HSK Level 2
❤#StudyChineseWithMe ❤关联词 Conjunction words Chapter 1.❤ #StayHome#WithMe
因果关系 Yīnguǒ guānxì – Causal relationship
因为。。。所以。。。Yīnwèi… Suǒyǐ… – Because. . . so. . .
因为刚刚下了一场雨,所以地上是湿的。Yīnwèi gānggāng xiàle yī chǎng yǔ, suǒyǐ dìshàng shì shī de. – Because it had just rained, the ground was wet.
之所以没有去上学, 是因为我生病了。Zhī suǒyǐ méiyǒu qù shàngxué, shì yīnwèi wǒ shēngbìngle. – I did not attend to school, it is because I was ill. [The reason why I didn’t go to school was because I was sick.]
递进关系 Dì jìn guānxì – the progressive conjunction
不但。。。而且。。。Bùdàn… Érqiě… – Not only. . . but also. . .
这种水果不但好吃,而且还有丰富的营养。Zhè zhǒng shuǐguǒ bùdàn hào chī, érqiě hái yǒu fēngfù de yíngyǎng. – This fruit is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients.
她不但长得漂亮,而且很聪明。Tā bùdàn zhǎng (cháng?) dé piàoliang, érqiě hěn cōngmíng. – She is not only beautiful, but also very smart.
不仅。。。而且。。。Bùjǐn… Érqiě… – not only. . . and. . .
the forst contrastive conjunctive words
虽然。。。但是。。。Suīrán… Dànshì… – although… but…
虽然我知道应该早点起床,但是我还是想睡懒觉。Suīrán wǒ zhīdào yīnggāi zǎodiǎn qǐchuáng, dànshì wǒ háishì xiǎng shuìlǎnjiào. – Even though I know I need to get up early, I am still sleeping now.
虽然我不想哭,但是我的眼泪还是掉下来了。Suīrán wǒ bùxiǎng kū, dànshì wǒ de yǎnlèi háishì diào xiàláile. – Even though I do not want to cry, but I can’t stop my tears falling.
– the second contrastive conjunction words
尽管。。。可是。。。Jǐnguǎn… Kěshì… – although… but…
尽管他才十岁,可是他已经会说四国语言了。Jǐnguǎn tā cái shí suì, kěshì tā yǐjīng huì shuō sìguó yǔyánle. – Although he is only ten years old, he can speak four languages.
Jǐnguǎn hànyǔ hěn nán, kěshì tā yīzhí méiyǒu fàngqì.
– Although learning Chinese is difficult, he never gives up.
❤#StudyChineseWithMe ❤关联词 Conjunction words Chapter 2.❤ #StayHome#WithMe
家好,欢迎大家来到Niko的汉语学习室。Dàjiā hǎo, huānyíng dàjiā lái dào Niko de hànyǔ xuéxí shì. – Hello everyone, welcome to Niko’s Mandarin Learning Studio.
Tiáojiàn liáncí tiáojiàn fùjù zhōng fēn jù zhī jiān de guānxì shì tiáojiàn hé jiéguǒ de guānxì
– Conditional conjunction
The relationship between clauses in conditional complex sentences is the relationship between condition and result
偏句提出一种真实或假设的条件 Piān jù tíchū yī zhǒng zhēnshí huò jiǎshè de tiáojiàn – Partial sentences suggest a condition of truth or hypothesis
Zhèng jù shuōmíng zài zhè zhǒng tiáojiàn hé jiǎshè xià chǎnshēng de jiéguǒ
– The positive sentence explains the result under this condition and hypothesis
只要。。。就。。。Zhǐyào… Jiù… – as long as … then …
只要你努力,就会有进步。Zhǐyào nǐ nǔlì, jiù huì yǒu jìnbù. – As long as you work hard, there will be progress [made].
只要有时间,我们就去旅游。Zhǐyào yǒu shíjiān, wǒmen jiù qù lǚyóu. – As long as we have got time, we will go travelling.
只有。。。才。。。Zhǐyǒu… Cái… – only if… then…
法律规定只有十八岁以上的人才可以开车。Fǎlǜ guīdìng zhǐyǒu shíbā suì yǐshàng de réncái kěyǐ kāichē. – The law stipulates that only people who is over eighteen can drive.