Kendra’s Language School

1000 Phrases to Speak Chinese Fluently – with the narrator’s clear voice 我们面对面坐了下来。你可以乘公共汽车去车站。纽约的冬天可能很冷。我差点犯了个错误。我们住在一个大图书馆附近。她把日历挂在上了。到车站花了五分钟。明天再来。她弹吉他。他不抽烟。七月的天气通常很热。我不喜欢这件夹克。你看起来病了。闭上你的嘴。这些不是我的书。你读完小说了吗?谁来照顾你的狗?他打破了世界纪录。 [Wǒmen miànduìmiàn zuòle xiàlái. Nǐ kěyǐ chéng gōnggòng qìchē qù chēzhàn. Niǔyuē de dōngtiān kěnéng hěn lěng. Wǒ chàdiǎn fànle gè cuòwù. Wǒmen zhù zài yīgè dà túshū guǎn fùjìn. Tā bǎ rìlì guà zài shàngle. Dào chēzhàn huāle wǔ fēnzhōng. Míngtiān zàilái. Tā dàn jítā. Tā bù chōuyān. Qī yuè de tiānqì tōngcháng hěn rè. Wǒ bù xǐhuān zhè jiàn jiákè. Nǐ kàn qǐlái bìngle. Bì shàng nǐ de zuǐ. Zhèxiē bùshì wǒ de shū. Nǐ dú wán xiǎoshuōle ma? Shéi lái zhàogù nǐ de gǒu? Tā dǎpòle shìjiè jìlù.] We sat down face to face. You can go to the station by bus. Winter in New York can be very cold. I nearly made a mistake. We live near a big library. She hung the calendar on the wall. It took five minutes to get to the station. Come again tomorrow. She plays the guitar. He doesn’t smoke. The weather is usually hot in July.I don’t like this jacket. You look sick. Shut your mouth.These are not my books. Have you finished reading the novel? Who will look after the dog? [Who will take care of your dog?] He broke the world record. 你不渴吗?他想再见到我们。那些书是他们的。洗脸。我想知道她是否会嫁给他。问问他把他的车停在那里。Nǐ bù kě ma? Tā xiǎng zàijiàn dào wǒmen. Nàxiē shū shì tāmen de. Xǐliǎn. Wǒ xiǎng zhīdào tā shìfǒu huì jià gěi tā. Wèn wèn tā bǎ tā de chē tíng zài nàlǐ. – Are you not thirsty? He wants to see us again. Those books are theirs. wash your face. I wonder if she will marry him. Ask him where he parked his car. 我父亲抽烟。我来自东京。他打了网球。你能解决这个问题吗?Wǒ fùqīn chōuyān. Wǒ láizì dōngjīng. Tā dǎle wǎngqiú. Nǐ néng jiějué zhège wèntí ma? – My father smokes. I am from Tokyo. He played tennis. Can you do this problem? 他跑得比我快。Tā pǎo dé bǐ wǒ kuài. – He runs faster than I do. 我才刚开始。Wǒ cáigāng kāishǐ. – I’m just begining. 你和谁在一起吗?Nǐ hé shéi zài yīqǐ ma? – Were you with anyone? 他在生物学考试时作弊。Tā zài shēngwù xué kǎoshì shí zuòbì. – He cheated on the biology exam. 你昨天忙吗?Nǐ zuótiān máng ma? – Were you busy yesterday? 我希望我能。Wǒ xīwàng wǒ néng. – I wish I could. 我耳朵疼。Wǒ ěrduǒ téng. – I have an earache. 我每年去我父亲家两次。Wǒ měinián qù wǒ fù qìng jiā liǎng cì. – I go to my father’s place twice a year. 他保证过会来却没有来。Tā bǎozhèngguò huì lái què méiyǒu lái. – He promised to come, but he didn’t come. 这是一本书。Zhè shì yī běn shū. – This is a book. 他们忘记锁门了。Tāmen wàngjì suǒ ménle. – They forgot to lock the door. 当心!Dāngxīn! – Take care! 他似乎不是美国人。Tā sìhū bùshì měiguó rén. – He doesn’t seem to be an American. 我想让你和我一起去。Wǒ xiǎng ràng nǐ hé wǒ yīqǐ qù. – I woud like you to come with me. 我六点半回来。Wǒ liù diǎn bàn huílái. – I will be back at half past six. 他一句也没说。Tā yījù yě méi shuō. – He didn’t say a word. 我喜欢这张照片。Wǒ xǐhuān zhè zhāng zhàopiàn. – I love this picture. 我刚才看见他了。Wǒ gāngcái kànjiàn tāle. – I saw him just now. 那人抢走了他所有的钱。Nà rén qiǎng zǒule tā suǒyǒu de qián. – The man robbed him all his money. 你的长处是什么?Nǐ de cháng chù shì shénme? – What are your strong points? 桌子上有一把剪刀。Zhuōzi shàng yǒuyī bǎ jiǎndāo. – There is a pair of scissors on the desk. 你昨天玩得开心吗?Nǐ zuótiān wán dé kāixīn ma? – Did you have a good time yesterday? 有人正在弹钢琴。Yǒurén zhèngzài dàn gāngqín. – Somebody is playing the piano. 那个女人是谁?Nàgè nǚrén shì shéi? – Who is that woman? 我不认识他们。Wǒ bù rènshí tāmen. – I know none of them. 你最好不要去。Nǐ zuì hǎo bùyào qù. – You’d better not go. 我可以借你的字典吗?Wǒ kěyǐ jiè nǐ de zìdiǎn ma? – May I borrow your dictionary? 她踢开了门。Tā tī kāile mén. – She kicked the door. 我的业余爱好是收集硬币。Wǒ de yèyú àihào shì shōují yìngbì. – My hobby is collecting coins. 他所有的钱都被抢走了。Tā suǒyǒu de qián dōu bèi qiǎng zǒule. – He was robbed of all his money. 我们通常中午吃午饭。Wǒmen tōngcháng zhōngwǔ chī wǔfàn. – We usually have lunch at noon. 这里有人会说日语吗?Zhè li yǒurén huì shuō rìyǔ ma? – Does anyone here speak Japanese? 这是我女儿。Zhè shì wǒ nǚ’ér. – This is my daughter. 我八年前结婚了。Wǒ bā nián qián jiéhūnle. – I got married eight years ago. 我睡了九个小时。Wǒ shuìle jiǔ gè xiǎoshí. – I slept nine hours. 你会待在家吗?Nǐ huì dài zàijiā ma? – Will you stay at home? 从这里到学校很远。Cóng zhèlǐ dào xuéxiào hěn yuǎn. – It’s a long way from here to school. 让我们打开窗户。Ràng wǒmen dǎkāi chuānghù. – Let’s open the windows. 我妹妹每周上两次钢琴课。Wǒ mèimei měi zhōu shàng liǎng cì gāngqín kè. – My sister takes piano lessons twice a week. 她也不明白我的意思。Tā yě bù míngbái wǒ de yìsi. – She doesn’t understand me, either. 我们一起去看电影好吗?Wǒmen yīqǐ qù kàn diànyǐng hǎo ma? – Why don’t you come to the movies with me? 他的回答和我的不一样。Tā de huídá hé wǒ de bù yīyàng. – His answer is different from mine. 我会和你一起去。Wǒ huì hé nǐ yīqǐ qù. – I will come with you. 桌子上有一个橘子。Zhuōzi shàng yǒu yīgè júzi. – There is an orange on the table. 我现在得走了。Wǒ xiànzài dé zǒule. – I’ve got to go now. 你这星期去哪儿了?Nǐ zhè xīngqí qù nǎ’erle? – Where have you been this week? 你要什么拿什么。Nǐ yào shénme ná shénme. – Take anything you want. 博物馆的入口在哪里?Bówùguǎn de rùkǒu zài nǎlǐ? – Where is the entrance to the museum?
Learn Chinese for English Speakers (from beginner to intermediate) 1 0:59 Must-know Chinese (Mandarin) Phrases to Learn in 1 Minute #Shorts 2 4:37:17 1000 Phrases to Speak Chinese Fluently – with the narrator’s clear voice 3 2:07:02 500 Slightly Long Chinese Phrases to Speak Fluently (Intermediate Level) 4 1:46:34 320 Dialogues to Speak Chinese Fluently – with the narrator’s clear voice 5 47:28 200 Chinese Conversation Phrases for Beginners – Easy & Slow 6 2:51:16 Efficient training of Chinese listening – Beginner Level 7 3:09:10 Efficient training of Chinese listening – Intermediate Level 8 2:52:28 Chinese listening practice using basic words – Perfect for HSK level 4 test preparation 9 2:58:05 1000 Chinese mini dialogues – Let’s practice Chinese conversation! 10 2:05:59 Slow & Easy Chinese Conversation Practice (Mandarin Chinese) 11 2:35:54 Basic Chinese Words Flashcards 1179 – HSK 1 to 4 Vocabulary (汉语口语水平) 12 1:53:52 1311 Intermediate Chinese Words – HSK Level 5 Vocabulary (汉语口语水平) 13 3:48:48 2513 Advanced Chinese Words – HSK Level 6 Vocabulary 14 30:32 99 Chinese Basic Expressions for Communication – with the narrator’s clear voice 15 38:55 118 Useful Chinese phrases for everyday situations – with the narrator’s clear voice 16 2:08:27 Conversational Chinese Dialogues for Everyday Life — Beginners to Intermediates 17 1:44:01 Practice Listening to Chinese Spoken at the LOCAL SPEED – Can you catch that? 18 56:04 Effective Chinese Listening Training for Super Beginners (Recorded by Professional Voice Actors) 19 1:07:42 Slow Speaking Chinese for Beginners — Slow & Easy to Learn!
1. Must-know Chinese (Mandarin) Phrases to Learn in 1 Minute #Shorts 你好。早上好。晚上好。再见。谢谢。我很抱歉。我饿了。很好吃的。我要这个。不用了,谢谢。你说什么?这个多少钱? [Nǐ hǎo. Zǎoshang hǎo. Wǎnshàng hǎo. Zàijiàn. Xièxiè. Wǒ hěn bàoqiàn. Wǒ èle. Hěn hào chī de. Wǒ yào zhège. Bùyòngle, xièxiè. Nǐ shuō shénme? Zhège duōshǎo qián?] – Hello. Good morning. Good evening. Goodbye. Thank you. I’m sorry. I’m hungry. It’s delicious. I’ll take this. No, thank you. What did you say? How much is this?

高效練耳朵英語聽力(中高級篇・不帶中文音頻)- 提高您的英語聽力技能 高效练耳朵听力中高篇・不带中文音频)- 提高您的英语听力技能 Gāoxiào liàn ěrduǒ yīngyǔ tīnglì (zhōng gāojí piānbù dài zhōngwén yīnpín)- tígāo nín de yīngyǔ tīnglì jìnéng  – Efficiently practice ear English listening (intermediate and advanced articles, without Chinese audio)-improve your English listening skills 高效练耳朵 英语听力 中高级篇·不带中文音频 Gāoxiào liàn ěrduǒ yīngyǔ tīnglì zhōng gāojí piān·bù dài zhōngwén yīnpín – Efficient ear training English listening Intermediate and advanced articles without Chinese audio 学习方法 1。先播放两次语音 2。再播放两次语音,这次有字幕显示 Xuéxí fāngfǎ
  1. Xiān bòfàng liǎng cì yǔyīn
  2. Zài bòfàng liǎng cì yǔyīn, zhè cì yǒu zìmù xiǎnshì
– study method
  1. Play the voice twice first
  2. Play the voice twice, this time with subtitles
这些问题越难,我能回答出的可能性就越小。 Zhèxiē wèntí yuè nán, wǒ néng huídá chū de kěnéng xìng jiù yuè xiǎo. – The more difficult the questions are, the less likely I’ll be able to answer them. 罗伯特太忙了,他不得不拒绝了打高尔夫球的邀请。 Luōbótè tài mángle, tā bùdé bù jùjuéle dǎ gāo’ěrfū qiú de yāoqǐng. – Robert was so busy that he had to turn down an invitation to play golf. 这骆驼很温顺,任何人都能骑它。Zhè luòtuó hěn wēnshùn, rènhé rén dōu néng qí tā. – This camel is so tame that anyone can ride it. 他们在一边盖了二十五层楼,另一边盖了三十五层楼。Tāmen zài yībiān gàile èrshíwǔ céng lóu, lìng yībiān gàile sānshíwǔ céng lóu. – They built up twenty-five stories on one side and thirty-five stories on the other.