Learn Chinese – How to use 和 跟 同 与 correctly?
姐姐和妹妹一起去散步。Jiějiě hé mèimei yīqǐ qù sànbù. – The elder sister and younger sister go for a walk together.
汉语班有口语,听力,阅读和综合等四门课。Hànyǔ bān yǒu kǒuyǔ, tīnglì, yuèdú hé zònghé děng sì mén kè. – The Chinese class has four subjects: conversation, listening, reading and comprehension.
我和他一样高,但比你矮。Wǒ hé tā yīyàng gāo, dàn bǐ nǐ ǎi. – I am as tall as him, but shorter than you.
我和他一样高,都是一米七十。Wǒ hé tā yīyàng gāo, dōu shì yī mǐ qīshí. – [I’m the same height as him, both one meter and seventy meters.] We are both, 1,70 cm tall.
他的口语和听力水平跟他的阅读和写作水平都很好。Tā de kǒuyǔ hé tīnglì shuǐpíng gēn tā de yuèdú hé xiězuò shuǐpíng dōu hěn hǎo. – His speaking and listening skills are good as his reading and writing skills.
我跟他去拜访老师。Wǒ gēn tā qù bàifǎng lǎoshī. – I went with him to visit the teacher.
我跟他都去拜访老师。Wǒ gēn tā dōu qù bàifǎng lǎoshī. – Both he and I went to visit the teacher.
我同他都是湖南人。Wǒ tóng tā dōu shì húnán rén. – He and I are both from Hunan.
«战争与和平»是俄国作家列夫·尼古拉耶维奇·托尔斯泰创作的长篇小说。«Zhànzhēng yǔ hépíng» shì éguó zuòjiā liè fū·ní gǔ lā yé wéi qí·tuō ěr sī tài chuàngzuò de chángpiān xiǎoshuō. – “War and Peace” is a novel by Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.