Chinese sentences

你好! Nǐ hǎo – Hello!
你说什么? Nǐ shuō shénme? – What are you saying? [What did you say?]
你做了什么? Nǐ zuòle shénme? – What did you do? [What have you done?]
我会做。Wǒ huì zuò. – I know how to do it. [I can do it.]
你想我了? Nǐ xiǎng wǒle? – Do you miss me?
他们会做 。Tāmen huì zuò – They know how to do it. [They will do]
他们在说什么? Tāmen zài shuō shénme? – What are they talking about?
你会做吗? Nǐ huì zuò ma? – Do you know how to do it? [Will you do it?]
你做什么工作? Nǐ zuò shénme gōngzuò? – What do you do for work? [What’s your job?]
怎么了? Zěnmele – What’s the matter? [What happened?]
你在听我说吗? Nǐ zài tīng wǒ shuō ma? – Are you listening to me?
听他说。Tīng tā shuō – Listen to him.
他不会做。Tā bù huì zuò – He can’t do it.
你在哪里工作? Nǐ zài nǎlǐ gōngzuò – Where do you work?
你去哪里? Nǐ qù nǎlǐ – Where are you going?
你想去哪里? Nǐ xiǎng qù nǎlǐ? – Where would you like to go? [Where do you want to go?]
你是哪里人? Nǐ shì nǎlǐ rén? – Where are you from?
她是哪里的人? Tā shì nǎlǐ de rén? – Where is she from?
你想去哪里吃? Nǐ xiǎng qù nǎlǐ chī? – Where would you like to go to eat? [Where do you want to eat?]
你想要什么? Nǐ xiǎng yào shénme? – What do you want?
我想看看。Wǒ xiǎng kàn kàn – I want to take a look. [I want to see.]
你做对了。Nǐ zuò duìle – You have done the right thing.
给我看。Gěi wǒ kàn – Give me a look. [Show me.]
我爱你。Wǒ ài nǐ.- I love you.
你喜欢你的工作吗? Nǐ xǐhuān nǐ de gōngzuò ma? – Do you like your work? [/ job?]
他不喜欢他的工作。Tā bù xǐhuān tā de gōngzuò. – He doesn’t like his work/ job.
学生不听我说。Xuéshēng bù tīng wǒ shuō – The students don’t listen to me.
我喜欢中国。Wǒ xǐhuān zhōngguó – I like China.
中国大吗?Zhōngguó dà ma? – Is China big?
中国很大。Zhōngguó hěn dà. – China is very big.
他是谁? Tā shì shéi – Who is he?
谁是你的学生? Shéi shì nǐ de xuéshēng? – Who is your student?
我怎么去北京? Wǒ zěnme qù běijīng? – How can I get to Beijing?
她要去北京。Tā yào qù běijīng – She will go to Beijing.
你想去北京吗? Nǐ xiǎng qù běijīng ma? – Would you like to go to Beijing?
我要去北京。Wǒ yào qù běijīng – I am going to Beijing.
她想来中国。Tā xiǎnglái zhōngguó – She would like to come to China.
她想来北京。Tā xiǎnglái běijīng – She would like to come to Beijing.
你今天想做什么? Nǐ jīntiān xiǎng zuò shénme? – What do you want to do today?
他今天想做什么? Tā jīntiān xiǎng zuò shénme? – What would he like to do today? [What does he want to do today?]
我在想你今天会不会来。Wǒ zài xiǎng nǐ jīntiān huì bù huì lái – I am wondering if you will come today. [I wonder if you will come today.]
你什么时候来中国? Nǐ shénme shíhòu lái zhōngguó – When will you come to China? [When did you come to China?]
学生没来 Xuéshēng méi lái – The student did not come.
我想知道谁来了。Wǒ xiǎng zhīdào shéi láile – I wonder who has come. [I want to know who is coming.]
你从哪里来? Nǐ cóng nǎlǐ lái – Where are you from?
他从哪里来? Tā cóng nǎlǐ lái? – Where is he from?
什么时候开始? Shénme shíhòu kāishǐ? – What time does it start [/ begin]?
他开始找工作了。Tā kāishǐ zhǎo gōngzuòle – He began to look for a job. [He started looking for a job.]
他是我的朋友。Tā shì wǒ de péngyǒu – He is my friend.
我很喜欢你的朋友。Wǒ hěn xǐhuān nǐ de péngyǒu – I like yor friend very much.
你喜欢我的朋友吗? Nǐ xǐhuān wǒ de péngyǒu ma – Do you like my friend?
我的朋友没来。Wǒ de péngyǒu méi lái – My friend didn’t come.
你朋友想做什么? Nǐ péngyǒu xiǎng zuò shénme? – What would your friend like to do? [What does your friend want to do?]
我们是朋友。Wǒmen shì péngyǒu. – We’re friends.
他们都是我的朋友。Tāmen dōu shì wǒ de péngyǒu – They are all my friends.
这是我家 。Zhè shì wǒjiā – This is my home [house].
为什么? Wèishéme – Why?
他们为什么去? tāmen wèishéme qù? – Why did they go? [Why are they going?]
他为什么去? Tā wèishéme qù? – Why did he go?
为什么你不来看我们? Wèishéme nǐ bù lái kàn wǒmen? – Why don’t you come visit us?
这是我的书。Zhè shì wǒ de shū – This is my book.
他(不)喜欢这本书。Tā (bù) xǐhuān zhè běn shū – He likes/ doesn’t like this book.
我给了你一本书。Wǒ gěile nǐ yī běn shū – I gave you a book.
那本书是我的。Nà běn shū shì wǒ de – That book is mine.
让我想一想。Ràng wǒ xiǎng yī xiǎng – Let me think about it.
请让一让! Qǐng ràng yī ràng – Please let me through!/ Excuse me!
你为什么那么做? Nǐ wèishéme nàme zuò? – Why did you do that? [Why are you doing that?]
你喜欢学校吗? Nǐ xǐhuān xuéxiào ma? – Do you like school?
我在学校。Wǒ zài xuéxiào – I am at school.
学生不喜欢学校。Xuéshēng bù xǐhuān xuéxiào – The students don’t like school.
我要去学校。Wǒ yào qù xuéxiào – I’m going to school.
学校在哪里? Xuéxiào zài nǎlǐ? – Where is the school?
我是老师。Wǒ shì lǎoshī – I’m a teacher.
她是我们的老师。Tā shì wǒmen de lǎoshī. – She is our teacher.
他们都是好老师。Tāmen dōu shì hǎo lǎoshī – They are all good teachers.
你要去看老师吗? Nǐ yào qù kàn lǎoshī ma? – Are you going to [go to] see the teacher?
他要去看老师。Tā yào qù kàn lǎoshī – He is going to see the teacher.
我是老师。Wǒ shì lǎoshī – I’m a teacher.
老师要去学校。Lǎoshī yào qù xuéxiào. – The teacher is going to school.
老师去哪里?Lǎoshī qù nǎlǐ? – Where is the teacher going? [Where does the teacher go?]
听老师说。Tīng lǎoshī shuō. – Listen to the teacher.
他是美国人。Tā shì měiguó rén – He is [an] American.
他很喜欢美国。Tā hěn xǐhuān měiguó – He really likes the United States.
美国大吗?Měiguó dà ma? – Is the United States big?
我从美国来。Wǒ cóng měiguó lái – I’m from America.
这里是美国。Zhèlǐ shì měiguó – This is America.
她住在哪里?Tā zhù zài nǎlǐ? – Where does she live?
你的朋友住哪里?Nǐ de péngyǒu zhù nǎlǐ? – Where does your friend live? [Where do your friends live?]
我们是同学。wǒmen shì tóngxué. – We’re classmates.
他不喜欢他的同学们。Tā bù xǐhuān tā de tóngxuémen. – He doesn’t like his classmates.
他们都是一样的吗?Tāmen dōu shì yīyàng de ma – Are they all the same?
她的孩子她都一样爱。Tā de háizi tā dōu yīyàng ài – She loved her children alike. [She loves her children the same.]
这里是哪里啊? 这里是哪里啊? – Where is this place?
请跟我来。Qǐng gēn wǒ lái – PLease come with me. [Please follow me.]
他跟你说什么, 你就做什么。Tā gēn nǐ shuō shénme, nǐ jiù zuò shénme – Do whatever he tells you. [What he says to you, you just do]
这本书谁想要就给谁吧。Zhè běn shū shéi xiǎng yào jiù gěi shéi ba – Give the book to whomever [/ anyone] wants it.
他一到我们就开始。Tā yī dào wǒmen jiù kāishǐ – As soon as he comes, he will begin. [He started as soon as we arrived.]
走吧。Zǒu ba – Let’s go.
你想走的时候就走吧。Nǐ xiǎng zǒu de shíhòu jiù zǒu ba – Go when you want, ok?
你走了, 我们都会想你的。Nǐ zǒule, wǒmen dūhuì xiǎng nǐ de – When you go, we’ll all miss you! (for sure)
我跟他一起工作。Wǒ gēn tā yīqǐ gōngzuò – I work with him.
我也想. 那跟我们一起去吧! Wǒ yě xiǎng. Nà gēn wǒmen yīqǐ qù ba – I also want to. Then go with us!
请坐下。Qǐng zuò xià – Sit down, please.
是谁? 是你妈妈。Shì shéi? Shì nǐ māmā – Who is it? It’s your mother.
现在是十点。Xiànzài shì shí diǎn – It’s ten o’clock now.
你现在好点了吗? Nǐ xiànzài hǎo diǎnle ma – Are you a little better now?
现在是几点(了)? Xiànzài shì jǐ diǎn(le)? – What time is it now?
现在(是)三点。Xiànzài (shì) sān diǎn – (Right now) It’s three (o’clock).
他有三个孩子。Tā yǒusān gè háizi. – He has three kids.
已经十一点了。Yǐjīng shíyī diǎnle. – It is already eleven.
他们有两个孩子。Tāmen yǒu liǎng gè háizi. – They have two children.
已经五点了。Yǐjīng wǔ diǎnle. – It is already five o’clock.
晚上好! Wǎnshàng hǎo. – Good evening!
她在跟谁说话?tā zài gēn shéi shuōhuà? – Who is she speaking with?