小象在都市 : Learn Chinese(Mandarin) with subtitles – Story for Children – “BookBox.com”
最好的宝藏 : Learn Chinese(Mandarin) with subtitles – Story for Children “BookBox.com”
小小钢琴家 – Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with subtitles – Story for Children – “BookBox.com”
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小象在都市 : Learn Chinese(Mandarin) with subtitles – Story for Children – “BookBox.com”
小象在都市 Xiǎo xiàng zài dūshì – Baby elephant in the city
由阿米特嘎格创作 yóu ā mǐ tè gā gé chuàngzuò – Created by Amit Gage
在一座大都市的中间,有一座小动物园,有个小象住在那里。zài yīzuò dà dūshì de zhōngjiān, yǒu yīzuò xiǎo dòngwùyuán, yǒu gè xiǎo xiàng zhù zài nàlǐ. – In the middle of a big city, there is a small zoo where a baby elephant lives.
她的名字叫罗莎。动物管理员非常喜欢罗莎,在各方面尽力照顾好她。Tā de míngzì jiào luō shā. Dòngwù guǎnlǐ yuán fēicháng xǐhuān luō shā, zài gè fāngmiàn jìnlì zhàogù hǎo tā. – Her name is Rosa. The zookeeper likes Rosa very much and tries his best to take care of her in every way.
很多游客来看罗莎,着迷地注视着她,因为她一次可以吃掉一打香蕉!Hěnduō yóukè lái kàn luō shā, zháomí de zhùshìzhe tā, yīnwèi tā yīcì kěyǐ chī diào yī dá xiāngjiāo! – Many tourists come to see Rosa, watching her fascinated, because she can eat a dozen bananas at a time!
罗莎被照顾得很好,但是她想念她的其他的大象伙伴们。Luō shā bèi zhàogù dé hěn hǎo, dànshì tā xiǎngniàn tā de qítā de dà xiàng huǒbànmen. – Rosa is well taken care of, but she misses her other elephant buddies.
一天,给罗莎喂食后, 管理员忘记了锁她笼子的门。很快她走出了动物园!Yītiān, gěi luō shā wèishí hòu, guǎnlǐ yuán wàngjìle suǒ tā lóngzi de mén. Hěn kuài tā zǒuchūle dòngwùyuán! – One day, after feeding Rosa, the caretaker forgot to lock the door of her cage. Soon she walked out of the zoo!
首先,她穿过一个站在路边卖冰激凌的小贩。Shǒuxiān, tā chuānguò yīgè zhàn zài lù biān mài bīngjīlíng de xiǎofàn. – First, she passed a hawker standing on the side of the road selling ice cream.
他看到罗莎后逃跑了。好奇的小象把她的鼻子伸进了冰箱。Tā kàn dào luō shā hòu táopǎole. Hàoqí de xiǎo xiàng bǎ tā de bízi shēn jìnle bīngxiāng.He ran away after seeing Rosa. The curious little elephant stuck her nose into the refrigerator.
冰激凌又冷又甜又好吃,她把它们全都吃了。罗莎继续走着,她的眼睛搜寻着某些人。Bīngjīlíng yòu lěng yòu tián yòu hào chī, tā bǎ tāmen quándōu chīle. Luō shā jìxù zǒuzhe, tā de yǎnjīng sōuxúnzhe mǒu xiē rén. – The ice cream was cold, sweet and delicious, and she ate them all. Rosa kept walking, her eyes searching for someone.
最后,在一个商店里,她看到在电视屏幕上有一群大象!“朋友!” 她想着,长驱直入商店。Zuìhòu, zài yīgè shāngdiàn lǐ, tā kàn dào zài diànshì píngmù shàng yǒu yīqún dà xiàng!“Péngyǒu!” Tā xiǎngzhe, chángqūzhírù shāngdiàn. – Finally, in a store, she saw a herd of elephants on the TV screen! “Friend!” she thought, and drove straight into the store.
店里的每个人都向外逃去,只剩下她一个。罗莎试着向电视里的大象说话,但是他们没有回答。Diàn lǐ de měi gèrén dōu xiàng wàitáo qù, zhǐ shèng xià tā yīgè. Luō shā shìzhe xiàng diànshì lǐ de dà xiàng shuōhuà, dànshì tāmen méiyǒu huídá. – Everyone in the shop fled, and she was the only one left. Rosa tried to speak to the elephant on the TV, but they didn’t answer.
带着困惑和失望,她走出了商店。回到街上,她看到一个卖椰子的小贩。正在卖椰子。Dàizhe kùnhuò hé shīwàng, tā zǒuchūle shāngdiàn. Huí dào jiē shàng, tā kàn dào yīgè mài yēzi de xiǎofàn. Zhèngzài mài yēzi. – Confused and disappointed, she walked out of the store. Back on the street, she saw a hawker selling coconuts. Coconuts are being sold.
“哇!我发现了球!现在是玩的时间了!”她欢呼着把一个椰子高高地踢到了空中。“Wa! Wǒ fāxiànle qiú! Xiànzài shì wán de shíjiānle!” Tā huānhūzhe bǎ yīgè yēzi gāo gāo dì tī dàole kōngzhōng. – “Wow! I found the ball! Now it’s time to play!” She cheered and kicked a coconut high into the air.
椰子飞过公路,正好掉在一个在公园玩耍的男孩旁边。罗莎跑着穿过公路,决定拿到她的椰子球。Yē zǐ fēiguò gōnglù, zhènghǎo diào zài yīgè zài gōngyuán wánshuǎ de nánhái pángbiān. Luō shā pǎozhe chuānguò gōnglù, juédìng ná dào tā de yēzi qiú. – The coconut flew across the road and fell right next to a boy playing in the park. Rosa ran across the road and decided to get her coconut ball.
轿车,公交车喇叭声尖叫着,司机们互相吼叫着。罗莎制造了交通堵塞!Jiàochē, gōngjiāo chē lǎbā shēng jiān jiàozhe, sījīmen hùxiāng hǒujiàozhe. Luō shā zhìzàole jiāotōng dǔsè! – The car and bus horns screamed, and the drivers yelled at each other. Rosa created a traffic jam!
交通警察过来指挥。动物园被通知了。根本不理睬她周围的骚乱,罗莎跑进了公园。Jiāotōng jǐngchá guòlái zhǐhuī. Dòngwùyuán bèi tōngzhīliǎo. Gēnběn bù lǐcǎi tā zhōuwéi de sāoluàn, luō shā pǎo jìnle gōngyuán. – The traffic police came to command. The zoo was notified. Ignoring the commotion around her at all, Rosa ran into the park.
她在对她微笑着的小男孩面前停了下来。他哈哈笑着拍着小象。罗莎向她的新朋友兴奋地发出喇叭似洪亮的声音。Tā zài duì tā wéixiàozhe de xiǎo nánhái miànqián tíngle xiàlái. Tā hāhā xiàozhe pāizhe xiǎo xiàng. Luō shā xiàng tā de xīn péngyǒu xīngfèn de fāchū lǎbā shì hóngliàng de shēngyīn. – She stopped in front of the little boy who was smiling at her. He laughed and patted the baby elephant. Rosa exhilarated her new friend with a loud sound like a loud horn.
这时动物管理员来到了公园,看到罗莎在露天公园里,他明白了她在笼子里将永远不会快乐。Zhè shí dòngwù guǎnlǐ yuán lái dàole gōngyuán, kàn dào luō shā zài lùtiān gōngyuán lǐ, tā míngbáile tā zài lóngzi lǐ jiāng yǒngyuǎn bù huì kuàilè. – At this time the zookeeper came to the park and saw Rosa in the open air park. He understood that she would never be happy in the cage.
动物园把罗莎运到了远离城市的森林保护区,在那里有很多其他大象自由地徜徉。罗莎快乐地成长着。Dòngwùyuán bǎ luō shā yùn dàole yuǎnlí chéngshì de sēnlín bǎohù qū, zài nà li yǒu hěnduō qítā dà xiàng zìyóu de chángyáng. Luō shā kuàilè dì chéngzhǎngzhe. – The zoo transported Rosa to a forest reserve away from the city, where many other elephants roam freely. Rosa grew up happily.
现在游客们可以在很多的树中看到她,而不是在狭窄的笼子的栅栏后面,仍然吞咽着一打的香蕉!Xiànzài yóukèmen kěyǐ zài hěnduō de shù zhòng kàn dào tā, ér bùshì zài xiázhǎi de lóngzi de zhàlán hòumiàn, réngrán tūnyànzhe yī dá de xiāngjiāo! – Now visitors can see her in many trees, not behind the fence of a narrow cage, still swallowing a dozen bananas!
最好的宝藏 : Learn Chinese(Mandarin) with subtitles – Story for Children “BookBox.com”
最好的宝藏 Zuì hǎo de bǎozàng – Best treasure
由阿米特嘎格创作 yóu ā mǐ tè gā gé chuàngzuò – Created by Amit Gage
有一天彼得发现了一张藏宝地图。“万岁!我要去找这个宝藏,去经历一些冒险!“ 他大叫。Yǒu yītiān bǐdé fāxiànle yī zhāngcángbǎo dìtú.“Wànsuì! Wǒ yào qù zhǎo zhège bǎozàng, qù jīnglì yīxiē mào xiǎn!“Tā dà jiào. – One day Peter found a treasure map. “Hurray! I’m going to find this treasure, to experience some risks!”He yelled.
彼得出发了。他走了很长的路最后到达了一片森林,在那里他遇到了狮子。Bǐdé chūfāle. Tā zǒule hěn zhǎng de lù zuìhòu dàodále yīpiàn sēnlín, zài nàlǐ tā yù dàole shīzi. – Peter set off. He walked a long way and finally reached a forest, where he met a lion.
”你强壮而且勇敢,“ 彼得对狮子说。”你愿意和我一起去找宝藏吗?“” Nǐ qiángzhuàng érqiě yǒnggǎn,“bǐdé duì shīzi shuō.” Nǐ yuànyì hé wǒ yīqǐ qù zhǎo bǎozàng ma?“ – “You are strong and brave,” Peter said to the lion. “Would you like to go with me to find the treasure?”
狮子同意了,加入了彼得。森林又浓密又黑暗,彼得很害怕,但是有狮子在他旁边,他穿过了森林。Shī zǐ tóngyìle, jiārùle bǐdé. Sēnlín yòu nóngmì yòu hēi’àn, bǐdé hěn hàipà, dànshì yǒu shīzi zài tā pángbiān, tā chuānguòle sēnlín. – The Lion agreed and joined Peter. The forest was dense and dark. Peter was scared, but there was a lion beside him and he walked through the forest.
当他们两个最后到达高山的时候遇到了老鹰。Dāng tāmen liǎng gè zuìhòu dàodá gāoshān de shíhòu yù dàole lǎoyīng. – When the two of them finally reached the mountain, they met the eagle.
”你有极好的视力,能给我们警报危险“ 彼得对老鹰说。” Nǐ yǒu jí hǎo de shìlì, néng gěi wǒmen jǐngbào wéixiǎn “bǐdé duì lǎoyīng shuō. – “You have excellent eyesight and can warn us of danger,” Peter said to the eagle.
”你愿随我们来吗?我们在找宝藏。“ 老鹰同意了,加入了彼得和狮子。” Nǐ yuàn suí wǒmen lái ma? Wǒmen zài zhǎo bǎozàng.“Lǎoyīng tóngyìle, jiārùle bǐdé hé shīzi.“Would you like to come with us? We are looking for treasure.” The eagle agreed and joined Peter and the Lion.
山高崎岖,狮子滑倒了,但是彼得很敏捷地拉它站了起来。老鹰用它锐利的视觉注视着他们走的每一步,很快他们到达了山谷底下,在那里遇到了绵羊。Shāngāo qíqū, shīzi huá dǎo le, dànshì bǐdé hěn mǐnjié dì lā tā zhànle qǐlái. Lǎoyīng yòng tā ruìlì de shìjué zhùshìzhe tāmen zǒu de měi yībù, hěn kuài tāmen dàodále shāngǔ dǐxia, zài nàlǐ yù dàole miányáng. – The mountain was high and rugged, and the lion slipped and fell, but Peter pulled it up quickly. The eagle watched every step they took with its sharp vision, and soon they reached the bottom of the valley, where they met the sheep.
”你愿意加入我们去找宝藏吗?“ 彼得问绵羊,”当天冷是给我们保暖?“” Nǐ yuànyì jiārù wǒmen qù zhǎo bǎozàng ma?“Bǐdé wèn miányáng,” dàngtiān lěng shì gěi wǒmen bǎonuǎn?“ – “Would you like to join us to find the treasure?” Peter asked the sheep, “Does the cold day keep us warm?”
绵羊同意了,加入了彼得,狮子和老鹰。一阵寒风横扫过无边无际的草原,他们和绵羊挤作一团,温暖而舒适。Miányáng tóngyìle, jiārùle bǐdé, shīzi hé lǎoyīng. Yīzhèn hán fēng héngsǎoguò wúbiān wújì de cǎoyuán, tāmen hé miányáng jǐ zuò yī tuán, wēnnuǎn ér shūshì.The sheep agreed and joined Peter, the lion and the eagle. A cold wind swept across the endless grassland, they and the sheep huddled together, warm and comfortable.
他们四个最后到达了沙漠,在那里遇到了骆驼。”你被誉为沙漠之舟“,彼得对骆驼说,”你愿帮助我们穿过沙漠并且也加入找宝藏吗?“Tāmen sì gè zuìhòu dàodále shāmò, zài nàlǐ yù dàole luòtuó.” Nǐ bèi yù wèi shāmò zhī zhōu “, bǐdé duì luòtuó shuō,” nǐ yuàn bāngzhù wǒmen chuānguò shāmò bìngqiě yě jiārù zhǎo bǎozàng ma?“The four of them finally reached the desert, where they met camels. “You are known as the ship of the desert,” Peter said to the camel, “Would you like to help us cross the desert and join the hunt for treasure?”
骆驼同意了。彼得, 狮子和绵羊骑在骆驼背上快乐地动身穿过辽阔的沙漠,老鹰在上空欣赏风景。Luòtuó tóngyìle. Bǐdé, shīzi hé miányáng qí zài luòtuó bèi shàng kuàilè dì dòng shēn chuānguò liáokuò de shāmò, lǎoyīng zài shàngkōng xīnshǎng fēngjǐng.Camel agreed. Peter, the lion and the sheep rode happily across the vast desert on the back of a camel, while the eagle admired the scenery above.
骆驼开始飞奔起来,每个人兴奋地欢呼着。在骆驼的背上穿过沙漠是很振奋的!Luòtuó kāishǐ fēi bēn qǐlái, měi gèrén xīngfèn de huānhūzhe. Zài luòtuó de bèi shàng chuānguò shāmò shì hěn zhènfèn de! – The camel started to gallop, everyone cheered excitedly. It is exhilarating to walk through the desert on the back of a camel!
他们五个最后到达了海洋,在那里遇到了海龟。”你能帮我们穿过大海吗“ 彼得问海龟。Tāmen wǔ gè zuìhòu dàodále hǎiyáng, zài nàlǐ yù dàole hǎiguī.” Nǐ néng bāng wǒmen chuān guo dàhǎi ma “bǐdé wèn hǎiguī. – The five of them finally reached the ocean, where they encountered sea turtles. “Can you help us cross the sea” Peter asked the turtle.
”我们在找宝藏。“ 海龟同意了, 加入彼得,狮子老鹰, 绵羊和骆驼。” Wǒmen zài zhǎo bǎozàng.“Hǎiguī tóngyìle, jiārù bǐdé, shīzi lǎoyīng, miányáng hé luòtuó. – “We are looking for treasure.” Turtle agreed and joined Peter, the lion and the eagle, the sheep and the camel.
一阵巨浪几乎淹没了他们,但是海龟巧妙地驾驶他们穿过了海洋。在海洋的另一边他们遇到了猫头鹰。Yīzhèn jù làng jīhū yānmòle tāmen, dànshì hǎiguī qiǎomiào de jiàshǐ tāmen chuānguòle hǎiyáng. Zài hǎiyáng de lìng yībiān tāmen yù dàole māotóuyīng. – A huge wave almost submerged them, but the turtles cleverly drove them through the ocean. They met an owl on the other side of the ocean.
猫头鹰用他古老的智慧说。”祝贺你们发现了宝藏。“Māotóuyīng yòng tā gǔlǎo de zhìhuì shuō.” Zhùhè nǐmen fāxiànle bǎozàng.“ – Owl said with his ancient wisdom. “Congratulations on discovering the treasure.”
”宝藏在哪里?“ 他们都惊奇地大叫起来。”你们一起穿过森林,爬过高山, 挑战山谷,勇穿沙漠, 穿行海洋。缺少其中的任何一个你们都永远不会成功“” Bǎozàng zài nǎlǐ?“Tāmen dōu jīngqí dì dà jiào qǐlái.” Nǐmen yīqǐ chuānguò sēnlín, páguò gāoshān, tiǎozhàn shāngǔ, yǒng chuān shāmò, chuānxíng hǎiyáng.Quēshǎo qízhōng de rènhé yīgè nǐmen dōu yǒngyuǎn bù huì chénggōng.“ – “Where is the treasure?” They all cried out in surprise. “Together you go through the forest, climb the mountains, challenge the valleys, cross the desert, and cross the ocean. You will never succeed without any of them. ”
他们都互相看着对方,认识到猫头鹰是对的!他们找到了友谊!Tāmen dōu hùxiāng kànzhe duìfāng, rènshí dào māotóuyīng shì duì de! Tāmen zhǎodàole yǒuyì! – They both looked at each other and realized that the owl was right! They found friendship!
实际上, 他们已经找到了永远的最好的宝藏!Shíjì shang, tāmen yǐjīng zhǎodàole yǒngyuǎn de zuì hǎo de bǎozàng! – In fact, they have found the best treasure forever!
小小钢琴家 – Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with subtitles – Story for Children – “BookBox.com”
小小钢琴家 Xiǎo xiǎo gāngqín jiā – Little pianist
有布瑞吉考沙丽创作 yǒu bù ruì jí kǎo shā lì chuàngzuò – Created by Brigitte Kosari
曾经有个男孩名叫阿苏他喜欢弹钢琴并且梦想有天成为钢琴家。Céngjīng yǒu gè nánhái míng jiào ā sū tā xǐhuān dàn gāngqín bìngqiě mèngxiǎng yǒu tiān chéngwéi gāngqín jiā. – There was once a boy named Aso who liked to play the piano and dreamed of becoming a pianist someday.
每星期天,阿苏去上他的钢琴课,并且每天晚上临睡前在家练习弹钢琴。Měi xīngqítiān, ā sū qù shàng tā de gāngqín kè, bìngqiě měitiān wǎnshàng lín shuì qián zàijiā liànxí dàn gāngqín. – Every Sunday, Aso goes to his piano class, and every night before going to bed to practice playing the piano at home.
阿苏渐渐弹得很好因为他是如此得诚恳。他可能会忘记刷牙但是从来不会忘记练习弹钢琴练习弹钢琴!sū jiànjiàn dàn dé hěn hǎo yīnwèi tā shì rúcǐ dé chéngkěn. Tā kěnéng huì wàngjì shuāyá dànshì cónglái bu huì wàngjì liànxí dàn gāngqín! – Aso gradually played well because he was so sincere. He may forget to brush his teeth but never forget to practice playing the piano!
一天,维齐, 他的钢琴老师告诉他,“阿苏,明天你将在很多观众面前演出。你将成为真正的钢琴家!”Yītiān, wéi qí, tā de gāngqín lǎoshī gàosù tā,“ā sū, míngtiān nǐ jiàng zài hěnduō guānzhòng miànqián yǎnchū.Nǐ jiāng chéngwéi zhēnzhèng de gāngqín jiā!” – One day, Vicki, his piano teacher told him, “Asu, tomorrow you will perform in front of many audiences.You will become a real pianist!”
Nǐ de shǒuzhǐ xiàng sōngshǔ yīyàng zài qínjiàn shàng yídòng, dàn nà hái quēshǎo yīxiē dōngxī.” Nà shì shénme?“ Ā sū zhēn de bìxū zhīdào. Tā quèshí… Quèshí xiǎng chéngwéi yīgè wěidà de gāngqín jiā, ér bùjǐn jǐn shì yīgè hǎo de gāngqín jiā.
– Your fingers move on the keys like a squirrel, but there is something missing. “what is that?”
Aso really must know.
He does. . . I really want to be a great pianist, not just a good pianist.
维齐微笑着。他在阿苏德耳边耳语着一个钢琴老师的秘密。Wéi qí wéixiàozhe. Tā zài ā sū dé ěr biān ěryǔzhe yīgè gāngqín lǎoshī de mìmì. – Vicki smiled. He whispered the secret of a piano teacher in Asud’s ear.
”用你的心去演奏,而不是用你的手指。“ 像往常一样,维齐拿出他的装有贴纸的盒子。” Yòng nǐ de xīn qù yǎnzòu, ér bùshì yòng nǐ de shǒuzhǐ.“Xiàng wǎngcháng yīyàng, wéi qí ná chū tā de zhuāng yǒu tiēzhǐ de hézi. – “Play with your heart, not your fingers.” As usual, Vicki took out his box with stickers.
阿苏伸出他的手然后维齐把贴纸贴在他的手上,一张华丽的蝴蝶图案的贴纸。Ā sū shēn chū tā de shǒu ránhòu wéi qí bǎ tiēzhǐ tiē zài tā de shǒu shàng, yī zhāng huálì de húdié tú’àn de tiēzhǐ. – Asu stretched out his hand and Vicki put the sticker on his hand, a sticker with a gorgeous butterfly pattern.
”听着, 当你想要用心弹钢琴的时候就想着这只蝴蝶,她说。“” Tīngzhe, dāng nǐ xiǎng yào yòngxīn dàn gāngqín de shíhòu jiù xiǎngzhe zhè zhǐ húdié, tā shuō.“ – “Listen, think of this butterfly when you want to play the piano carefully, she said.”
那天,当所有的孩子们在公园里玩耍的时候,阿苏只是盯着他的蝴蝶看。他想知道,”我可以用我的手指弹钢琴因为我可以移动他们。“Nèitiān, dāng suǒyǒu de háizimen zài gōngyuán lǐ wánshuǎ de shíhòu, ā sū zhǐshì dīngzhe tā de húdié kàn. Tā xiǎng zhīdào,” wǒ kěyǐ yòng wǒ de shǒuzhǐ dàn gāngqín yīnwèi wǒ kěyǐ yídòng tāmen.“ – That day, when all the children were playing in the park, Asu just stared at his butterfly. He wanted to know, “I can play the piano with my fingers because I can move them.”
“我可以触摸琴键, 我怎么可以用心来弹钢琴呢? 我甚至看不到我的心。”“Wǒ kěyǐ chùmō qínjiàn, wǒ zěnme kěyǐ yòngxīn lái dàn gāngqín ne? Wǒ shènzhì kàn bù dào wǒ de xīn.” – “I can touch the keys. How can I play the piano with my heart? I can’t even see my heart.”
第一次, 在一段很长时间内,阿苏睡觉前没有弹钢琴。在他演出前的那一晚,他没有练习,因为他不知道怎样用心来弹钢琴!Dì yī cì, zài yīduàn hěn cháng shíjiān nèi, ā sū shuìjiào qián méiyǒu dàn gāngqín. Zài tā yǎnchū qián dì nà yī wǎn, tā méiyǒu liànxí, yīnwèi tā bù zhīdào zěnyàng yòngxīn lái dàn gāngqín! – For the first time, for a long time, Aso did not play the piano before going to bed. On the night before his performance, he didn’t practice because he didn’t know how to play the piano by heart!
当阿苏醒来的时候,他寻找那张蝴蝶贴纸。啊不!贴纸不见了!现在阿苏很紧张。真的很紧张。Dāng ā sūxǐng lái de shíhòu, tā xúnzhǎo nà zhāng húdié tiēzhǐ. A bù! Tiēzhǐ bùjiànle! Xiànzài ā sū hěn jǐnzhāng. Zhēn de hěn jǐnzhāng. – When Asu woke up, he looked for the butterfly sticker. Oh no! The sticker is gone! Aso is very nervous now. Really nervous.
他式着弹钢琴,但是他的手指就是不能移动!然而,时间是不会停滞不能的。Tā shìzhe dàn gāngqín, dànshì tā de shǒuzhǐ jiùshì bùnéng yídòng! Rán’ér, shíjiān shì bù huì tíngzhì bùnéng de. – He is playing the piano, but his fingers just can’t move! However, time will not stand still.
很快就到演出时间了。钢琴就放在圆形舞台的中央,被一排排的观众包围着。Hěn kuài jiù dào yǎnchū shíjiānle. Gāngqín jiù fàng zài yuán xíng wǔtái de zhōngyāng, bèi yī pái pái de guānzhòng bāowéizhe. – Soon it will be show time. The piano is placed in the center of the circular stage, surrounded by rows of audiences.
阿苏走上舞台,坐在钢琴长登上,同时闭上他的眼睛几秒钟。Ā sū zǒu shàng wǔtái, zuò zài gāngqín zhǎng dēng shàng, tóngshí bì shàng tā de yǎnjīng jǐ miǎo zhōng. – Asu stepped onto the stage, sat on the piano and closed his eyes for a few seconds.
想起了维齐的话,他想着蝴蝶。在安静的礼堂里,阿苏听到了翅膀拍动的声音。Xiǎngqǐle wéi qí dehuà, tā xiǎngzhe húdié. Zài ānjìng de lǐtáng lǐ, ā sū tīng dàole chìbǎng pāi dòng de shēngyīn. – Thinking of Vizi’s words, he thought of butterflies. In the quiet auditorium, Aso heard the sound of wings flapping.
一只蝴蝶栖息在他的肩膀上并且开始哼起一只曲调。他的手指自己开始移动起来。Yī zhǐ húdié qīxī zài tā de jiānbǎng shàng bìngqiě kāishǐ hēng qǐ yī zhǐ qǔdiào. Tā de shǒuzhǐ zìjǐ kāishǐ yídòng qǐlái. – A butterfly perched on his shoulder and began to hum a tune. His fingers began to move by themselves.
他的心开始演奏起蝴蝶的曲调。Tā de xīn kāishǐ yǎnzòu qǐ húdié de qǔdiào. – His heart began to play the tune of butterflies.
第一口井 : Learn Chinese(Mandarin) with subtitles – Story for Children and Adults- “BookBox.com”
Dì yī kǒu jǐng gǎibiān bó kē bǎo sī
First well
adapted from BookBox
从前有个小国家环绕在湖边。Cóngqián yǒu gè xiǎo guójiā huánrào zài hú biān. – Once upon a time there was a small country surrounded by the lake.
在一个很热的夏天从没下过雨,湖水干涸了。Zài yīgè hěn rè de xiàtiān cóng méi xiàguò yǔ, húshuǐ gānhéle. – It never rained in a very hot summer and the lake dries up.
人们开始担忧,所以去见国王。Rénmen kāishǐ dānyōu, suǒyǐ qù jiàn guówáng. – People began to worry, so they went to see the king.
“很久没有下雨了,我们的田地都荒芜了!“, 农夫们说。“Hěnjiǔ méiyǒu xià yǔle, wǒmen de tiándì dōu huāngwúle!“, Nóngfūmen shuō. – “It hasn’t rained for a long time, our fields are barren!”, said the farmers.
”没有鱼可捕,我们怎么赚钱生活呢?” 渔夫们问。” Méiyǒu yú kě bǔ, wǒmen zěnme zhuànqián shēnghuó ne?” Yúfūmen wèn. – “There is no fish to catch, how can we make a living?” the fishermen asked.
国王,“女人们迫切要求,孩子们因为口渴而哭闹者。Guówáng,“nǚrénmen pòqiè yāoqiú, háizimen yīnwèi kǒu kě ér kū nào zhě. – King, “The women urgently demand that the children cry because they are thirsty.
国王派他的四个将军去所有的方向找水。Guówáng pài tā de sì gè jiāngjūn qù suǒyǒu de fāngxiàng zhǎo shuǐ. – The king sent his four generals to find water in all directions.
第一个将军走向东方,朝着太阳升起的地方,第二个走向尘土飞扬的炽热的南方,第三个走向日落的西方,第四个则跟随着北极星。Dì yī gè jiāngjūn zǒuxiàng dōngfāng, cháozhe tàiyáng shēng qǐ dì dìfāng, dì èr gè zǒuxiàng chéntǔ fēiyáng de chìrè de nánfāng, dì sān gè zǒuxiàng rìluò de xīfāng, dì sì gè zé gēn suí zhuó běijíxīng. – The first general headed east toward the place where the sun rose, the second headed toward the dusty and hot south, the third headed west at sunset, and the fourth followed the North Star.
他们从早找到晚,从晚上找白天,高处和低处,他们找遍了所有的地方,但是徒劳无功。Tāmen cóng zǎo zhǎodào wǎn, cóng wǎnshàng zhǎo báitiān, gāo chù hé dī chù, tāmen zhǎo biànle suǒyǒu dì dìfāng, dànshì túláowúgōng. – They searched from morning to night, from night to day, high places and low places. They searched all places, but in vain.
三个将军空手而归。但是那个走向北方的将军决定不让他的国王失望,最后到达了一个很冷的山里的村庄。Sān gè jiāngjūn kōngshǒu ér guī. Dànshì nàgè zǒuxiàng běifāng de jiāngjūn juédìng bù ràng tā de guówáng shīwàng, zuìhòu dàodále yīgè hěn lěng de shānli de cūnzhuāng. – The three generals returned empty-handed. But the general heading north decided not to disappoint his king, and finally reached a village in a very cold mountain.
当他坐在山脚下时,一个老妇人走过来坐在他的旁边。Dāng tā zuò zài shān jiǎoxià shí, yīgè lǎo fù rén zǒu guòlái zuò zài tā de pángbiān. – When he was sitting at the foot of the mountain, an old woman came and sat next to him.
将军指着地平线说,”我来自一个美丽的王国,那里没有下雨已经整整一年了。您可以帮我找到水吗?“Jiāngjūn zhǐ zhuó dìpíngxiàn shuō,” wǒ láizì yīgè měilì de wángguó, nàlǐ méiyǒu xià yǔ yǐjīng zhěngzhěng yī niánle. Nín kěyǐ bāng wǒ zhǎodào shuǐ ma?“ – The general pointed to the horizon and said, “I come from a beautiful kingdom where it has not rained for a whole year. Can you help me find water?”
老妇人比划着让将军跟随他爬上山,来到一个山洞里。Lǎo fù rén bǐhuazhe ràng jiāngjūn gēnsuí tā pá shàngshān, lái dào yīgè shāndòng lǐ. – The old woman gestured for the general to follow him up the mountain and came to a cave.
”在我们的国家也没有水“, 她说。然后,指着山洞里的冰柱,她继续说,”我们把这个叫做冰,拿一些,你的王国将永远不会干渴。“” Zài wǒmen de guójiā yě méiyǒu shuǐ “, tā shuō. Ránhòu, zhǐzhe shāndòng lǐ de bīng zhù, tā jìxù shuō,” wǒmen bǎ zhège jiàozuò bīng, ná yīxiē, nǐ de wángguó jiāng yǒngyuǎn bù huì gàn kě.“ – “There is no water in our country,” she said. Then, pointing to the icicle in the cave, she continued, “Let’s call this ice, take some, and your kingdom will never be thirsty.”
将军敲下一大块冰,装在他的马车上,匆忙地回家了。Jiāngjūn qiāo xià yī dà kuài bīng, zhuāng zài tā de mǎchē shàng, cōngmáng de huí jiāle. – The general knocked a big block of ice, loaded it on his carriage, and hurried home.
当他到达朝廷时,巨大的冰柱已经融化成一小块冰。Dāng tā dàodá cháotíng shí, jùdà de bīng zhù yǐjīng rónghuà chéngyī xiǎo kuài bīng. – When he arrived at the court, the huge icicle had melted into a small piece of ice.
朝廷中没人见过冰,所以每个人都惊讶地盯着看 ”这个一定是水的种子“,其中的一个大臣突然惊呼道。Cháotíng zhōng méi rén jiànguò bīng, suǒyǐ měi gèrén dōu jīngyà de dīngzhe kàn” zhège yīdìng shì shuǐ de zhǒngzǐ “, qízhōng de yīgè dàchén túrán jīng hū dào. – No one in the court had seen ice, so everyone stared in surprise, “This must be the seed of water,” one of the ministers suddenly exclaimed.
国王命令将 ’水的种子‘ 马上播种下去。Guówáng mìnglìng jiāng’ shuǐ de zhǒngzǐ ‘mǎshàng bōzhòng xiàqù. – The king ordered the “seeds of water” to be planted immediately.
当农夫们挖洞时,冰块在太阳下缩小。他们立刻把种子放进洞里,但是,在他们盖上土之前,冰消失了。Dāng nóngfūmen wā dòng shí, bīng kuài zài tàiyáng xià suōxiǎo. Tāmen lìkè bǎ zhǒngzǐ fàng jìn dòng lǐ, dànshì, zài tāmen gài shàng tǔ zhīqián, bīng xiāoshīle. – When the farmers dig a hole, the ice cube shrinks in the sun. They immediately put the seeds into the hole, but before they covered the soil, the ice disappeared.
农夫们变得困惑和担忧。他们继续挖土越挖越深,一直挖到晚上,找寻那神秘的种子。Nóngfūmen biàn dé kùnhuò hé dānyōu. Tāmen jìxù wā tǔ yuè wā yuè shēn, yīzhí wā dào wǎnshàng, zhǎoxún nà shénmì de zhǒngzǐ. – The farmers became confused and worried. They continued to dig the soil deeper and deeper, digging until the evening, looking for the mysterious seed.
当清晨来临时,国王发现农夫们围绕着一个洞沉睡着。Dāng qīngchén láilín shí, guówáng fāxiàn nóngfūmen wéiràozhe yīgè dòng chénshuìzhe. – When the morning came, the king found that the farmers were sleeping around a hole.
他向洞里好奇地看去,然后大声地惊呼,”叫醒我的功臣们,水的种子已经发芽了!洞里有水!“Tā xiàng dòng lǐ hàoqí de kàn qù, ránhòu dàshēng de jīng hū,” jiào xǐng wǒ de gōngchénmen, shuǐ de zhǒngzǐ yǐjīng fāyále! Dòng li yǒu shuǐ!“ – He looked into the cave curiously, and then exclaimed, “Wake up my heroes, the seeds of water have sprouted! There is water in the cave!”
这就是第一口井的来历。Zhè jiùshì dì yī kǒu jǐng de láilì. – This is the origin of the first well.
小精灵和鞋匠: Learn Chinese(Mandarin) with subtitles – Story for Children – “BookBox.com”
小精灵和鞋匠Xiǎo jīnglíng hé xiéjiàng – Elf and shoemaker
不论彼得舒梅克怎样辛苦地工作,和善地对待村里的所有人,但他从没能够挣到足够的钱来做他自己的鞋子。Bùlùn bǐdé shū méi kè zěnyàng xīnkǔ dì gōngzuò, héshàn dì duìdài cūnlǐ de suǒyǒu rén, dàn tā cóng méi nénggòu zhēng dào zúgòu de qián lái zuò tā zìjǐ de xiézi. – No matter how hard Peter Shoemaker works and treats everyone in the village kindly, he has never been able to earn enough money to make his own shoes.
在这个特别寒冷的下雪天,他的作坊里总共乘下只够做后一双鞋子的皮革。Zài zhège tèbié hánlěng de xià xuě tiān, tā de zuòfāng lǐ zǒnggòng chéng xià zhǐ gòu zuò hòu yīshuāng xiézi de pígé. – On this particularly cold snowy day, his workshop had only enough leather to make the last pair of shoes.
那个晚上,彼得小心地切割了他的宝贵的皮革,把它们放在一边,等早上时再把它们缝合起来。Nàgè wǎnshàng, bǐdé xiǎoxīn dì qiēgēle tā de bǎoguì de pígé, bǎ tāmen fàng zài yībiān, děng zǎoshang shí zài bǎ tāmen fénghé qǐlái. – That night, Peter carefully cut his precious leather, put them aside, and stitched them up in the morning.
第二天早晨日出时,彼得准备开始工作,但是令他大吃一惊的是,一双工艺精巧的鞋子放在她的工作台上。Dì èr tiān zǎochén rì chū shí, bǐdé zhǔnbèi kāishǐ gōngzuò, dànshì lìng tā dàchīyījīng de shì, yīshuāng gōngyì jīngqiǎo de xiézi fàng zài tā de gōngzuò tái shàng. – At sunrise the next morning, Peter was about to start work, but to his surprise, a pair of exquisitely crafted shoes was placed on her workbench.
“真神奇啊!” 他的妻子塞西莉亚说,同时他们很快把鞋子放在橱窗里,因为假日购物季节已经开始了。“Zhēn shénqí a!” Tā de qīzi sāi xī lì yà shuō, tóngshí tāmen hěn kuài bǎ xiézi fàng zài chúchuāng lǐ, yīnwèi jiàrì gòuwù jìjié yǐjīng kāishǐle. – “It’s amazing!” his wife Cecilia said, and they quickly put the shoes in the window because the holiday shopping season had already begun.
幸运的是,非常讲究的丝尼汀小姐刚巧适合这双鞋子,她为此支付了慷慨的金额。Xìngyùn de shì, fēicháng jiǎngjiù de sī ní tīng xiǎojiě gāngqiǎo shìhé zhè shuāng xiézi, tā wèi cǐ zhīfùle kāngkǎi de jīn’é. – Fortunately, the very particular Miss Sinitin happened to fit this pair of shoes, and she paid a generous amount for this.
有了这些钱,彼得便去买了更多的皮革,足够多做两双鞋子了!Yǒule zhèxiē qián, bǐdé biàn qù mǎile gèng duō de pígé, zúgòu duō zuò liǎng shuāng xiézile! – With this money, Peter went to buy more leather, enough to make two pairs of shoes!
那天晚上他再次开始工作,切割了他的皮革,当他上床睡觉时把料子放在工作台上。Nèitiān wǎnshàng tā zàicì kāishǐ gōngzuò, qiēgēle tā de pígé, dāng tā shàngchuáng shuìjiào shí bǎ liàozi fàng zài gōngzuò tái shàng. – He started working again that night, cutting his leather, and putting the material on the workbench when he went to bed.
期盼着一个好的设计,他在熟睡中梦见了鞋子。当他第二天一大早醒来时,再次发现两双工艺精巧的鞋子呈现在他的眼前。Qī pànzhe yīgè hǎo de shèjì, tā zài shúshuì zhōng mèng jiànle xiézi. Dāng tā dì èr tiān yī dà zǎo xǐng lái shí, zàicì fāxiàn liǎng shuāng gōngyì jīngqiǎo de xiézi chéngxiàn zài tā de yǎnqián. – Looking forward to a good design, he dreamed of shoes in his deep sleep. When he woke up early the next morning, he again found two pairs of exquisitely crafted shoes before his eyes.
顾客们也很快买走了这些鞋,因为它们的确是杰作。Gùkèmen yě hěn kuài mǎi zǒule zhèxiē xié, yīnwèi tāmen díquè shì jiézuò. – Customers also quickly bought these shoes, because they are indeed masterpieces.
现在彼得能够买足够做四双鞋子的皮革了。这件神奇的事情延续了一段时间,舒梅克出名了,因为他的鞋子是镇里最好的!xiànzài bǐdé nénggòu mǎi zúgòu zuò sì shuāng xiézi de pígéle. Zhè jiàn shénqí de shìqíng yánxùle yīduàn shíjiān, shū méi kè chūmíngle, yīnwèi tā de xiézi shì zhèn lǐ zuì hǎo de! – Now Peter can buy enough leather to make four pairs of shoes. This magical thing lasted for a while, and the shoemaker became famous because his shoes were the best in town!
彼得和塞西莉亚这些日子的生活好过多了。一天, 赛西莉亚说,“我想知道是谁这样坚持不懈地帮助我们?”Bǐdé hé sāi xī lì yà zhèxiē rìzi de shēnghuó hǎoguò duōle. Yītiān, sài xī lì yà shuō,“wǒ xiǎng zhīdào shì shéi zhèyàng jiānchí bùxiè de bāngzhù wǒmen? – The lives of Peter and Cecilia are much better these days. One day, Cecilia said, “I want to know who is helping us so persistently?”
彼得宣称道,“今晚我们就藏在作坊里看看那里到底发生了什么!”Bǐdé xuānchēng dào,“jīn wǎn wǒmen jiù cáng zài zuòfāng lǐ kàn kàn nàlǐ dàodǐ fāshēngle shénme!” – Peter declared, “We will hide in the workshop tonight and see what happened there!”
并且他们真的这样做了!就在正好午夜时,两个很小的精灵踮着脚尖进来开始工作,很快做起精巧的鞋子来!Bìngqiě tāmen zhēn de zhèyàng zuòle! Jiù zài zhènghǎo wǔyè shí, liǎng gè hěn xiǎo de jīnglíng diǎnzhe jiǎojiān jìnlái kāishǐ gōngzuò, hěn kuài zuò qǐ jīngqiǎo de xiézi lái! – And they really did it! At exactly midnight, two tiny elves came in on tiptoes and started to work, and soon they started making delicate shoes!
他们衣着破旧,甚至没有穿鞋子。在黎明到来之前他们已经匆忙完成了,留下了几双准备第二天卖的鞋子。Tāmen yīzhuó pòjiù, shènzhì méiyǒu chuān xiézi. Zài límíng dàolái zhīqián tāmen yǐjīng cōngmáng wánchéngle, liú xiàle jǐ shuāng zhǔnbèi dì èr tiān mài de xiézi. – They were dressed in shabby clothes and didn’t even wear shoes. They had finished in a hurry before dawn, leaving a few pairs of shoes ready to be sold the next day.
彼得和塞西莉亚非常感谢这些小精灵们,并且担心他们在这样寒冷的天气里如此辛苦地工作。Bǐdé hé sāi xī lì yà fēicháng gǎnxiè zhèxiē xiǎo jīnglíngmen, bìngqiě dānxīn tāmen zài zhèyàng hánlěng de tiānqì lǐ rúcǐ xīnkǔ dì gōngzuò. – Peter and Cecilia are very grateful to these little elves, and worry that they are working so hard in such cold weather.
所以彼得开始着手做两双很小的鞋子,塞西莉亚为他们每人缝制了两套暖和的衣服。Suǒyǐ bǐdé kāishǐ zhuóshǒu zuò liǎng shuāng hěn xiǎo de xiézi, sāi xī lì yà wèi tāmen měi rén féng zhìle liǎng tào nuǎnhuo de yīfú. – So Peter set about making two small pairs of shoes, and Cecilia sewed two warm clothes for each of them.
在圣诞节前夜,他们把小鞋子和衣服代替皮革料子放在外面,再次把他们自己躲藏起来。Zài shèngdàn jié qián yè, tāmen bǎ xiǎo xiézi hé yīfú dàitì pígé liàozi fàng zài wàimiàn, zàicì bǎ tāmen zìjǐ duǒcáng qǐlái. – On Christmas Eve, they put little shoes and clothes outside instead of leather material, and again hid themselves.
午夜时分,小精灵们突然进来,看到了新衣装。眨眼间他们穿上了身,他们是如此的高兴,所以笑个不停,跳着舞出了窗外。Wǔyè shífēn, xiǎo jīnglíngmen túrán jìnlái, kàn dàole xīn yīzhuāng. Zhǎyǎn jiān tāmen chuān shàngle shēn, tāmen shì rúcǐ de gāoxìng, suǒyǐ xiào gè bù tíng, tiàozhe wǔ chūle chuāngwài. – At midnight, the elves came in suddenly and saw the new clothes. In the blink of an eye they put on them, they were so happy, so they laughed and danced out the window.
他们再没被看见过。彼得继续每天做鞋子,他和塞西莉亚永远地过着快乐和满足的生活。Tāmen zài méi bèi kànjiànguò. Bǐdé jìxù měitiān zuò xiézi, tā hé sāi xī lì yà yǒngyuǎn dì guò zhe kuàilè he mǎnzú de shēnghuó. – They have never been seen again. Peter continued to make shoes every day, and he and Cecilia lived a happy and contented life forever.
。。。小精灵们也一样!… Xiǎo jīnglíngmen yě yīyàng!. . . The same goes for the elves!
四个伙伴 : Learn Chinese(Mandarin) with subtitles – Story for Children and Adults – “BookBox.com”
四个伙伴Sì gè huǒbàn – Four partners
在远离任何城镇的地方,有一片森林,在那里所有的动物和鸟类平静地生活在一起。Zài yuǎnlí rènhé chéngzhèn dì dìfāng, yǒu yīpiàn sēnlín, zài nàlǐ suǒyǒu de dòngwù hé niǎo lèi píngjìng dì shēnghuó zài yīqǐ. – Far away from any town, there is a forest where all the animals and birds live together peacefully.
森林是四个不可分离的伙伴们的家;一头鹿儿, 一只乌龟,一只乌鸦和一只老鼠。Sēnlín shì sì gè bùkě fēnlí de huǒbànmen de jiā; yītóu lù er, yī zhǐ wūguī, yī zhǐ wūyā hé yī zhǐ lǎoshǔ. – The forest is the home of four inseparable companions; a deer, a turtle, a crow and a mouse.
每天晚上他们聚在一起讨论当天发生的事情。但是有一天,鹿儿感非常害怕。Měitiān wǎnshàng tāmen jù zài yīqǐ tǎolùn dàngtiān fāshēng de shìqíng. Dànshì yǒu yītiān, lù er gǎn fēicháng hàipà. – Every night they gather together to discuss what happened that day. But one day, Luer felt very scared.
“猎人们到处在设陷阱。 我们该做些什么来逃避呢?““Lièrénmen dàochù zài shè xiànjǐng. Wǒmen gāi zuò xiē shénme lái táobì ne?“ – “Hunters are setting traps everywhere. What should we do to escape?”
”是的, 已经有办法了,乌鸦大声叫嚷着,我们的伙伴老鼠知道!“” Shì de, yǐjīng yǒu bànfǎle, wūyā dàshēng jiàorǎngzhe, wǒmen de huǒbàn lǎoshǔ zhīdào!“ – “Yes, there is a way, the crow yells, our partner mouse knows!”
乌鸦开始讲述他所看到的事情。”就在前几天,我看到了最令人惊异的事情。“Wūyā kāishǐ jiǎngshù tāsuǒ kàn dào de shìqíng.” Jiù zài qián jǐ tiān, wǒ kàn dàole zuì lìng rén jīngyì de shìqíng.“ – The crow began to tell what he had seen. “Just a few days ago, I saw the most amazing thing.”
一群鸽子被捕集在猎人的网兜里面,他们的翅膀据烈地拍打着。Yīqún gēzi bèi bǔ jí zài lièrén de wǎngdōu lǐmiàn, tāmen de chìbǎng jù liè de pāidǎzhe. – A group of pigeons was caught in the hunter’s net bag, their wings flapping fiercely.
突然, 所有的鸽子用嘴叼起了网兜飞向了天空。Túrán, suǒyǒu de gēzi yòng zuǐ diāo qǐle wǎngdōu fēi xiàngle tiānkōng. – Suddenly, all the pigeons took their nets with their mouths and flew into the sky.
他们去哪里呢?直奔向我们的伙伴老鼠!老鼠用他的锋利的牙齿把网兜撕成了碎片。Tāmen qù nǎlǐ ne? Zhí bēn xiàng wǒmen de huǒbàn lǎoshǔ! Lǎoshǔ yòng tā de fēnglì de yáchǐ bǎ wǎngdōu sī chéngle suìpiàn. – Where are they going? Go straight to our partner mouse! The mouse tore the net bag to pieces with his sharp teeth.
鸽子们最后逃脱飞走了。“他们非常感谢我们的伙伴。”Gēzimen zuìhòu táotuō fēi zǒule.“Tāmen fēicháng gǎnxiè wǒmen de huǒbàn.” – The pigeons finally escaped and flew away. “They are very grateful to our partners.”
听完故事后,鹿儿去找水了。同时,三个伙伴们开始啃食水果, 灌木和树林里的落叶。Tīng wán gùshì hòu, lù er qù zhǎo shuǐle. Tóngshí, sān gè huǒbànmen kāishǐ kěn shí shuǐguǒ, guànmù hé shùlín lǐ de luòyè. – After listening to the story, Luer went to find water. At the same time, the three partners began to eat fruits, shrubs and fallen leaves in the woods.
他们一直聊天到很晚,仍然等待着鹿儿回来。但是鹿儿一直没有出现,伙伴们开始担忧。Tāmen yīzhí liáotiān dào hěn wǎn, réngrán děngdàizhuó lù er huílái. Dànshì lù er yīzhí méiyǒu chūxiàn, huǒbànmen kāishǐ dānyōu. – They chatted till late, still waiting for Luer to come back. But Luer never appeared, and the partners began to worry.
清晨来临,当其他的伙伴们大声叫唤着鹿儿的时候,乌鸦飞向每个方向去寻找她。Qīngchén láilín, dāng qítā de huǒbànmen dàshēng jiàohuànzhe lù er de shíhòu, wūyā fēi xiàng měi gè fāngxiàng qù xúnzhǎo tā. – When the morning came, when the other friends called Luer loudly, the crow flew in every direction to look for her.
在一块空地上, 他发现了鹿儿的脚被陷在了猎网里。Zài yīkuài kòng dìshàng, tā fāxiànle lù er de jiǎo bèi xiàn zàile liè wǎng lǐ. – In a clearing, he found that the deer’s feet were trapped in the hunting net.
”不用担心,“ 他冷静地告诉鹿儿,”我们会想办法。“ 乌鸦匆忙地回去找他的伙伴们。” Bùyòng dānxīn,“tā lěngjìng de gàosù lù er,” wǒmen huì xiǎng bànfǎ.“Wūyā cōngmáng de huíqù zhǎo tā de huǒbànmen. – “Don’t worry,” he calmly told Luer, “We will figure out a solution.” The crow hurriedly went back to his friends.
互利关系 – Learn Chinese(Mandarin) with subtitles – Story for Children and Adults – “BookBox.com”
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第一个圣诞节: Learn Chinese(Mandarin) with subtitles – Story for Children and Adults – “BookBox.com”
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