Tech It Out: China to set a new speed record in ground transportation


这是中国的高速铁路简称高铁它比全球所有其他国家的高速铁路加起来还要长。Zhè shì zhōngguó de gāosù tiělù jiǎnchēng gāotiě tā bǐ quánqiú suǒyǒu qítā guójiā de gāosù tiělù jiā qǐlái hái yào zhǎng. – Responsible for more high-speed railway than the rest of the world put together, China’s high speed rail system, known as GAOTIE is the object of envy for many countries.

在当今这个被轮轨列车所支配的轨道交通时代有一辆超级磁悬浮列车正要打破地表最高速纪录Zài dāngjīn zhège bèi lún guǐ lièchē suǒ zhīpèi de guǐdào jiāotōng shídài yǒuyī liàng chāojí cíxuánfú lièchē zhèng yào dǎpò dìbiǎo zuì gāosù jìlù.  – As the wheel trains dominate China’s 35.000 kilometers high-speed rail network a magnetic levitation train prototype is pushing ground speeds to new levels.

那现在的世界纪录就是日本创造的六百零三公里每小时。Nà xiànzài de shìjiè jìlù jiùshì rìběn chuàngzào de liùbǎi líng sān gōnglǐ měi xiǎoshí. – The current record of 603 kilometers per hour is held by the Japanese.

我们的技术完全可以跑到更高的速度。Wǒmen de jìshù wánquán kěyǐ pǎo dào gèng gāo de sùdù. – I am confident that our technology can go even faster.

这会不会是中国下一代的超级列车呢?Zhè huì bù huì shì zhōngguó xià yīdài de chāojí lièchē ne? – Could this be China’s next super train?

如此流线型的车体注定为速度生。Rúcǐ liúxiànxíng de chē tǐ zhùdìng wèi sùdù shēng. – When you see a machine with curves like this, you know it is born for speed.

不到十三吨重的全碳纤维车身能够全悬浮于轨道之上。Bù dào shísān dūn zhòng de quán tànxiānwéi chēshēn nénggòu quán xuánfú yú guǐdào zhī shàng. – A full carbon-fiber body weighs under 13 tons can completely float above the tracks.