
CHINESE SLANG | Slang & Idioms With Character of méi


没戏 Méixì  – drama, not the chance

欸,你面试怎么样啦?Āi, nǐ miànshì zěnme yàng la?  – Hey, how was your interview?

没关系。Méiguānxì. – It’s all good.

对不起对不起啊!Duìbùqǐ duìbùqǐ a! – Sorry, sorry!

哎呀,没关系啦。Āiyā, méiguānxì la. – No worries.

没事儿。Méishì er. – No worries.

没门儿。Méimén er.  – No freaking way.

没问题。Méi wèntí. – No problem.

相信你自己,你没问题哒。Xiāngxìn nǐ zìjǐ, nǐ méi wèntí dá. – You just need to trust yourself!

没心情。Méi xīnqíng. – Not in the mood.

没时间。Méi shíjiān. – No time.

没空。Méi kōng. – No time.

唉,我忙着呢,没空。Āi, wǒ máng zhene, méi kōng. – I am busy, no time.

没救了。Méi jiùle. – Hopeless.

他真的没救了。Tā zhēn de méi jiùle. – He is hopeless.

没溜儿。Méi liū er. – Silly.

你太没溜儿。Nǐ tài méi liū er. – You are so silly.

欸欸欸,你觉得这两个颜色哪个比较好看?Āi āi āi, nǐ juédé zhè liǎng gè yánsè nǎge bǐjiào hǎokàn? – Hey, which colour of these do you like better?

没差。/没有差别。Méi chà./Méiyǒu chābié. – No difference.

没办法。Méi bànfǎ. – It is what it is.

哎,我拿他是真的买办法。Āi, wǒ ná tā shì zhēn de mǎi bànfǎ. – I really don’t know what to do with you.


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你等一下干嘛?Nǐ děng yīxià gàn ma?  – What are you going to do later?

等一下。Děng yīxià.  – Wait a second.

这是什么东西?Zhè shì shénme dōngxī?  – What is this?

这个多少钱?Zhège duōshǎo qián?  – How much is it?

但是我不想去。Dànshì wǒ bùxiǎng qù.  – But I don’t want to go.

你去哪儿?Nǐ qù nǎ’er?  – Where are you going?

等会儿。Děng huì er.  – Wait a second.

哥们儿 Gēmen er  – bro


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平翘舌(音)Píng qiào shé (yīn)  – Flat tongue

四十四,十是十,十四是十四,四十是四十。Sìshísì, shí shì shí, shísì shì shísì, sìshí shì sìshí.  – Forty-four, ten is ten, fourteen is fourteen, forty is forty.

山前有四十四颗死柿子树。Shān qián yǒu sìshísì kē sǐ shì zǐ shù. – There are forty-four dead tomato trees in front of the hill.

山后有四十四只石狮子。Shān hòu yǒu sìshísì zhǐ shí shīzi.  – There are forty-four stone lions at the back of the hill.


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