Yimin Chinese

Chinese HSK4 (words+sentences)
1. Chinese HSK4 COURSE for SERIOUS learners (Explanation of words and sentences) Yimin Chinese
这个爱情故事很浪漫。Zhège àiqíng gùshì hěn làngmàn. – This love story is very romantic.
开车的时候要注意安全。Kāichē de shíhòu yào zhùyì ānquán. – You have to pay attention to safety when driving.
注意身体。Zhùyì shēntǐ. – Take care of your health.
注意休息。Zhùyì xiūxí. – Try to rest, don’t get too tired.
保护环境, 人人有责。Bǎohù huánjìng, rén rén yǒu zé. – Protecting the environment is everyone’s responsibility.
我抱着一些书。Wǒ bàozhe yīxiē shū. – I am carrying some books.
我今天给一个抱孩子的啊姨让座了。Wǒ jīntiān gěi yīgè bào háizi de a yí ràngzuòle. – Today I gave up my seat to an lady who was carrying her baby.
非常抱歉,让您久等了。Fēicháng bàoqiàn, ràng nín jiǔ děngle. – I’m very sorry to have kept you waiting.
他不笨,只是有点儿懒。Tā bù bèn, zhǐshì yǒudiǎn er lǎn. – He’s not dull, just a little lazy.
我明年毕业。Wǒ míngnián bìyè. – I’ll graduate next year.
我喜欢中国菜,比如烤鸭和火锅。Wǒ xǐhuān zhōngguó cài, bǐrú kǎoyā hé huǒguō. – I like Chinese food, such as roast duck and hot pot.
你找男朋友的标准是什么?Nǐ zhǎo nán péngyǒu de biāozhǔn shì shénme? – What is your standard when looking for a boyfriend?
有几名学生没有达到规定的标准。Yǒu jǐ míng xuéshēng méiyǒu dádào guīdìng de biāozhǔn. – Several students failed to reach the required standard.
妈妈不让他吃饼干。Māmā bù ràng tā chī bǐnggān. – His mother doesn’t let him eat cookies.
这个菜很好吃,你尝一下。Zhège cài hěn hào chī, nǐ cháng yīxià. – This dish is delicious. Try it.
楼上在装修,吵死了。Lóu shàng zài zhuāngxiū, chǎo sǐle. – Upstairs is being decorated. It’s so noisy.


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Yimin Chinese艺敏中文

我爱你。Wǒ ài nǐ. – I love you.

我八岁了。Wǒ bā suìle. – I am eight years old.

这是我爸爸。Zhè shì wǒ bàba. – This is my dad.

这个杯子是我的。Zhège bēizi shì wǒ de. – This cup is mine.

我想去北京。Wǒ xiǎng qù běijīng. – I want to go to Beijing.

我买了一本书。Wǒ mǎile yī běn shū. – I bought a book.

不客气。Bù kèqì. – You’re welcome.

我不是中国人。Wǒ bùshì zhōngguó rén. – I am not Chinese.

服务员, 点菜。Fúwùyuán, diǎn cài. – Waiter, ready to order!

我不喜欢喝茶。Wǒ bù xǐhuān hē chá. – I don’t like drinking tea.

你想吃什么?Nǐ xiǎng chī shénme? – What do you want to eat?

哪儿有出租车?Nǎ’er yǒu chūzū chē? – Where can I find a taxi?

我明天给你打电话。Wǒ míngtiān gěi nǐ dǎ diànhuà. – I will call you tomorrow.

北京很大。Běijīng hěn dà. – Beijing is very big.

这是我的电脑。Zhè shì wǒ de diànnǎo. – This is my computer.

几点了?Jǐ diǎnle? – What time is it?

我没有电脑。Wǒ méiyǒu diànnǎo. – I do not have a computer.

我在看电视。Wǒ zài kàn diànshì. – I am watching TV.

我喜欢看电影。Wǒ xǐhuān kàn diànyǐng. – I like seeing movies.

我买了很多东西。Wǒ mǎile hěnduō dōngxī. – I bought a lot stuff.

他们都是中国人。Tāmen dōu shì zhōngguó rén. – They are all Chinese.

这个字怎么读?Zhège zì zěnme dú? – How do you read this character?

对不起, 我错了。Duìbùqǐ, wǒ cuòle. – Sorry, it was my fault.

我有很多书。Wǒ yǒu hěnduō shū. – I have many books.

这个多少钱?Zhège duōshǎo qián? – How much is this?

我儿子叫Tom。Wǒ érzi jiào Tom. – My son’s name is Tom.

今天是二月二号。Jīntiān shì èr yuè èr hào. – Today is February 2nd.

我喜欢去那家饭馆。Wǒ xǐhuān qù nà jiā fànguǎn. – I like to go to that restaurant.

我不喜欢坐飞机。Wǒ bù xǐhuān zuò fēijī. – I don’t like flying.

给我五分钟。Gěi wǒ wǔ fēnzhōng. – Give me five minutes.

我太高兴了。Wǒ tài gāoxìngle. – I’m so happy.

我有两个孩子。Wǒ yǒu liǎng gè háizi. – I have two children.

我在上海工作。Wǒ zài shànghǎi gōngzuò. – I work in Shanghai.

我有一只小狗。Wǒ yǒuyī zhǐ xiǎo gǒu. – I have a puppy.

我会说一点儿汉语。Wǒ huì shuō yīdiǎn er hànyǔ. – I can speak a little Chinese.

我的汉语不太好。Wǒ de hànyǔ bù tài hǎo. – My Chinese is not very good.

我想喝茶。Wǒ xiǎng hē chá. – I want to drink tea.

我喜欢汉堡和可乐。Wǒ xǐhuān hànbǎo hàn kělè. – I like burgers (hamburgers) and coca.

今天很热。Jīntiān hěn rè. – Today is very hot.

你的袜子在沙发后面。Nǐ de wàzi zài shāfā hòumiàn. – Your socks are behind the sofa (the couch).

我想回家。Wǒ xiǎng huí jiā. – I want to go home.

我会说英语和汉语。Wǒ huì shuō yīngyǔ hé hànyǔ. – I can speak English and Chinese.

火车站远吗?Huǒchē zhàn yuǎn ma? – Is the railway station far?

你有几个孩子?Nǐ yǒu jǐ gè háizi? – How many children do you have?

我爸爸不在家。Wǒ bàba bù zàijiā. – My father is not home.



Chinese HSK2 complete course( 150 HSK 2 words+useful sentences+grammar explanation+listening)

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Positive perspective on the NEW HSK(3.0) Chinese test./No need to worry at all. Embrace it

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100 Essential Chinese Verbs! Challenge your memory and listening! Yimin Chinese

你看!那是什么?Nǐ kàn! Nà shì shénme?  – Look! What is that?

你喜欢什么颜色?Nǐ xǐhuān shénme yánsè?  – What colour do you like?

我想去中国学汉语。Wǒ xiǎng qù zhōngguó xué hànyǔ.  – I want to go to China to learn Chinese.

她不想要孩子。Tā bùxiǎng yào háizi. – She doesn’t want children.

我明天去日本。Wǒ míngtiān qù rìběn.  – I will go to Japan tomorrow.

你会说汉语吗?Nǐ huì shuō hànyǔ ma?  – Do you speak Chinese?

你明天想做什么?Nǐ míngtiān xiǎng zuò shénme?  – What do you want to do tomorrow?

他是我的汉语老师。Tā shì wǒ de hànyǔ lǎoshī. – He is my Chinese teacher.

师我有一个问题。Lǎoshī wǒ yǒu yīgè wèntí.  – Teacher, I have a question.

我没有女朋友。Wǒ méiyǒu nǚ péngyǒu.  – I don’t have a girlfriend.

我在上海, 你呢?Wǒ zài shànghǎi, nǐ ne?  – I’m in Shanghai, and you?

我喜欢听这种音乐。Wǒ xǐhuān tīng zhè zhǒng yīnyuè.  – I like listening to this kind of music.

我吃了你的饼干。Wǒ chīle nǐ de bǐnggān.  – I ate your cookies.

他和朋友去喝酒了。Tā hé péngyǒu qù hējiǔle.  – He went to drink with his friend.

我可以玩你的手机吗?Wǒ kěyǐ wán nǐ de shǒujī ma?  – Can I play with your cellphone?

还不会写汉字。Wǒ hái bù huì xiě hànzì.  – I don’t know how to write Chinese characters yet.

你来我的办公室。Nǐ lái wǒ de bàngōngshì.  – You come to my office.

你不能打孩子。Nǐ bùnéng dǎ háizi.  – You can’t hit a child.

你学汉语多久了?Nǐ xué hànyǔ duōjiǔle?  – How long have you been learning Chinese?

你可以教我汉语吗?Nǐ kěyǐ jiào wǒ hànyǔ ma?  – Can you teach me Chinese?

你猜我是谁。Nǐ cāi wǒ shì shéi.  – Guess who I am.

你告诉她我辞职了。Nǐ gàosù tā wǒ cízhíle.  – Tell her that I quitted my job.

我想买一台新电脑。Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yī táixīn diànnǎo.  – I want to buy a new computer.

不好意思,卖完了。Bù hǎoyìsi, mài wánliǎo.  – Sorry, it’s sold out.

谢谢你帮我。Xièxiè nǐ bāng wǒ.  – Thanks for helping me.

你在找什么?Nǐ zài zhǎo shénme?  – What are you looking for?

变了。Nǐ biànle.  – You’ve changed.

你不能酒后开车。Nǐ bùnéng jiǔ hòu kāichē.  – You can’t drive after drinking.

他在北京工作。Tā zài běijīng gōngzuò.  – He is working in Beijing.

他在外面等她的女儿。Tā zài wàimiàn děng tā de nǚ’ér.  – He was waiting for her daughter outside.

新的一天开始了。Xīn de yītiān kāishǐle.  – A new day starts.

你怕什么?Nǐ pà shénme?  – What are you afraid of?

你会用筷子吗?Nǐ huì yòng kuàizi ma?  – Do you know how to use chopsticks?

给了我一个拥抱。Tā gěile wǒ yīgè yǒngbào.  – He gave me a hug.

让我试一下。Ràng wǒ shì yīxià.  – Let me try it.

问她了吗?Nǐ wèn tāle ma?  – Did you ask her?

我需要你的帮助。Wǒ xūyào nǐ de bāngzhù.  – I need your help.

我不相信你说的话。Wǒ bù xiāngxìn nǐ shuō dehuà.  – I don’t believe what you said.

请坐!Qǐng zuò!  – Sit down, please!

我明白你的意思。Wǒ míngbái nǐ de yìsi.  – I understand what you mean.

我今天花了很多钱。Wǒ jīntiān huāle hěnduō qián.  – I spent a lot of money today.

我不记得了。Wǒ bù jìdéle.  – I do not remember.

爱你。ài nǐ.  – I love you.

她的小猫昨天死了。Tā de xiǎo māo zuótiān sǐle.  – Her kitten died yesterday.

他在考虑辞职。Tā zài kǎolǜ cízhí.  – He is considering to quit.

妈妈在准备晚饭。Māmā zài zhǔnbèi wǎnfàn.  – Mom is preparing dinner.

他晚上工作,白天睡觉。Tā wǎnshàng gōngzuò, báitiān shuìjiào.  – He works at night and sleeps during the day.

应该自己洗衣服。Nǐ yīnggāi zìjǐ xǐ yīfú.  – You should wash your own clothes.

我想休息几天。Wǒ xiǎng xiūxí jǐ tiān.  – I want to rest for some days.

你在笑什么?Nǐ zài xiào shénme?  – What are you laughing at?

别哭了。Bié kūle.  – Stop crying.

我怎么知道?Wǒ zěnme zhīdào?  – How would I know?

们打算明年结婚。Wǒmen dǎsuàn míngnián jiéhūn.  – We plan to get married next year.

讨厌冬天。Tā tǎoyàn dōngtiān.  – She hates winter.

请你站起来。Qǐng nǐ zhàn qǐlái.  – Please stand up.


Chinese HSK2 complete course( 150 HSK 2 words+useful sentences+grammar explanation+listening)

1. ba – function word (to make a sugestion or a proposal)

我们分手吧。Wǒmen fēnshǒu ba. – Let’s break up.

你试试这个吧。Nǐ shì shì zhège ba. – (I suggest you to) try this.

  1. bái – white

白雪公主 Báixuě gōngzhǔ – Snow white

这件白裙子很漂亮。Zhè jiàn bái qúnzi hěn piàoliang. – This white dress is very beautiful.

  1. bǎi – hundred

我爷爷一百岁了。Wǒ yéyé yībǎi suìle. – My grandfather is one hundred years old.

给我两百块钱。Gěi wǒ liǎng bǎi kuài qián. – Give me two hundred dollars.

  1. 帮助 bāngzhù – to help

他喜欢帮助别人。Tā xǐhuān bāngzhù biérén. – He likes to help others.

我需要你的帮助。Wǒ xūyào nǐ de bāngzhù. – I need your help.

  1. 报纸 Bàozhǐ – newspaper

这是今天的报纸吗?Zhè shì jīntiān de bàozhǐ ma? – Is this the newspaper of today?

我不看报纸。Wǒ bù kàn bàozhǐ. – I don’t read newspapers.

  1. Bǐ – than… (it is used to make a comparison)

我比你高。Wǒ bǐ nǐ gāo. – I am taller than you.

今天的牛肉比昨天的便宜。Jīntiān de niúròu bǐ zuótiān de piányí. – The beef of today is cheaper than yesterday.

  1. Bié – don’t (it is used to make commands or give advice)

别担心。Bié dānxīn. – Don’t worry.

别看我。Bié kàn wǒ. – Don’t look at me.

  1. cháng – long

他的头发很长。Tā de tóufǎ hěn cháng. – His hair is very long.

我喜欢你很长时间了。Wǒ xǐhuān nǐ hěn cháng shíjiānle. – I have liked you for a long time.

  1. 唱歌 Chànggē – to sing

别唱歌了。Bié chànggēle. – Stop singing.

我们晚上去唱歌吧。Wǒmen wǎnshàng qù chànggē ba.– Let’s go to sing tonight.

  1. Chū – get out

出来!Chūlái! – Come out!

出去!Chūqù!  – Get out!

  1. 穿 Chuān – to wear, to put on clothes

穿衣服。Chuān yīfú. – Put on clothes.

我不知道今天穿什么。Wǒ bù zhīdào jīntiān chuān shénme. – I don’t know what to wear today.

  1. Chuán – ship, boat

船袜 Chuán wà – boat socks

这条船很小。Zhè tiáo chuán hěn xiǎo. – The boat is very small.

  1. Cì – measure word for an action

一次,两次,三次 Yīcì, liǎng cì, sāncì – one time [once], twice, three times

我去过两次长城。Wǒ qùguò liǎng cì chángchéng. – I have been to the Great Wall twice.

  1. Cóng – (preposition) from

我从中国来。Wǒ cóng zhōngguó lái. – I come from China.

我从明天开始上班。Wǒ cóng míngtiān kāishǐ shàngbān. – I will start to work from tomorrow.

  1. Cuò – wrong

对不起,我错了。Duìbùqǐ, wǒ cuòle. – Sorry, I was wrong. (It’s my fault.)

你打错了。Nǐ dǎ cuòle. – You’ve got the wrong number.

  1. 打篮球 Dǎ lánqiú – play basketball

我女儿喜欢打篮球。Wǒ nǚ’ér xǐhuān dǎ lánqiú. – My daughter likes playing basketball.

我们去打篮球吧。Wǒmen qù dǎ lánqiú ba. – Let’s go to play basketball.

  1. 大家 Dàjiā – pronoun (all the people, everyone)

大家好!Dàjiā hǎo!  – Hello, everyone!

谢谢大家!Xièxiè dàjiā!  – Thanks everyone!

  1. 但是 Dànshì – but

我喜欢他,但是他不喜欢我。Wǒ xǐhuān tā, dànshì tā bù xǐhuān wǒ. – I like him, but he doesn’t like me.

这个很漂亮,但是太贵了。Zhège hěn piàoliang, dànshì tài guìle. – This is very beautiful, but too expensive.

  1. Dào – to arrive, to reach

我明天到。Wǒ míngtiān dào. – I will arrive tomorrow.

我到北京了。Wǒ dào běijīngle. – I have arrived in Beijing.

  1. Dé – function word (used after a verb to introduce a complement of result or degree)

他跑得很快。Tā pǎo dé hěn kuài. – He runs very fast.

  1. Děng – to wait

我等你。Wǒ děng nǐ. – I will wait for you.

等一下(儿)。Děng yīxià (er)./ 等等。Děng děng. – Wait a moment.

  1. 弟弟 Dìdì – younger brother

这是我弟弟。Zhè shì wǒ dìdì. – This is my younger brother.

我没有弟弟。Wǒ méiyǒu dìdì. – I don’t have younger brothers.

  1. 第一 Dì – the first

第一天 Dì yī tiān  – the first day

这是我第一次喝酒。Zhè shì wǒ dì yī cì hējiǔ. – This is my first time drinking.

  1. Dǒng – to understand

我(听)懂了。Wǒ (tīng) dǒngle./ 我看懂了。Wǒ kàn dǒngle. – I understand. / I got it.

  1. Duì – preposition (to, for) it’s used before a noun or pronoun

他对我很好。Tā duì wǒ hěn hǎo. – He is very nice to me.

喝酒对身体不好。Hējiǔ duì shēntǐ bù hǎo. – Drinking is bad for your health.

  1. 房间 Fángjiān – room

我的房间不大。Wǒ de fángjiān bù dà. – My room is not big.

你的房间很漂亮。Nǐ de fángjiān hěn piàoliang. – Your room is very pretty.

  1. 非常 Fēicháng – very

我非常喜欢蓝色。Wǒ fēicháng xǐhuān lán sè. – I like blue very much.

他的房间非常大。Tā de fángjiān fēicháng dà. – His room is very big.

  1. 服务员 Fúwùyuán – waiter/ waitress

服务员, 我要一杯咖啡。Fúwùyuán, wǒ yào yībēi kāfēi. – Waiter, I want a cup of coffee.

  1. Gāo – tall/ high

他很高。Tā hěn gāo. – He is very tall.

他多高?Tā duō gāo? – How tall is he?

  1. 告诉 Gàosù – to tell

你告诉我吧。Nǐ gàosù wǒ ba. – Please, tell me.

我不告诉你。Wǒ bù gàosù nǐ. – I’m not going to tell you.

  1. 哥哥 Gēgē – elder brother

哥哥和弟弟 Gēgē hé dìdì  – Elder brother and younger brother

他是我哥哥。Tā shì wǒ gēgē. – He is my elder brother.

  1. Gěi – to give

给我一个吻。Gěi wǒ yīgè wěn. – Give me a kiss.

Gěi  – (preposition) for

我给你买了一个礼物。Wǒ gěi nǐ mǎile yīgè lǐwù. – I bought a gift for you.

  1. 公共汽车/ 公交车 Gōnggòng qìchē/ gōngjiāo chē – bus

我坐公共汽车上班。/我坐公交车上班。Wǒ zuò gōnggòng qìchē shàngbān. Wǒ zuò gōngjiāo chē shàngbān. – I go to work by bus.

  1. 公斤 Gōngjīn – kilogram

我六十五公斤。Wǒ liùshíwǔ gōngjīn. – I am sixty-five kilograms.

苹果二十元一公斤。Píngguǒ èrshí yuán yī gōngjīn. – Apples are twenty yuan a kilogram.

  1. 公司 Gōngsī – company

我们公司很大。Wǒmen gōngsī hěn dà. – Our company is very big.

他是一家公司的老板。Tā shì yījiā gōngsī de lǎobǎn. – He is the boss of a company.

  1. Guì – expensive

太贵了!Tài guìle!  – It’s too expensive!

这家饭馆不贵。Zhè jiā fànguǎn bù guì. – This restaurant is not expensive.

  1. Guò – function word (it’s used after a verb, to indicate a past experience)

你去过北京吗?Nǐ qùguò běijīng ma?  – Have you ever been in Beijing?

我看过这个电影。Wǒ kànguò zhège diànyǐng. – I have seen this movie.

  1. Hái – still

九点了,他还在睡觉。Jiǔ diǎnle, tā hái zài shuìjiào. – It’s nine o’clock and he is still sleeping.

Hái  – passably, barely satisfactory

还可以/还不错/还行/还好 Hái kěyǐ/hái bùcuò/hái xíng/hái hǎo  – not too bad/ just passable/ it’s ok.

  1. 孩子 Háizi – child

我没有孩子。Wǒ méiyǒu háizi. – I do not have children.

这个孩子很可爱。Zhège háizi hěn kě’ài. – This child is very cute.

  1. 好吃 Hào chī – delicious/ tasty

哇,真好吃!Wa, zhēn hào chī!  – Wow, it’s so delicious!

这个不好吃,我不喜欢。Zhège bù hào chī, wǒ bù xǐhuān. – This is not delicious, I don’t like it.

  1. Hēi – black

这是我的小黑狗。Zhè shì wǒ de xiǎo hēi gǒu. – This is my little black dog.

  1. Hóng – red

一个红苹果 Yīgè hóng píngguǒ  – a red apple

我妈妈喜欢红色。Wǒ māmā xǐhuān hóngsè. – My mom likes red.

  1. 欢迎 Huānyíng – welcome

北京欢迎你。Běijīng huānyíng nǐ. – Beijing welcomes you.

欢迎你来我家。Huānyíng nǐ lái wǒjiā. – Welcome to my home.

  1. 火车站 Huǒchē zhàn – railway station

火车站在哪儿?Huǒchē zhàn zài nǎ’er? – Where is the railway station?

我在火车站。Wǒ zài huǒchē zhàn. – I’m at in the railway station.

  1. 宾馆/饭店/酒店 Bīnguǎn/fàndiàn/jiǔdiàn – hotel

哪儿有宾馆?Nǎ’er yǒu bīnguǎn?  – Where can I find a hotel?

  1. 机场 Jīchǎng – airport

我到机场了。Wǒ dào jīchǎngle. – I have arrived at the airport.

这个机场很大。Zhège jīchǎng hěn dà. – This airport is very big.

  1. 鸡蛋 Jīdàn – egg

我不喜欢吃鸡蛋。Wǒ bù xǐhuān chī jīdàn. – I don’t like eating eggs.

我买了很多鸡蛋。Wǒ mǎile hěnduō jīdàn. – I bought a lot of eggs.

  1. Jiàn – measure word for clothes

一件衣服 Yī jiàn yīfú – A piece of clothes

这件衣服多少钱?Zhè jiàn yīfú duōshǎo qián? – How much is this shirt?

  1. 教室 Jiàoshì – classroom

这是我们的教室。Zhè shì wǒmen de jiàoshì. – This is our classroom.

王老师在教室吗?Wáng lǎoshī zài jiàoshì ma? – Is Teacher Wang in the classroom?

  1. 姐姐 Jiějiě – elder sister

我有两个姐姐。Wǒ yǒu liǎng gè jiějiě. – I have two elder sisters.

我没有姐姐。Wǒ méiyǒu jiějiě. – I don’t have a elder sisters.

  1. 介绍 Jièshào – to introduce

请你介绍一下自己。Qǐng nǐ jièshào yīxià zìjǐ. – Please introduce yourself.

我介绍一下,这是。。。Wǒ jièshào yīxià, zhè shì – Let me introduce (him/ her to you), this is…

  1. Jìn – to enter

进来!Jìnlái!  – Come in!

他们一起进了房间。Tāmen yīqǐ jìnle fángjiān. – They entered the room together.

  1. Jìn – near/ close

医院很近。Yīyuàn hěn jìn. – The hospital is very near.

机场非常近。Jīchǎng fēicháng jìn. – The airport is very near.

  1. Jiù – It is used to indicate a conclusion or resolution.

就买这个吧。Jiù mǎi zhège ba. – Let’s just buy this one.

就去上海吧。Jiù qù shànghǎi ba. – Let’s go to Shanghai.

  1. 觉得 Juédé – to feel, to think

我觉得很热。Wǒ juédé hěn rè. – I feel so hot.

我觉得汉语不难。Wǒ juédé hànyǔ bù nán. – In my opinion, Chinese is not difficult.

  1. 咖啡 Kāfēi – coffee

你喜欢喝咖啡吗?Nǐ xǐhuān hē kāfēi ma?  – Do you like drinking coffee?

我要一杯咖啡。Wǒ yào yībēi kāfēi. – I want a cup of coffee.

  1. 开始 Kāishǐ – to begin, to start

现在开始上课。Xiànzài kāishǐ shàngkè. – Let’s start the class now.

我明天开始上班。Wǒ míngtiān kāishǐ shàngbān. – I will start work tomorrow.

  1. 考试 Kǎoshì – exam

我们明天有考试。Wǒmen míngtiān yǒu kǎoshì. – We have exam tomorrow.

嘘,学生们在考试。Xū, xuéshēngmen zài kǎoshì.  – Sh, the students are having exam.

  1. 可能 Kěnéng – probably, maybe, perhaps

他可能喜欢你。Tā kěnéng xǐhuān nǐ. – Maybe he likes you.

他可能是中国人。Tā kěnéng shì zhōngguó rén. – Maybe he is Chinese.

  1. 可以 Kěyǐ – not bad

还可以。Hái kěyǐ. – Not bad.

  1. Kè – lesson, class

第一课, 第二课 Dì yī kè, dì èr kè  – lesson one, lesson two

我明天有汉语课。Wǒ míngtiān yǒu hànyǔ kè. – I have Chinese class tomorrow.

  1. Kuài – quick, fast

快!Kuài!  – Hurry up!

他吃饭很快。Tā chīfàn hěn kuài. – He eats very fast.

  1. 快乐 Kuàilè – happy

生日快乐!Shēngrì kuàilè!  – Happy birthday!

他是一个快乐的孩子。Tā shì yīgè kuàilè de háizi. – He is a happy child.

  1. Lí – to be away from

我家离公司很远。Wǒjiā lí gōngsī hěn yuǎn. – I live is far from the company.

学校离医院不远。Xuéxiào lí yīyuàn bù yuǎn. – The school is not far away from the hospital.

  1. Liǎng – two

两点了。Liǎng diǎnle. – It’s two o’clock.

我学汉语两年了。Wǒ xué hànyǔ liǎng niánle. – I have been studying Chinese for two years.

  1. Lèi – tired

你累不累?Nǐ lèi bù lèi? – Are you tired?

我太累了!Wǒ tài lèile!  – I am so tired!

  1. Lù – road, path, way

路上有很多车。Lùshàng yǒu hěnduō chē. – There are a lot of cars on the way.

我在上班的路上。Wǒ zài shàngbān de lùshàng. – I am on the way to work.

  1. 旅游 Lǚyóu – to travel, to have a trip
