Simple Chinese sentences

重要信息!组装和/或使用本产品之前请通读该手册。请产格遵循手册说明, 保留手册供日后参考。[Zhòngyào xìnxī! Zǔzhuāng hé/huò shǐyòng běn chǎnpǐn zhīqián qǐng tōngdú gāi shǒucè. Qǐng chǎn gé zūnxún shǒucè shuōmíng, bǎoliú shǒucè gōng rìhòu cānkǎo.] – Important information! Please read the entire manual carefully before starting to assemble and/or using this product. Fllow the manual thoroughly and keep it for further reference.

防刮警告!为了避免刮伤家具,应在地毯等软面上进行组装。[Fáng guā jǐnggào! Wèile bìmiǎn guā shāng jiājù, yīng zài dìtǎn děng ruǎn miàn shàng jìnxíng zǔzhuāng.] – Warning to avoid scratches! In order to avoid scratching this furniture should be assembled on a soft layer – could be a rug.

本产品必须使用提供的支架固定到墙上,以免翻倒造成致命伤害。产品包装内只含有将防翻倒支架与产品固定在一起的螺钉。请与 DIY 或五金店。
[Fáng fān dào jǐnggào! Běn chǎnpǐn bìxū shǐyòng tígōng de zhījià gùdìng dào qiáng shàng, yǐmiǎn fān dào zàochéng zhìmìng shānghài. Chǎnpǐn bāozhuāng nèi zhǐ hányǒu jiàng fáng fān dào zhījià yǔ chǎnpǐn gùdìng zài yīqǐ de luódīng. Qǐng yǔ DIY huò wǔjīn diàn.] – Anti-topple warning! This product has to be permanently fixed to the wall with the bracket(s) included, to avoid fatal injury in case it topples over. The pack only contains screws for fastening the anti-topple bracket(s) itself to the product. Please contact your DIY or hardware store for advice on the correct type of screws/raw plugs for your type of wall.

重要提示!使用任何类的螺钉组装的产品,必须在组装 2 周后重新拧紧,并且每 3 个月重新拧紧一次,以确保产品在整个使用期内结实稳固。
[Zhòngyào tíshì! Shǐyòng rènhé lèi de luódīng zǔzhuāng de chǎnpǐn, bìxū zài zǔzhuāng 2 zhōu hòu chóngxīn níngjǐn, bìngqiě měi 3 gè yuè chóngxīn níngjǐn yīcì, yǐ quèbǎo chǎnpǐn zài zhěnggè shǐyòng qí nèi jiēshi wěngù.] – Important! It is important that any product which is assembled using any kind of screw is re-tightened 2 weeks after asembly, and once every 3 months – in order to assure stability through-out the lifespan of the product.

针对实木及复合类 (三聚氰胺面,层板,胶合板)家具的一般说明
请用干净的布擦干。[Zhēnduì shímù jí fùhé lèi (sānjùqíng’ān miàn, céng bǎn, jiāohébǎn) jiājù de yībān shuōmíng qǐng yòng shībù cāshì. Zhǐ shǐyòng shuǐ huò wēnhé xǐdí jì. Qǐng yòng gānjìng de bù cā gān.] – General instruction for furniture made of wood or wood composites such as melamine, laminate or veneer surfaces! Wipe clean with a damp cloth. Use only water or a gentle detergent. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.

Bù hǎoyìsi, qǐng ràng yī ràng bù hǎoyìsi, máfan nǐle bù hǎoyìsi, xià cì wǒ bù huì zhèyàngle. Bù hǎoyìsi, qǐngwèn yīxià…… – I’m sorry, please let it go
Sorry to trouble you
Sorry, I won’t do this next time.
Excuse me, just ask…
不好意思,我爸爸不在家。Bù hǎoyìsi, wǒ bàba bù zàijiā. – I’m sorry my father is out.
不好意思,我没零钱。Bù hǎoyìsi, wǒ méi língqián. – Sorry, I don’t have any change.
不好意思,我要走了。Bù hǎoyìsi, wǒ yào zǒule. – I am afraid I must be going now.
对不起,我不该那样说你。Duìbùqǐ, wǒ bù gāi nàyàng shuō nǐ. – I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that to you.
不好意思我發音不太好。Bù hǎoyìsi wǒ fāyīn bù tài hǎo. – I’m sorry my pronunciation isn’t very good.
真不好意思,辛苦你了!Zhēn bù hǎoyìsi, xīnkǔ nǐle! – I’m really sorry to trouble you!
不好意思,我想请问一下您现在几点了?Bù hǎoyìsi, wǒ xiǎng qǐngwèn yīxià nín xiànzài jǐ diǎnle? – Excuse me, what time is it now?
不好意思,不小心踩到您了。Bù hǎoyìsi, bù xiǎoxīn cǎi dào nínle. – Sorry, I accidentally stepped on you.
不好意思啊,路上堵车了。Bù hǎoyìsi a, lùshàng dǔchēle. – Sorry, there is a traffic jam on the road.
不好意思,请问附近哪有卫生间?Bù hǎoyìsi, qǐngwèn fùjìn nǎ yǒu wèishēngjiān? – Excuse me, is there a restroom nearby?
我在一家非常富有创新精神的公司工作。Wǒ zài yījiā fēicháng fùyǒu chuàngxīn jīngshén de gōngsī gōngzuò. – I work for a very innovative company.

是故意的,还是不小心的!Shì gùyì de, háishì bù xiǎoxīn de! – on purpose or not
[故意的 means “intentional , on purpose”
不小心的 means “accidentally , careless”]
所以当使用”是故意的,还是不小心的!”这句话时,表示质疑某人做这件事的目的,是刻意的或者是无心的。Suǒyǐ dāng shǐyòng”shì gùyì de, háishì bù xiǎoxīn de!”Zhè jù huà shí, biǎoshì zhíyí mǒu rén zuò zhè jiàn shì de mùdì, shì kèyì de huòzhě shì wúxīn de. – So when using the phrase “intentional or careless!”, it means to question someone’s purpose in doing this, whether it is intentional or unintentional.

Nǐ xuéxí hào rènzhēn a! Nǐ zěnme bù xuéxí ne? Nǐ xuéxí hào rènzhēn ó! [Yòng yú jù mò qiángdiào yǔqì.] – You study hard!
Why don’t you study?
You study hard!
[Used at the end of a sentence to emphasize the tone. 】

Sentences with 有什么~的
这道菜有什么好吃的?这本书有什么好看的?这个店有什么好逛的?Zhè dào cài yǒu shé me hào chī de? Zhè běn shū yǒu shé me hǎokàn de? Zhège diàn yǒu shé me hǎo guàng de?
– What’s so good about this dish? What’s so good about this book? What is there to do in this store?

Máojīn. Bǎi fēn zhī yībǎi mián. Biàn yòng qián qīngxǐ. Yǔ xiāngsì yánsè de zhìpǐn yītóng xǐdí. Tóu jǐ cì yīng fèn kāi xǐdí. – towel. One hundred percent cotton. Wash before use. Wash with similar coloured articles. The first few times should be washed separately.

Sentences with 委屈

委屈可以作形容词,是说受到了不应该有的指责,心里难过。(feel wronged/suffer from injustice)当然也可以作动词,表示使人受委屈。
他一点也不肯委屈自己;Dāngrán yě kěyǐ zuò dòngcí, biǎoshì shǐ rén shòu wěiqu. Māmā méiyǒu gǎo qīng zhuàngkuàng jiù mà wǒ, wǒ hěn wěiqu; tā xīnkǔle bàntiān hái bèi mányuàn, juédé hěn wěiqu; bié wěiqule, fàncuò de yòu bùshì nǐ; tā yīdiǎn yě bù kěn wěiqu zìjǐ; – Of course, it can also be used as a verb, which means to make people feel wronged.
My mother scolds me without understanding the situation, I am very aggrieved;
He worked hard for a long time and was complained, feeling very aggrieved;
Don’t be wronged, it’s not you who made the mistake;
He is not at all unwilling to wrong himself;
Bǎobǎo wěiqu, dàn bǎobǎo bù shuō. Bié wěiqu zìjǐ, xǐhuān shénme jiù mǎi. Shòu déliǎo wěiqu, cáinéng chéngshì. – The baby is wronged, but the baby does not say it.
Don’t hurt yourself, just buy what you like.
You can get things done if you suffer grievances.

意思是说,事物的存在是相对于人而言的。 人的感觉怎样,事物就怎样;对同一事物的感觉,因人因时而异,这些不同的感觉并无真假是非之分。
Rén shì wànwù de chǐdù. Rén shì wànwù de chǐdù, shì cúnzài de shìwù cúnzài de chǐdù, yěshì bù cúnzài de shìwù bù cúnzài de chǐdù. Yìsi shì shuō, shìwù de cúnzài shì xiāngduì yú rén ér yán de. Rén de gǎnjué zěnyàng, shìwù jiù zěnyàng; duì tóngyī shìwù de gǎnjué, yīn rén yīn shí’ér yì, zhèxiē bùtóng de gǎnjué bìng wú zhēn jiǎ shìfēi zhī fēn. – Man is the measure of all things.
Man is the measure of all things, the measure of the existence of things that exist, and the measure of the non-existence of things that do not exist.
It means that the existence of things is relative to people. What people feel, things are like; the feeling of the same thing varies from person to person from time to time, and these different feelings are not true or false.