Learn Chinese with Yi Zhao

Learn Chinese: Basic Mandarin Chinese Vocabulary in 2.5 Hours Based on HSK 1 & HSK 2 & More
你的衣服很漂亮。Nǐ de yīfú hěn piàoliang.  – Your clothes are very pretty.
我想喝水。Wǒ xiǎng hē shuǐ. – I would like to drink water.
我喜欢中国菜。Wǒ xǐhuān zhōngguó cài.  – I like Chinese food.
我要一碗米饭。Wǒ yào yī wǎn mǐfàn.  – I want a bowl of rice.
你喜欢吃什么水果?Nǐ xǐhuān chī shénme shuǐguǒ?  – What fruit do you like toa eat?
我喜欢吃苹果。Wǒ xǐhuān chī píngguǒ.  – I like to eat apples.
我想喝茶。Wǒ xiǎng hē chá.  – I would like to drink tea.
这个杯子很小。Zhège bēizi hěn xiǎo.  – This cup is very small.
这个杯子多少钱?Zhège bēizi duōshǎo qián?  – How much is this cup?
他坐飞机去中国。Tā zuò fēijī qù zhōngguó. – He takes the airplane to go to China.
他坐出租车去饭店。Tā zuò chūzū chē qù fàndiàn.  – He takes a taxi to go to the restaurant.
我想看电视。Wǒ xiǎng kàn diànshì.  – I would like to watch TV.
电脑很重要。Diànnǎo hěn zhòngyào.  – Computers are very important.
他们明天看电影。Tāmen míngtiān kàn diànyǐng.  – They will watch a movie tomorrow.
今天天气怎么样?Jīntiān tiānqì zěnme yàng?  – How is the weather today?
我没有猫。Wǒ méiyǒu māo.  – I don’t have a cat.
我也没有狗。Wǒ yě méiyǒu gǒu.  – I don’t have a dog either.
我买了一些东西。Wǒ mǎile yīxiē dōngxī.  – I bought some stuff.
电脑在桌子上。Diànnǎo zài zhuōzi shàng.  – The computer is on the table.
猫仔椅子上。Māo zǐ yǐzi shàng.  – The cat is on the chair.
猫喜欢吃鱼。Māo xǐhuān chī yú. – Cats like to eat fish.
你喜欢羊肉吗?Nǐ xǐhuān yángròu ma?  – Do you like lamb?
我想喝牛奶。Wǒ xiǎng hē niúnǎi.  – I would like to drink milk.
我买了一些鸡蛋。Wǒ mǎile yīxiē jīdàn.  – I bought some eggs.
西瓜不贵。Xīguā bù guì.  – Watermelons arer not expensive.
我要一杯咖啡。Wǒ yào yībēi kāfēi.  – I want a cup of coffee.
她骑自行车去学校。Tā qí zìxíngchē qù xuéxiào.  – She rides a bicycle to go to school.
他坐船去香港。Tā zuò chuán qù xiānggǎng.  – He takes a boat to go to Hong Kong.
雪非常漂亮。Xuě fēicháng piàoliang. – The snow is very pretty.
病人需要吃药。Bìngrén xūyào chī yào.  – The patient needs medicine.
我没有手表。Wǒ méiyǒu shǒubiǎo.  – I don’t have a watch.
她的眼睛很漂亮。Tā de yǎnjīng hěn piàoliang.  – Her eyes are very beautiful.
运动对身体很好。Yùndòng duì shēntǐ hěn hǎo.  – Exercise [Sport] is good for the body.
他坐公交车去上班。Tā zuò gōngjiāo chē qù shàngbān.  – He goes to work by bus.
我八点上课。Wǒ bā diǎn shàngkè.  – I start lessons at eight o’clock.
我今天有很多事情做。Wǒ jīntiān yǒu hěnduō shìqíng zuò.  – I have many things to do today.
汉语水平考试 Hànyǔ shuǐpíng kǎoshì  – Chinese Proficiency Test [Chinese language level test]
她给了我一张电影票。Tā gěile wǒ yī zhāng diànyǐng piào.  – She gave me a movie ticket.
这个句子是什么意思?Zhège jùzi shì shénme yìsi?  – What does this sentence mean?
你喜欢什么颜色?Nǐ xǐhuān shénme yánsè?  – What color do you like?
