鲁克的人就是赢下了中国赛车的最高荣誉。Yíng xiàbā yīn bùlǔkè de rén jiùshì yíng xiàle zhōngguó sàichē de zuìgāo róngyù. – The person who wins Bayinbrook will win the highest honor of Chinese racing.
我,连续赢了五届。那年我三十二岁。Wǒ, liánxù yíngle wǔ jiè. Nà nián wǒ sānshí’èr suì. – I have won five consecutive times. I was thirty-two years old that year.
在后来你就出生了。在那一年呢爸爸我也因为某些事情不能再参加比赛。Zài hòulái nǐ jiù chūshēngle. Zài nà yī nián ne bàba wǒ yě yīnwèi mǒu xiē shìqíng bùnéng zài cānjiā bǐsài. – Later you were born. In that year, Dad and I could no longer participate in the competition because of certain things.
所以你恰好一场爸爸的比赛都没看过。但是这不代表爸爸骗了你。Suǒyǐ nǐ qiàhǎo yī chǎng bàba de bǐsài dōu méi kànguò. Dànshì zhè bù dàibiǎo bàba piànle nǐ. – So you happen to have never watched a dad’s game. But this does not mean that Dad lied to you.
也不代表着件赛车服就是假货。Yě bù dàibiǎozhuó jiàn sàichē fú jiùshì jiǎ huò. – It doesn’t mean that a racing suit is fake.
-懂了吗?-懂了。-Dǒngle ma?-Dǒngle. – -understand? -understood.
觉得爸爸要是穿上它会像什么?Juédé bàba yàoshi chuān shàng tā huì xiàng shénme? – What do you think Dad would look like if he put it on?
像送外卖的。怎么像送外卖的呢?Xiàng sòng wàimài de. Zěnme xiàng sòng wàimài de ne? – Like a takeaway. How is it like a takeaway?
穿上就不像了。Chuān shàng jiù bù xiàngle. – It doesn’t look like it on.
气质出来点没有?Qìzhí chūlái diǎn méiyǒu? – Is there any temperament?
爸爸当年就是掺着这件赛服战无不胜连续获得了五年的总冠军。Bàba dāngnián jiùshì cànzhe zhè jiàn sài fú zhàn wú bùshèng liánxù huòdéle wǔ nián de zǒng guànjūn. – Dad used this uniform to win the championship for five consecutive years.
儿子,爸还像送外卖的吗?Érzi, bà hái xiàng sòng wàimài de ma? – Son, is Dad still like a takeaway?
您点的外卖。。。Nín diǎn de wàimài… – The takeaway you ordered. . .
都是同行,你什么态度啊?Dōu shì tóngxíng, nǐ shénme tàidù a? – They are all peers, what is your attitude?
欢迎收听 FM 111。1,为您带来的午间播报。Huānyíng shōutīng FM 111.1, Wèi nín dài lái de wǔjiān bōbào. – Welcome to listen to FM 111. 1, the noon broadcast for you.
曾经的著名车手张驰今天突然要举行一场汽联听证会。Céngjīng de zhùmíng chēshǒu zhāngchí jīntiān túrán yào jǔxíng yī chǎng qì lián tīngzhèng huì. – The once famous driver Zhang Chi suddenly wants to hold an Auto Federation hearing today.
动机和诉求不明。本台记者将前往现场给大家带来第一手的消息。Dòngjī hé sùqiú bùmíng. Běn tái jìzhě jiāng qiánwǎng xiànchǎng gěi dàjiā dài lái dì yī shǒu de xiāoxī. – Motivation and aspirations are unknown. Our reporter will go to the scene to bring you first-hand news.
很多人对这个名字都有些陌生了。所谓一失足成千古恨,天堂。。。Hěnduō rén duì zhège míngzì dōu yǒuxiē mòshēngle. Suǒwèi yī shīzú chéng qiāngǔ hèn, tiāntáng… – Many people are a little unfamiliar with this name. The so-called misstep is a hatred for eternity, heaven. . .