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一颗大树横断在路上。[Yī kē dà shù héngduàn zài lùshàng.] – A big tree crossing the street blocked the road.
按照中国的传统,一个孝顺的儿子意味着完全听父母的安排。[Ànzhào zhōngguó de chuántǒng, yīgè xiàoshùn de érzi yìwèizhe wánquán tīng fùmǔ de ānpái.] – According to Chinese tradition, being a filial son means complete obedience to his parents.
我大致算了一下,每年可以收取至少一百万美元。[Wǒ dàzhì suànle yīxià, měinián kěyǐ shōuqǔ zhìshǎo yībǎi wàn měiyuán.] – According to my back-of-the-envelope calculations, we could reap at least one million dollar a year.
根据电视新闻,这项工程可能会被取消。[Gēnjù diànshì xīnwén, zhè xiàng gōngchéng kěnéng huì bèi qǔxiāo.] – According to the TV news, this project is likely to be cancelled.
河对岸就是新建的发电厂。[Hé duì’àn jiùshì xīnjiàn de fǎ diàn chǎng.] – Across the river is the newly-built power plant.
去博物馆的门票包括在内了。[Qù bówùguǎn de ménpiào bāokuò zài nèile.] – Admission to the museum is included in the package.
巨大的火光像蘑菇云一样照亮了夜空。[Jùdà de huǒguāng xiàng mógūyún yīyàng zhào liàngle yèkōng.] – A fire and a huge flash of light that resembled a mushroom cloud illuminating the darkness.
中学辍学后,他开始卖皮包。[Zhōngxué chuòxué hòu, tā kāishǐ mài píbāo.] – After dropping out of middle school, he began selling leather handbags.
听了我的故事后,他哈哈大笑了。[Tīngle wǒ de gùshì hòu, tā hāhā dà xiàole.] – After listening to my story, he laughed out loud.
听了你讲的话,我心里很安慰。[Tīngle nǐ jiǎng dehuà, wǒ xīnlǐ hěn ānwèi.] – After listening to what you just said, I am feeling much better now.
经过两天的航行,我们已经远离陆地。[Jīngguò liǎng tiān de hángxíng, wǒmen yǐjīng yuǎnlí lùdì.] – After two days of sailing, we were far from land.
到了红绿灯以后,往右拐。[Dàole hónglǜdēng yǐhòu, wǎng yòu guǎi.] – After you get to the traffic light, turn right.
健康的生活方式可以减少罹患癌症的风险。[Jiànkāng de shēnghuó fāngshì kěyǐ jiǎnshǎo líhuàn áizhèng de fēngxiǎn.] – A healthful lifestyle might reduce the risk of cancer.
随着美国汽车业的复苏,一个巨大的机会即将出现。[Suízhe měiguó qìchē yè de fùsū, yīgè jùdà de jīhuì jíjiāng chūxiàn.] – A huge opportunity was on the horizon as the auto industry in the United States started its revival.
国航取消了所有从北京和上海到东京的航班。[Guóháng qǔxiāole suǒyǒu cóng běijīng hé shànghǎi dào dōngjīng de hángbān.] – Air China cancelled all flights to Tokyo from Beijing and Shanghai.
营养成分都列在包装上面。[Yíngyǎng chéngfèn dōu liè zài bāozhuāng shàngmiàn.] – All ingredients are listed right on the package.
这儿的学生都很聪明。[Zhè’er de xuéshēng dōu hěn cōngmíng.] – All of the students here are very intelligent.
一只猴子突然从树上跳了下来。[Yī zhǐ hóuzi túrán cóng shù shàng tiàole xiàlái.] – A monkey suddenly jumped down from the tree.
部分火车站的广播开始使用印尼语,泰语和越南语。[Bùfèn huǒchē zhàn de guǎngbò kāishǐ shǐyòng yìnní yǔ, tàiyǔ hé yuènán yǔ.] – Announcements at some train stations are made in Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese.
又有一只猫来到我家了。[Yòu yǒuyī zhǐ māo lái dào wǒjiāle.] – Another cat came to my house.
美国的很多汽车厂向世界各地出口产品。[Měiguó de hěnduō qìchē chǎng xiàng shìjiè gèdì chūkǒu chǎnpǐn.] – A number of American auto plants export their products around the world.
沿河一座座公寓楼拔地而起。[Yán hé yīzuò zuò gōngyù lóu bá dì ér qǐ.] – Apartment blocks have risen along the riverfront.
火车上的乘客没事吧?[Huǒchē shàng de chéngkè méishì ba?] – Are the passengers in the train alright?
作为一名年轻的士兵,他梦想在部队里赢得一些荣誉。[Zuòwéi yī míng niánqīng dí shìbīng, tā mèngxiǎng zài bùduì lǐ yíngdé yīxiē róngyù.] – As a young soldier he dreamed of winning military glory.
如果这所学校比较难进,录取率低,它就越有名气。[Rúguǒ zhè suǒ xuéxiào bǐjiào nán jìn, lùqǔ lǜ dī, tā jiù yuè yǒu míngqì.] – A school’s reputation is bolstered by its glimmer of exclusivity and by a low acceptance rate.
随着国内钢材价格的暴跌,钢铁企业纷纷减产甚至倒闭。[Suízhe guónèi gāngcái jiàgé de bàodié, gāngtiě qǐyè fēnfēn jiǎnchǎn shènzhì dǎobì.] – As domestic steel prices have collapsed, steel-producing companies have scaled back or closed.
一辆正进行测试的谷歌无人驾驶汽车与公交车相撞。[Yī liàng zhèng jìnxíng cèshì de gǔgē wú rén jiàshǐ qìchē yǔ gōngjiāo chē xiāng zhuàng] – A self-driving car being tested by Google struck a public bus.
亚裔美国人聪明,勤奋。[Yà yì měiguó rén cōngmíng, qínfèn.] – Asian-Americans are smart and hard-working.
亚裔努力在数学和科学等具有明确衡量标准的领域取得成功。[Yà yì nǔlì zài shùxué hé kēxué děng jùyǒu míngquè héngliáng biāozhǔn dì lǐngyù qǔdé chénggōng.] – Asian-Americans work hard to succeed in areas with clear metrics like math and science.
少数几家餐馆减少或取消了小费。[Shǎoshù jǐ jiā cānguǎn jiǎnshǎo huò qǔxiāole xiǎofèi.] – A small number of restaurants have reduced or eliminated tipping.
一架小型客机在起飞后不久坠落到一条河里。[Yī jià xiǎoxíng kèjī zài qǐfēi hòu bùjiǔ zhuìluò dào yītiáo hé lǐ.] – A small passenger plane crashed into a river shortly after takeoff.
作为决策人,我暂时还不能透露这个计划的具体细节。[Zuòwéi juécè rén, wǒ zhànshí hái bùnéng tòulù zhège jìhuà de jùtǐ xìjié.] – As the decision-maker, at this moment I cannot reveal the details of this project.
因为体育场离我家不远,我经常去看足球赛。[Yīnwèi tǐyùchǎng lí wǒjiā bù yuǎn, wǒ jīngcháng qù kàn zúqiú sài.] – As the stadium isn’t far from my house, I often go and watch soccer matches.
一名学生被全部八所常春藤大学录取。[Yī míng xuéshēng bèi quánbù bā suǒ cháng chūnténg dàxué lùqǔ.] – A student had won admission to all eight Ivy League universities.
中国,韩国或印度裔学生被录取的可能性高得多。[Zhōngguó, hánguó huò yìndù yì xuéshēng bèi lùqǔ de kěnéng xìng gāo dé duō.] – A student of Chinese, Korean or Indian descent is so much more likely to be admitted.
早晨我吃了两个包子,喝了一碗米粥。[Zǎochén wǒ chīle liǎng gè bāozi, hēle yī wǎn mǐ zhōu.] – At breakfast, I had two steamed buns and a bowl of rice porridge.
一名老师也受了重伤。[Yī míng lǎoshī yě shòule zhòngshāng.] – A teacher was also severely injured.
刚开始听起来像是恭维,其实不然。[Gāng kāishǐ tīng qǐlái xiàng shì gōngwéi, qíshí bùrán.] – At first it sounds like a compliment, but it is not.
小偷把我的钱包偷走了。[Xiǎotōu bǎ wǒ de qiánbāo tōu zǒule.] – A thief took my purse.
当局警告人们远离江水中升起的含有苯的气体。[Dāngjú jǐnggào rénmen yuǎnlí jiāngshuǐ zhōng shēng qǐ de hányǒu běn de qìtǐ.] – Authorities are warning people to avoid the benzene fumes rising from the river.
汽车生产商召回了逾一千万辆气囊存在缺陷的汽车。[Qìchē shēngchǎn shāng zhàohuíle yú yīqiān wàn liàng qìnáng cúnzài quēxiàn de qìchē.] – Automakers have recalled more than 10 million vehicles with the defective airbags.
从来没有一个女性进入核心权力集团。[Cónglái méiyǒu yīgè nǚxìng jìnrù héxīn quánlì jítuán.] – A w
oman has never sat in the inner circle of power.
因为火车晚点,估计我不能按时到达。[Yīnwèi huǒchē wǎndiǎn, gūjì wǒ bùnéng ànshí dàodá.] – Because the train was late, I do not think I can make it on time.
房子后边有一条河。[Fángzi hòubian yǒu yītiáo hé.] – Behind the house is a river.
房子的后面就是火车站。[Fángzi de hòumiàn jiùshì huǒchē zhàn.] – Behind the house is the train station.
北京下令禁止该地区的房屋销售。[Běijīng xiàlìng jìnzhǐ gāi dìqū de fángwū xiāoshòu.] – Beijing banned housing sales in the region. [Beijing ordered a ban on home sales in the area.]
在首都北京,人和杨树的比例是十比一。[Zài shǒudū běijīng, rén hé yáng shù de bǐlì shì shí bǐ yī.] – Beijing city, the capital of China, has one poplar tree for every 10 people.
北京离这儿不远。[Běijīng lí zhè’er bù yuǎn.] – Beijing is not far from here.
老板,一切听你的![Lǎobǎn, yīqiè tīng nǐ de!] – Boss, anything you say! [Boss, everything listens to you!]
可我不会听信她的。[Kě wǒ bù huì tīngxìn tā de.] – But I wouldn’t listen to her.
北京新火车站到今年已经接待各方旅客五千万人次。[Běijīng xīn huǒchē zhàn dào jīnnián yǐjīng jiēdài gè fāng lǚkè wǔqiān wàn réncì.] – By this year, the new Beijing railway station has served 50 million passengers.
中国移动通信集团公司 [Zhōngguó yídòng tōngxìn jítuán gōngsī] – China Mobile Communications Corporation
听口音你是南方人。[Tīng kǒuyīn nǐ shì nánfāng rén.] – Based on your accent, it seems you are from south (of China).
北京到处是奢侈品牌手提包精品店。[Běijīng dàochù shì shēchǐ pǐnpái shǒutí bāo jīngpǐn diàn.] – Beijing was awash with luxury handbag boutiques.
黑葡萄比红葡萄还甜。[Hēi pútáo bǐ hóng pútáo hái tián.] – Black grapes taste even sweeter than the red ones.
蓝领工资现在是每小时四至六美元仍远低于美国。[Lánlǐng gōngzī xiànzài shì měi xiǎoshí sìzhì liù měiyuán réng yuǎn dī yú měiguó.] – Blue-collar wages are now 4 to 6 dollars an hour, still far lower than in the United States.
二号楼的电梯坏了。[Èr hào lóu de diàntī huàile.] – Building 2’s elevators are currently out of service.
出租汽车很方便就是价格太贵。[Chūzū qìchē hěn fāngbiàn jiùshì jiàgé tài guì.] – Cabs are convenient, but they are not cheap.
比如说,叫一个人夜猫子就是一个常用的比喻。[Bǐrú shuō, jiào yīgè rén yèmāozi jiùshì yīgè chángyòng de bǐyù.] – Calling a person a night owl is an example of a common metaphor.
交通流畅的时候二氧化碳排放就会减少。[Jiāotōng liúchàng de shíhòu èryǎnghuàtàn páifàng jiù huì jiǎnshǎo.] – Carbon dioxide emissions are reduced when traffic is free-flowing.
现在汽车价格都不高,所以家家户户都买的起。[Xiànzài qìchē jiàgé dōu bù gāo, suǒyǐ jiājiāhùhù dōu mǎi de qǐ.] – Cars are not expensive nowadays, therefore every family can afford them.
猫比狗刨得慢。[Māo bǐ gǒu páo dé màn.] – Cats run slower than dogs.
儿童应该在非常小的时候就开始学会自食其力。[Értóng yīnggāi zài fēicháng xiǎo de shíhòu jiù kāishǐ xuéhuì zìshíqílì.] – Children are expected to earn their keep, starting at a very early age.
中国开始向西方国家出口汽车。[Zhōngguó kāishǐ xiàng xīfāng guójiā chūkǒu qìchē.] – China begins to export cars to the western countries.
中国已经成为世界最大的汽车组装国。[Zhōngguó yǐjīng chéngwéi shìjiè zuìdà de qìchē zǔzhuāng guó.] – China has become the world’s largest assembler of cars.
中国成为了世界上最大的汽车市场。[Zhōngguó chéngwéile shìjiè shàng zuìdà de qìchē shìchǎng.] – China has claimed the title of world’s biggest automobile market.
中国已经成为世界最大汽车市场。[Zhōngguó yǐjīng chéngwéi shìjiè zuìdà qìchē shìchǎng.] – China has emerged as the world’s largest auto market.
中国强烈反对该系统。[Zhōngguó qiángliè fǎnduì gāi xìtǒng.] – China has objected strongly to the system.
中国取消修建一百多座火力发电厂的计划。[Zhōngguó qǔxiāo xiūjiàn yībǎi duō zuò huǒlì fādiàn chǎng de jìhuà.] – China is cancelling plans to build more than 100 coal-fired power plants.
中国是大众汽车的最大市场。[Zhōngguó shì dàzhòng qìchē de zuìdà shìchǎng.] – China is Volkswagen’s largest market.
对于外国品牌汽车来说,中国市场仍然利润丰厚。[Duìyú wàiguó pǐnpái qìchē lái shuō, zhōngguó shìchǎng réngrán lìrùn fēnghòu.] – China remains a lucrative market for foreign-branded cars.
中国火电厂约半数产能闲置。[Zhōngguó huǒ diànchǎng yuē bànshù chǎnnéng xiánzhì.] – China’s coal-fired power plants now run at about half of capacity.
中国应该取消所有的出生限制。[Zhōngguó yīnggāi qǔxiāo suǒyǒu de chūshēng xiànzhì.] – China should lift all controls on births.
中国应该将法定结婚年龄降至十八岁。[Zhōngguó yīnggāi jiàng fǎdìng jiéhūn niánlíng jiàng zhì shíbā suì.] – China should lower the legal marriage age to 18.
中国应该计划一次火星任务。[Zhōngguó yīnggāi jìhuà yīcì huǒxīng rènwù.] – China should plan a mission to Mars.
中国电信集团公司 [Zhōngguó diànxìn jítuán gōngsī] – China Telecommunications Corporation
中国今年将继续减少煤炭产量。[Zhōngguó jīnnián jiāng jìxù jiǎnshǎo méitàn chǎnliàng.] – China will keep cutting excess coal production this year.
中国网友表达了对该行动的支持。[Zhōngguó wǎngyǒu biǎodále duì gāi xíngdòng de zhīchí.] – Chinese online comments expressed support for the operation.
中国学生应该成为其中的一部分。[Zhōngguó xuéshēng yīnggāi chéngwéi qízhōng de yībùfèn.] – Chinese students should be a part of it.
中国女性在生活的各个领域取得了巨大进步。[Zhōngguó nǚxìng zài shēnghuó de gège lǐngyù qǔdéle jùdà jìnbù.] – Chinese women have made huge progress in most spheres of life.
香烟一般是一包二十支。[Xiāngyān yībān shì yī bāo èrshí zhī.] – Cigarettes typically come in packs of 20.
圆形,正方形和三角形都是常见的几何形状。[Yuán xíng, zhèngfāngxíng hé sānjiǎoxíng dōu shì chángjiàn de jǐhé xíngzhuàng.] – Circles, squares, and triangles are common geometric shapes.
硬币通常是圆而扁平。[Yìngbì tōngcháng shì yuán ér biǎnpíng.] – Coins are usually round and flat.
运动与节食结合也许是减肥最有效的途径。[Yùndòng yǔ jiéshí jiéhé yěxǔ shì jiǎnféi zuì yǒuxiào de tújìng.] – Combining exercise with the diet may be the most effective way to lose weight.
请从梯子上下来。[Qǐng cóng tīzi shàng xiàlái.] – Come down from the ladder please.
面对这么多问题,他们不得不取消整个项目。[Miàn duì zhème duō wèntí, tāmen bùdé bù qǔxiāo zhěnggè xiàngmù.] – Confronted with so many problems, they had to cancel the entire project.
祝贺你![Zhùhè nǐ!] – Congratulations!
恭喜你啊!听说你通过了注册会计师考试。[Gōngxǐ nǐ a! Tīng shuō nǐ tōngguòle zhùcè kuàijìshī kǎoshì.] – Congratulations! I heard that you passed the CPA [Certified Public Accountant Examination] exam.
腐败是永远根除不了的。[Fǔbài shì yǒngyuǎn gēnchú bùliǎo de.] – Corruption is something you can never completely root out.
具体费用或许会有浮动,这取决于到场人员的规模。[Jùtǐ fèiyòng huòxǔ huì yǒu fúdòng, zhè qǔjué yú dàochǎng rényuán de guīmó.] – Costs could fluctuate depending on the size of the crowd that turns out.
剧组成员们都担心自己的房间被窃听。[Jùzǔ chéngyuánmen dōu dānxīn zìjǐ de fángjiān bèi qiètīng.] – Crew members suspected their rooms were bugged.
现在削减公司开支有利于公司将来的盈利。[Xiànzài xuējiǎn gōngsī kāizhī yǒu lìyú gōngsī jiānglái de yínglì.] – Cuts in company spending now should lead to profits in the long term.
亲爱的老师们,你们辛苦了。[Qīn’ài de lǎoshīmen, nǐmen xīnkǔle.] – Dear teachers, thank you for your hard work!
你拿到火车票了吗?[Nǐ ná dào huǒchē piàole ma?] – Did you get your train ticket?
你错过公共汽车了?[Nǐ cuòguò gōnggòng qìchēle?] – Did you miss the bus?
您收到了我上周邮寄给您的包裹了吗?[Nín shōu dàole wǒ shàng zhōu yóujì gěi nín de bāoguǒle ma?] – Did you receive the package I sent to you last week?
你包好礼物了吗?[Nǐ bāo hǎo lǐwùle ma?] – Did you wrap the presents?
柴油发动机跟汽油发动机有几点很不相同。[Cháiyóu fādòngjī gēn qìyóu fādòngjī yǒu jǐ diǎn hěn bù xiāngtóng.] – Diesel engines differ from gasoline engines in important ways.
包括小费吗?[Bāokuò xiǎofèi ma?] – Does that include the tip?
青苹果比红苹果好吃吗?[Qīng píngguǒ bǐ hóng píngguǒ hào chī ma?] – Do green apples taste better than red apples?
熊猫只吃竹子吗?[Xióngmāo zhǐ chī zhúzi ma?] – Do pandas only eat bamboo?
做任何败坏他们声誉的行为都是错误的。[Zuò rènhé bàihuài tāmen shēngyù de xíngwéi dōu shì cuòwù de.] – Doing anything to ruin their reputation would be a mistake.
不要把教师讲的每句话都记录下来。[Bùyào bǎ jiàoshī jiǎng de měi jù huà dōu jìlù xiàlái.] – Don’t write down every word the instructor says.
千万不要听他的。[Qiān wàn bùyào tīng tā de.] – Do not listen to him.
双层公共汽车能用在人口密集的城区来很多乘客。[Shuāng céng gōnggòng qìchē néng yòng zài rénkǒu mìjí de chéngqū lái hěnduō chéngkè.] – Double-decker buses can be used to move a lot of people through dense urban areas.
你认为火星上有生命吗?[Nǐ rènwéi huǒxīng shàng yǒu shēngmìng ma?] – Do you believe there is life on Mars?
你喜欢蓝色的还是红色的?[Nǐ xǐhuān lán sè de háishì hóngsè de?] – Do you like the blue one or the red one?
你有没有必要去背这个沉重的包袱。[Nǐ yǒu méiyǒu bìyào qù bèi zhège chénzhòng de bāofú.] – Do you need to carry the heavy burden?
你经常坐公共汽车吗?[Nǐ jīngcháng zuò gōnggòng qìchē ma?] – Do you often take a bus?
你认为当兵的不服从命令就应该受处罚吗?[Nǐ rènwéi dāng bīng de bù fúcóng mìnglìng jiù yīnggāi shòu chǔfá ma?] – Do you think a soldier should be punished for not following orders?
由于汽油涨价, 人们开始探索省钱的市内交通方式.[Yóuyú qìyóu zhǎng jià, rénmen kāishǐ tànsuǒ shěng qián de shì nèi jiāotōng fāngshì.] – Due to the rising price of gasoline, people began to explore cheap ways of transportation in the city.
由于时间限制,项目范围减小了。[Yóuyú shíjiān xiànzhì, xiàngmù fànwéi jiǎn xiǎole.] – Due to the time constraints, the project scope has been reduced.
早期症状可能包括瞳孔缩小,流鼻涕,喘息和肌肉抽搐。[Zǎoqí zhèngzhuàng kěnéng bāokuò tóngkǒng suōxiǎo, liú bítì, chuǎnxī hé jīròu chōuchù.] – Early symptoms can include pinprick pupils, runny nose, wheezing and muscle twitching.
中国各地的教育官员正在招募男教师。[Zhōngguó gèdì de jiàoyù guānyuán zhèngzài zhāomù nán jiàoshī.] – Education officials across China are recruiting male teachers.
火力发电是造成全球变暖的温室气体的最大来源。[Huǒlì fādiàn shì zàochéng quánqiú biàn nuǎn de wēnshì qìtǐ de zuìdà láiyuán.] – Electricity generated from coal is the biggest source of the greenhouse gases that lead to global warming.
能源在经济中远非是一个次要问题。[Néngyuán zài jīngjì zhōngyuǎn fēi shì yīgè cì yào wèntí.] – Energy is far from a peripheral issue in the economy.
娱乐业永远是年轻人的行当。[Yúlè yè yǒngyuǎn shì niánqīng rén de hángdang.] – Entertainment is always a young person’s business.
整个村庄的人都出来看游行。[Zhěnggè cūnzhuāng de rén dōu chūlái kàn yóuxíng.] – Entire villages came to see the parade.
有些歌你只要听过一两次,就会印在你的脑海里。[Yǒuxiē gē nǐ zhǐyào tīngguò yī liǎng cì, jiù huì yìn zài nǐ de nǎohǎi lǐ.] – Even a song that you hear only a couple of times can be in your head forever.
大家都说你是一个聪明的孩子。[Dàjiā dōu shuō nǐ shì yīgè cōngmíng de háizi.] – Everybody says you are a smart kid.
秋天到了,到处都在掉树叶。[Qiūtiān dàole, dàochù dōu zài diào shùyè.] – Fall is here. The leaves are falling everywhere.
消防车已被派往爆炸现场扑火。[Xiāofáng chē yǐ bèi pài wǎng bàozhà xiànchǎng pū huǒ.] – Fire engines have been dispatched to the blast site to extinguish the fire
消防队员把火扑灭了。[Xiāofáng duìyuán bǎ huǒ pūmièle.] – Firefighters put out the fire.
首先,我们把水转换成蒸汽。[Shǒuxiān, wǒmen bǎ shuǐ zhuǎnhuàn chéng zhēngqì.] – First we convert water into steam.
大年三十是中国人全家团圆的日子。[Dà nián sānshí shì zhōngguó rén quánjiā tuányuán de rìzi.] – For Chinese, lunar new year’s eve is a day for family reunion.
在奥运村工作的外国记者可以没有限制地使用互联网。[Zài àoyùn cūn gōngzuò de wàiguó jìzhě kěyǐ méiyǒu xiànzhì dì shǐyòng hùliánwǎng.] – Foreign reporters working at the Olympic Village could have unfettered access to the web.
幸亏我聪明,要不然肯定被你骗。[Xìngkuī wǒ cōngmíng, yào bùrán kěndìng bèi nǐ piàn.] – Fortunately I’m smart, or I would have been scammed by you.
幸运的是,在这场风暴中船的破坏不严重。[Xìngyùn de shì, zài zhè chǎng fēngbào zhōng chuán de pòhuài bù yánzhòng.] – Fortunately the boat suffered no serious damage in the storm.
美国已经有了四个饲养着大熊猫的动物园。[Měiguó yǐjīng yǒule sì gè sìyǎngzhe dà xióngmāo de dòngwùyuán.] – Four American zoos already have pandas.
从长城到大运河,在到三峡大坝中国一直用庞大的公共建设项目展示着非凡的工程技能和经济实力。[Cóng chángchéng dào dà yùnhé, zài dào sānxiá dà bà zhōngguó yīzhí yòng pángdà de gōnggòng jiànshè xiàngmù zhǎnshìzhe fēifán de gōngchéng jìnéng hé jīngjì shílì.] – From the Great Wall to the Grand Canal and the Three Gorges Dam, China has used colossal public-works projects to showcase its engineering prowess and project its economic might.
昨晚的圆月很美。[Zuó wǎn de yuán yuè hěn měi.] – Full moon last night was beautiful.
最近几个月,每加仑汽油的价格下跌了一美元多。[Zuìjìn jǐ gè yuè, měi jiālún qìyóu de jiàgé xiàdiéle yī měiyuán duō.] – Gasoline prices have dropped more than a dollar a gallon in recent months.
通用汽车公司在上海的东郊开设了一个超现代化的凯迪拉克工厂。[Tōngyòng qìchē gōngsī zài shànghǎi de dōng jiāo kāishèle yīgè chāo xiàndàihuà de kǎidílākè gōngchǎng.] – General Motors opened a ultra-modern Cadillac factory in the eastern suburbs of Shanghai.
等你仔细考虑后再答复我。[Děng nǐ zǐxì kǎolǜ hòu zài dáfù wǒ.] – Get back to me after you think it over.
现在给汽车加点油吧,这条高速上加油站非常少。[Xiànzài gěi qìchē jiādiǎn yóu ba, zhè tiáo gāosù shàng jiāyóu zhàn fēicháng shǎo. ] -Get some gasoline now. Service stations on this highway are few and far between.
专家说,能否找到一个好的工作并不取决于你的文凭。[Zhuānjiā shuō, néng fǒu zhǎodào yīgè hǎo de gōngzuò bìng bù qǔjué yú nǐ de wénpíng.] – Getting a good job is not dependent on a degree, experts say.
好,星期日火车站见。[Hǎo, xīngqírì huǒchē zhàn jiàn.] – Good, see you at the train station on Sunday.
谷歌不是汽车制造商,也不打算成为这样的角色。[Gǔgē bùshì qìchē zhìzào shāng, yě bù dǎsuàn chéngwéi zhèyàng de juésè.] – Google is not a car manufacturer and does not intend to become one.
哈佛大学高层取消了她的录取资格。[Hāfó dàxué gāocéng qǔxiāole tā de lùqǔ zīgé.] – Harvard’s top brass overturned her admission.
兔年吉祥![Tù nián jíxiáng!] – Have a lucky Year of the Rabbit!
听力损伤进展得十分缓慢,人们只会在它非常严重时才会发现。[Tīnglì sǔnshāng jìnzhǎn dé shífēn huǎnmàn, rénmen zhǐ huì zài tā fēicháng yán chóng shí cái huì fāxiàn.] – Hearing loss can occur so gradually that people don’t recognize the problem until it is well advanced.
他请我为他未来的孩子取个名字。[Tā qǐng wǒ wèi tā wèilái de háizi qǔ gè míngzì.] – He asked me to come up with a name for his future child.
他避免了在获取工作许可证时,可能遇到的一些麻烦。[Tā bìmiǎnle zài huòqǔ gōngzuò xǔkě zhèng shí, kěnéng yù dào de yīxiē máfan.] – He avoided some troublesome aspects of getting a work permit.
他三十出头就担任县长。[Tā sānshí chūtóu jiù dānrèn xiàn zhǎng.] – He became a county executive when he was a little over 30.
他乘火车来的。[Tā chéng huǒchē lái de.] – He came by train.
他砍到了一棵树。[Tā kǎn dàole yī kē shù.] – He chopped down a tree.
他在泰国,新加坡和马来西亚当过厨师。[Tā zài tàiguó, xīnjiāpō hé mǎláixīyà dāngguò chúshī.] – He cooked in Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia.
听了这个坏消息,他不由得打了个寒颤。[Tīngle zhège huài xiāoxī, tā bùyóudé dǎle gè hánzhàn.] – He could not help shivering when he heard the bad news.
他穿过一长列汽车,进入了自行车道。[Tā chuānguò yī cháng liè qìchē, jìnrùle zìxíngchē dào.] – He cut through a line of cars into a bike lane.
他没能进入该地区最好的高中。[Tā méi néng jìnrù gāi dìqū zuì hǎo de gāozhōng.] – He did not get into the region’s best high schools.
他并不清楚这个事情的具体细节。[Tā bìng bù qīngchǔ zhège shìqíng de jùtǐ xìjié.] – He did not know the details of the case.
他不想坐火车,我们坐飞机去。[Tā bùxiǎng zuò huǒchē, wǒmen zuò fēijī qù.] – He does not want to travel by train. We will go there by plane.
他捐献了全部的奖金给中国红十字会。[Tā juānxiànle quánbù de jiǎngjīn gěi zhōngguó hóng shízì huì.] – He donated all the award money to the Chinese Red Cross.
他驾驶着汽车穿过狭窄的街道。[Tā jiàshǐzhe qìchē chuānguò xiázhǎi de jiēdào.] – He drove the car through the narrow streets.
他从梯子上掉落下来。[Tā cóng tīzi shàng diào luò xiàlái.] – He fell from the ladder.
他真傻,没有听他父母的建议。[Tā zhēn shǎ, méiyǒu tīng tā fùmǔ de jiànyì.] – He foolishly ignored his parents’ advice.
他早前曾供职于中央情报局担任中国问题高级分析师。[Tā zǎo qián céng gòngzhí yú zhōngyāng qíngbào jú dānrèn zhōngguó wèntí gāojí fēnxī shī.] – He formerly worked as a senior China analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency.
他看到一对夫妇用柴火加热豆浆制作豆腐皮。[Tā kàn dào yī duì fūfù yòng cháihuǒ jiārè dòujiāng zhìzuò dòufu pí.] – He found a husband and wife making tofu skin with soy milk heated over a wood fire.
他在在线广播中听到了你的事情。[Tā zài zàixiàn guǎngbò zhòng tīng dàole nǐ de shìqíng.] – He had listened to online radio broadcasts about you.
他已经为所有内阁职位确定了提名人选。[Tā yǐjīng wéi suǒyǒu nèigé zhíwèi quèdìngle tímíng rénxuǎn.] – He has named nominees for every cabinet post.
他是澳大利亚永久居民,不是该国公民。[Tā shì àodàlìyǎ yǒngjiǔ jūmín, bùshì gāi guó gōngmín.] – He has permanent residence in Australia and was not a citizen.
他认为亚洲事务应该由亚洲人来管理。[Tā rènwéi yàzhōu shìwù yīnggāi yóu yàzhōu rén lái guǎnlǐ.] – He has said that Asia should be run by Asians.
他在自己的工作室里发现了几个窃听装置。[Tā zài zìjǐ de gōngzuò shì lǐ fāxiànle jǐ gè qiètīng zhuāngzhì.] – He had uncovered several listening devices hidden around his studio.
这个课题一直是他负责,听说教委要追究他的责任。[Zhège kètí yīzhí shì tā fùzé, tīng shuō jiàowěi yào zhuījiù tā de zérèn.] – He has been responsible for this project since the beginning of it. I have heard that the Commission of Education wants to hold him accountable.
他不得不基本上从零开始组建一个团队。[Tā bùdé bù jīběn shàng cóng líng kāishǐ zǔjiàn yīgè tuánduì.] – He has had to assemble a team largely from scratch.
他承诺要解决收入不平等,减贫和反腐问题。[Tā chéngnuò yào jiějué shōurù bù píngděng, jiǎn pín hé fǎnfǔ wèntí.] – He has pledged to tackle income inequality, alleviate poverty and crack down on corruption.
他接待了一个来考察美国农业的中国代表团。[Tā jiēdàile yīgè lái kǎochá měiguó nóngyè de zhōngguó dàibiǎo tuán.] – He hosted a Chinese delegation that came to study American agricultural practices.
他是一位面包师。[Tā shì yī wèi miànbāo shī.] – He is a baker.
他同时也是合唱团的指挥。[Tā tóngshí yěshì héchàng tuán de zhǐhuī.] – He is also the choir’s conductor.
他是这个小学六年级教师中屈指可数的几位男教师。[Tā shì zhège xiǎoxué liù niánjí jiàoshī zhōng qūzhǐ kě shǔ de jǐ wèi nán jiàoshī.] – He is one of a handful of male sixth-grade teachers at a primary school here.
他说的是广东话,你听不懂。[Tā shuō de shì guǎngdōng huà, nǐ tīng bù dǒng.] – He is speaking cantonese. You would not understand it.
他不是一般的孩子,非常聪明。[Tā bùshì yībān de háizi, fēicháng cōngmíng.] – He is special and very smart.
他知道怎样取悦中国用户。[Tā zhīdào zěnyàng qǔyuè zhōngguó yònghù.] – He knows how to court Chinese users.
他在中国财政部找到了一个财务报表分析是的工作。[Tā zài zhōngguó cáizhèng bù zhǎodàole yīgè cáiwù bàobiǎo fēnxī shì de gōngzuò.] – He landed a Financial Reporting Analyst job at the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China.
他永远是我心目中的英雄。[Tā yǒngyuǎn shì wǒ xīnmù zhōng de yīngxióng.] – He’ll forever be a hero in my heart.
嘿,你在听吗?[Hēi, nǐ zài tīng ma?] – Hello, can you hear me?
祸不单行,他丢了钥匙,钱包也被 偷了。[Huòbùdānxíng, tā diūle yàoshi, qiánbāo yě bèi tōule.] – He lost his keys and his wallet was stolen too. It never rains but it pours!
他喜欢听现场音乐。[Tā xǐhuān tīng xiànchǎng yīnyuè.] – He loves listening to live music.
他克服了恐高症,爬上了梯子。[Tā kèfúle kǒng gāo zhèng, pá shàngle tīzi.] – He overcame his fear of heights and climbed the ladder.
他加盟了一支摇滚乐队,但几乎没怎么听过古典音乐。[Tā jiāméngle yī zhī yáogǔn yuèduì, dàn jīhū méi zěnme tīngguò gǔdiǎn yīnyuè.] – He played in a rock band but had little exposure to classical music.
在回答这个问题之前,他仔细思考了一番。[Zài huídá zhège wèntí zhīqián, tā zǐxì sīkǎole yī fān.] – He pondered the question before he answered.
他把那只成熟的桃子从桃树上摘下来,大咬了一口。[Tā bǎ nà zhǐ chéngshú de táozi cóng táo shù shàng zhāi xiàlái, dà yǎole yīkǒu.] – He pulled that ripe peach from the tree and took a big bite.
她的道歉是真诚的。你应该原谅她。[Tā de dàoqiàn shì zhēnchéng de. Nǐ yīnggāi yuánliàng tā.] – Her apology was sincere. You should forgive her.
他租了一辆非常别致的汽车。[Tā zūle yī liàng fēicháng biézhì de qìchē.] – He rented a very fancy car.
她的一双眼睛又大又圆。[Tā de yīshuāng yǎnjīng yòu dà yòu yuán.] – Her eyes are big and round.
他在春节期间用中文给大家贺农历新年。[Tā zài chūnjié qíjiān yòng zhōngwén gěi dàjiā hè nónglì xīnnián.] – He gave good wishes in Chinese during the Lunar New Year.
他迷路了,永远没有从那片森林里走出来。[Tā mílùle, yǒngyuǎn méiyǒu cóng nà piàn sēnlín lǐ zǒu chūlái.] – He got lost and never found his way out of the forest.
他在一个以农业为主的小村子里长大。[Tā zài yīgè yǐ nóngyè wéi zhǔ de xiǎo cūnzi lǐ cháng dà.] – He grew up in a small farming village.
他非常聪明,富有创新精神和影响力。[Tā fēicháng cōngmíng, fùyǒu chuàngxīn jīngshén hé yǐngxiǎng lì.] – He is highly intelligent, innovative and influential.
他是公认的聪明孩子。[Tā shì gōngrèn de cōngmíng háizi.] – He is known as the smart kid.
他聪明并且用功。[Tā cōngmíng bìngqiě yònggōng.] – He is smart and diligent.
他每月领取的津贴不足以支付日常的生活费用。[Tā měi yuè lǐngqǔ de jīntiē bùzú yǐ zhīfù rìcháng de shēnghuó fèiyòng.] – He receive monthly stipends that rarely cover living costs.
二零零一年互联网泡沫破灭后,他回到了美国。[Èr líng líng yī nián hùliánwǎng pàomò pòmiè hòu, tā huí dàole měiguó.] – He returned to the United States after the Internet bubble burst in 2001.
她的长远目标是获得一个大学文凭。[Tā de chángyuǎn mùbiāo shì huòdé yīgè dàxué wénpíng.] – Her long-term goal is to get a college degree.
她记忆力减退了,例如,她常忘了锁门。[Tā jìyìlì jiǎntuìle, lìrú, tā cháng wàngle suǒ mén.] – Her memory was failing. For example, she would often forget locking the door.
他表示最早会在本周一采取行动。[Tā biǎoshì zuìzǎo huì zài běn zhōu yī cǎiqǔ xíngdòng.] – He said he would take action as early as Monday of this week.
他在关键时刻把那个小女孩从大火中救出来的。[Tā zài guānjiàn shíkè bǎ nàgè xiǎo nǚhái cóng dàhuǒ zhōng jiù chūlái de.] – He saved the girl from the fire in the nick of time.
他渐渐远离日常食物的决策。[Tā jiànjiàn yuǎnlí rìcháng shíwù de juécè.] – He seemed removed gradually from daily decision-making.
他不应该这么做。[Tā bù yìng gāi zhème zuò.] – He shouldn’t be doing that.
他卖掉了他的汽车,每天骑自行车上下班。[Tā mài diàole tā de qìchē, měitiān qí zìxíngchē shàng xiàbān.] – He sold his car and made his daily commute by bike.
他从背包里拿出一张地图和一瓶水。[Tā cóng bèibāo lǐ ná chū yī zhāng dìtú hé yī píng shuǐ.] – He took a map and a bottle of water out of his pack.
他敦促学生参观中国的偏远贫困地区。[Tā dūncù xuéshēng cānguān zhōngguó de piānyuǎn pínkùn dìqū.] – He urged students to visit China’s remote, poor areas.
他想打听到她的奶奶是在哪儿出生的。[Tā xiǎng dǎtīng dào tā de nǎinai shì zài nǎ’er chūshēng de.] – He wants to find out where his grandmother was born.
他是一位创业基金投资家投资的项目包括谷歌和雅虎。[Tā shì yī wèi chuàngyè jījīn tóuzī jiā tóuzī de xiàngmù bāokuò gǔgē hé yǎhǔ.] – He was a venture capitalist who backed Google and Yahoo.
包裹没有及时寄送到,他有些沮丧。[Bāoguǒ méiyǒu jíshí jì sòng dào, tā yǒuxiē jǔsàng.] – He was frustrated because of the delay in the delivery of the package.
他被汽车撞倒了。[Tā bèi qìchē zhuàng dǎo le.] – He was hit by a car.
他抱着一个大包裹。[Tā bàozhe yīgè dà bāoguǒ.] – He was holding a large package in his arms.
他未参与该研究。[Tā wèi cānyù gāi yánjiū.] – He was not involved in the study.
他在汽车行业得到了一份工作。[Tā zài qìchē hángyè dédàole yī fèn gōngzuò.] – He was offered a job in the auto industry.
他是第一位百岁老人在百米短跑中突破了二十七秒。[Tā shì dì yī wèi bǎi suì lǎorén zài bǎi mǐ duǎnpǎo zhōng túpòle èrshíqī miǎo.] – He was the first centenarian to break 27 seconds in the 100-meter dash.
他是村里最调皮的孩子。[Tā shì cūnlǐ zuì tiáopí de háizi.] – He was the most mischievous kid in the village.
他东摇西摆,就像辆爆了胎的汽车。[Tā dōng yáo xī bǎi, jiù xiàng liàng bàole tāi de qìchē.] – He was wobbling like a car with a flat tire.
他去火车站或机场接他的朋友了。[Tā qù huǒchē zhàn huò jīchǎng jiē tā de péngyǒule.] – He went to the train station or the airport to pick up his friends.
他努力并取得了成功。[Tā nǔlì bìng qǔdéle chénggōng.] – He worked hard and achieved success.
大风造成了很大的波浪,湖边的小道破坏非常严重。[Dàfēng zàochéngle hěn dà de bōlàng, hú biān de xiǎodào pòhuài fēicháng yánzhòng.] – High waves caused by strong winds have left the lakefront paths with significant damage.
想想他高中都没有毕业,能取得这样的成就真是令人佩服。[Xiǎng xiǎng tā gāozhōng dōu méiyǒu bìyè, néng qǔdé zhèyàng de chéngjiù zhēnshi lìng rén pèifú.] – His achievements are very impressive when you consider the fact that he never graduated from high school.
今年他取得了很大的科研成果。[Jīnnián tā qǔdéle hěn dà de kēyán chéngguǒ.] – His achievements in scientific research this year have been remarkable.
他非常关注细节。[Tā fēicháng guānzhù xìjié.] – His attention to detail is tremendous.
他的表情远远比我预想的要轻松。[Tā de biǎoqíng yuǎn yuǎn bǐ wǒ yùxiǎng de yāo qīngsōng.] – His face was far more relaxed than I expected.
他的工资被减半。[Tā de gōngzī bèi jiǎn bàn.] – His pay had been cut in half.
他的分数远远超过了最近模拟测试中所取得的成绩。[Tā de fēnshù yuǎn yuǎn chāoguòle zuìjìn mónǐ cèshì zhōng suǒ qǔdé de chéngjī.] – His score far surpassed his recent practice tests.
学校离医院有多远?[Xuéxiào lí yīyuàn yǒu duō yuǎn?] – How far is it between the school and the hospital?
如何树立正确的个人职业发展目标?[Rúhé shùlì zhèngquè de gèrén zhíyè fāzhǎn mùbiāo?] – How to set the correct personal career development goals?
数亿人搭乘火车,飞机,长途客车回乡探亲,庆祝中国农历新年。[Shù yì rén dāchéng huǒchē, fēijī, chángtú kèchē huí xiāng tànqīn, qìngzhù zhōngguó nónglì xīnnián.] – Hundreds of millions of people boarded trains, planes and buses to visit family and celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year.
我是个胖子,有自卑心,所以想较快地减肥。能帮我出一些好的建议吗?[Wǒ shìgè pàngzi, yǒu zìbēi xīn, suǒyǐ xiǎng jiào kuài dì jiǎnféi. Néng bāng wǒ chū yīxiē hǎo de jiànyì ma?] – I am fat and have an inferiority complex, so I hope to lose weight quickly. Could you give me some suggestions?
这首歌我已经听腻了。[Zhè shǒu gē wǒ yǐjīng tīng nìle.] – I am getting sick of this song.
我去药房取药,你就在这儿等我。[Wǒ qù yàofáng qǔ yào, nǐ jiù zài zhè’er děng wǒ.] – I am going to the pharmacy to get the medicine. You just stay here waiting for me.
每次听到那首歌,我都会很开心。[Měi cì tīng dào nà shǒu gē, wǒ dūhuì hěn kāixīn.] – I am happy every time I hear that song.
我对这里不熟,听你的好了。[Wǒ duì zhèlǐ bù shú, tīng nǐ de hǎole.] – I am new to this area. I will listen to you.
我没有她那么聪明,再说她学习比我努力。[Wǒ méiyǒu tā nàme cōngmíng, zàishuō tā xuéxí bǐ wǒ nǔlì.] – I am not as smart as her; furthermore, she studies harder than I do.
我对我们所取得的成就而骄傲。[Wǒ duì wǒmen suǒ qǔdé de chéngjiù ér jiāo’ào.] – I am proud of what we have accomplished.
我吃得太饱了,我感觉我再吃一口肚子就要胀破了。[Wǒ chī dé tài bǎole, wǒ gǎnjué wǒ zài chī yīkǒu dùzi jiù yào zhàng pòle.] – I am so full that I would burst with another bite.
我听说这个目标在年轻时比较容易实现。[Wǒ tīng shuō zhège mùbiāo zài niánqīng shí bǐjiào róngyì shíxiàn.] – I am told this goal is easier to achieve when you’re young.
我问妻子是不是也听见了。[Wǒ wèn qīzi shì bùshì yě tīngjiànle.] – I asked my wife if she heard them, too.
我把整包饼干当午饭吃了。[Wǒ bǎ zhěng bāo bǐnggān dāng wǔfàn chīle.] – I ate the whole package of crackers for lunch.
我左边的耳朵什么都听不到。[Wǒ zuǒbiān de ěrduǒ shénme dōu tīng bù dào.] – I cannot hear anything through my left ear.
听不见,我在洗澡![Tīng bùjiàn, wǒ zài xǐzǎo!] – I can’t hear. I’m taking a shower!
我能听到她可怜的呼救声。[Wǒ néng tīng dào tā kělián de hūjiù shēng.] – I could hear her pitiful cries for help.
什么声音我也没听见。[Shénme shēngyīn wǒ yě méi tīngjiàn.] – I did not hear anything.
我要买包红糖。[Wǒ yāomǎi bāo hóngtáng.] – I’d like to buy a bag of brown sugar.
我对你的成功表示祝贺。[Wǒ duì nǐ de chénggōng biǎoshì zhùhè.] – I’d like to congratulate you for your success.
我想到附近的银行取些现金。[Wǒ xiǎngdào fùjìn de yínháng qǔ xiē xiànjīn.] – I’d like to withdraw some money from a bank nearby.
我向来不喜欢酸菜火锅。[Wǒ xiànglái bu xǐhuān suāncài huǒguō.] – I’d never been a fan of fermented cabbage hot pot.
我向来不喜欢火锅。[Wǒ xiànglái bu xǐhuān huǒguō.] – I’d never been a fan of hot pot.
我听不懂老师在说什么。[Wǒ tīng bù dǒng lǎoshī zài shuō shénme.] – I do not understand what the teacher is talking about.
我不想知道这件事情的具体细节。[Wǒ bùxiǎng zhīdào zhè jiàn shìqíng de jùtǐ xìjié.] – I don’t want to know the details of this matter.
我感觉自己是银河系最幸福的人。[Wǒ gǎnjué zìjǐ shì yínhéxì zuì xìngfú de rén.] – I felt like the happiest guy in the galaxy.
每次心情不好的时候,我都会放喜欢的歌来听,这样心情就会好很多了。[Měi cì xīnqíng bù hǎo de shíhòu, wǒ dūhuì fàng xǐhuān de gē lái tīng, zhèyàng xīnqíng jiù huì hǎo hěnduōle.] – If I am having a bad day, I can put on my favorite music and get almost immediate relief.
如果没有人反对,我想取消今天的会议。[Rúguǒ méiyǒu rén fǎnduì, wǒ xiǎng qǔxiāo jīntiān de huìyì.] – If nobody has any objections, I would like to cancel today’s meeting.
如果我们没有什么值得讨论,我将取消今天的小组会议。[Rúguǒ wǒmen méiyǒu shé me zhídé tǎolùn, wǒ jiāng qǔxiāo jīntiān de xiǎozǔ huìyì.] – If nobody has anything, I will cancel the team meeting for today.
如果到十一点还没有人来领取这部手机,我将把它交给门卫。[Rúguǒ dào shíyī diǎn hái méiyǒu rén lái lǐngqǔ zhè bù shǒujī, wǒ jiāng bǎ tā jiāo gěi ménwèi.] – If no one has claimed the phone by 11:00, I will turn it into security.
如果电梯已满,那就等下一个。[Rúguǒ diàntī yǐ mǎn, nà jiù děng xià yīgè.] – If the arriving elevator is full, wait for the next one.
如果法院不解除那个禁令,我们不得不宣布破产。[Rúguǒ fǎyuàn bù jiěchú nàgè jìnlìng, wǒmen bùdé bù xuānbù pòchǎn.] – If the court doesn’t lift the order, we have to declare bankruptcy.
三个人的话,十寸的比萨应该差不多了。 [Sān gèrén dehuà, shí cùn de bǐsà yīnggāi chàbùduōle.] – If there are three people, a 10-inch pizza should be about right.
如果你很想吃地道的中国菜,你应该去陈先生的餐馆。[Rúguǒ nǐ hěn xiǎng chī dìdào de zhōngguó cài, nǐ yīnggāi qù chén xiānshēng de cānguǎn.] – If you are craving an authentic chinese food, Mr. Chen’s restaurant is the place to go.
如果你到中国出差,会采取什么样的预防措施呢。[Rúguǒ nǐ dào zhōngguó chūchāi, huì cǎiqǔ shénme yàng de yùfáng cuòshī ne.] – If you are going on a business trip to China, what kind of precautions should be taken?
不顾一位出色的律师的话,打官司一点儿胜算都没有。[Bùgù yī wèi chūsè de lǜshī dehuà, dǎ guānsī yīdiǎn er shèngsuàn dōu méiyǒu.] – If you don’t hire an outstanding attorney, you have no chance to win a lawsuit.
如果你觉得你的电脑非常慢,也许该把操作系统重新安装一下了。[Rúguǒ nǐ juédé nǐ de diànnǎo fēicháng màn, yěxǔ gāi bǎ cāozuò xìtǒng chóngxīn ānzhuāng yīxiàle.] – If you feel that your computer is very slow, it might be time to reinstall the operating system.
如果你找到了更便宜的租车价格,你可以取消租车预约。[Rúguǒ nǐ zhǎodàole gèng piányí de zūchē jiàgé, nǐ kěyǐ qǔxiāo zūchē yùyuē.] – If you find a better rate, you can cancel the car rental reservation.
如果今天你有时间,把后院的树叶耙在一起吧。[Rúguǒ jīntiān nǐ yǒu shíjiān, bǎ hòuyuàn de shùyè bà zài yīqǐ ba.] – If you have time today, rake up the leaves in the backyard.
如果喜欢,可以手术前听听音乐。[Rúguǒ xǐhuān, kěyǐ shǒushù qián tīng tīng yīnyuè.] – If you like, you can listen to music before the operation.
如果你把它们并列起来,你就会发现它们细微的差别。[Rúguǒ nǐ bǎ tāmen bìngliè qǐlái, nǐ jiù huì fāxiàn tāmen xìwéi de chābié.] – If you put them side by side, you will find out they are slightly different.
你嫌我是包袱,那我走好了。[Nǐ xián wǒ shì bāofú, nà wǒ zǒu hǎole.] – If you think I am a burden, well, I am out of here.
听说高速公路上赛车了,所以我走的辅路。[Tīng shuō gāosù gōnglù shàng sàichēle, suǒyǐ wǒ zǒu de fǔlù.] – I had heard there was a traffic jam on the highway, so I took the side roads.
我点的汤配有色拉和蒜蓉面包。[Wǒ diǎn de tāng pèi yǒu sèlā hé suàn róng miànbāo.] – I had the soup served with salad and garlic bread.
我已经为这次旅游租了汽车,他却改变了主意。[Wǒ yǐjīng wèi zhè cì lǚyóu zūle qìchē, tā què gǎibiànle zhǔyì.] – I have already rented a car for our trip, however he changed his mind.
我也认识到了团队合作的力量。[Wǒ yě rènshí dàole tuánduì hézuò de lìliàng.] – I have also realized the power of teamwork.
我检查了我的背包,什么都没丢。[Wǒ jiǎnchále wǒ de bèibāo, shénme dōu méi diū.] – I have checked my backpack. Nothing is missing.
与几个星期前相比,我更加熟悉了上海的公共汽车和地铁。[Yǔ jǐ gè xīngqí qián xiāng bǐ, wǒ gèngjiā shúxīle shànghǎi de gōnggòng qìchē hé dìtiě.] – I have gotten familiar with Shanghai’s bus system and subway, much more so than a few weeks ago.
听说她已经嫁人了。[Tīng shuō tā yǐjīng jià rénle.] – I have heard she got married.
我听说你当总经理了。[Wǒ tīng shuō nǐ dāng zǒng jīnglǐle.] – I have heard that you are a general manager now.
听说你要到中国,是吗?[Tīng shuō nǐ yào dào zhōngguó, shì ma?] – I have heard that you will go to China, is that right?
听说今天是你的生日。生日快乐![Tīng shuō jīntiān shì nǐ de shēngrì. Shēngrì kuàilè!] – I have heard today is your birthday. Happy birthday!
听说看中国电影有助于提高我的中文水平,恐怕我还需要中文字幕。[Tīng shuō kàn zhòng guó diànyǐng yǒu zhù yú tígāo wǒ de zhōngwén shuǐpíng, kǒngpà wǒ hái xūyào zhōngwén zìmù.] – I have heard watching Chinese movies might be able to help me learn Chinese. I am afraid I still need Chinese subtitles.
我一头雾水,不知道她在说什么。[Wǒ yītóu wù shuǐ, bù zhīdào tā zài shuō shénme.] – I haven’t the foggiest idea what she’s talking about.
我给每个人都准备了一份贺岁礼物。[Wǒ gěi měi gèrén dōu zhǔnbèile yī fèn hèsuì lǐwù.] – I have prepared a new year present for everybody.
我得去银行取些现金。[Wǒ dé qù yínháng qǔ xiē xiànjīn.] – I have to go to the bank to withdraw some cash.
我需要换乘十路公共汽车,但是汽车站在哪儿?[Wǒ xūyào huàn chéng shí lù gōnggòng qìchē, dànshì qìchē zhàn zài nǎ’er?] – I have to transfer to No. 10 bus, but where is the bus stop?
我有两只猫,一只是白猫,另一只是黑猫。[Wǒ yǒu liǎng zhī māo, yī zhǐshì bái māo, lìng yī zhǐshì hēi māo.] – I have two cats. One is white and the other is black.
我听到从教室传来的一阵笑声。[Wǒ tīng dào cóng jiàoshì chuán lái de yīzhèn xiào shēng.] – I heard a burst of laughter from the classroom.
听说昨天有辆公共汽车出事了。[Tīng shuō zuótiān yǒu liàng gōnggòng qìchē chūshìle.] – I heard a bus crashed yesterday.
听说他们公司有个经理跟女助理玩暧昧。[Tīng shuō tāmen gōngsī yǒu gè jīnglǐ gēn nǚ zhùlǐ wán àimèi.] – I heard a manager at their company was messing around with his female assistant.
我听到警报器和直升机的声音了。[Wǒ tīng dào jǐngbào qì hé zhíshēngjī de shēngyīnle.] – I heard the sound of sirens and helicopters.
我听到有人敲门。[Wǒ tīng dào yǒurén qiāo mén.] – I heard someone knocking at the door.
我听见有人在笑。[Wǒ tīngjiàn yǒurén zài xiào.] – I heard some one laughing.
听说你们公司经理跟他的女助理有暧昧关系。[Tīng shuō nǐmen gōngsī jīnglǐ gēn tā de nǚ zhùlǐ yǒu àimèi guānxì.] – I heard the manager of your company has an affair with his female assistant.
我知道这听起来很糟,但特朗普很有魅力。[Wǒ zhīdào zhè tīng qǐlái hěn zāo, dàn tè lǎng pǔ hěn yǒu mèilì.] – I know it sounds bad, but Trump is glamorous.
我喜欢狗,不太喜欢猫。[Wǒ xǐhuān gǒu, bù tài xǐhuān māo.] – I like dogs. I am not a big fan of cats.
我喜欢那辆红色奔驰车,但我买不起。[Wǒ xǐhuān nà liàng hóngsè bēnchí chē, dàn wǒ mǎi bù qǐ.] – I like the red Mercedes-Benz car, but I cannot afford it.
我喜欢这朵红花。[Wǒ xǐhuān zhè duǒ hóng huā.] – I like this red flower.
我喜欢倾听钟表滴答滴答的声音。[Wǒ xǐhuān qīngtīng zhōngbiǎo dīdā dīdā de shēngyīn.] – I like to hear the tick, tick, tick of clocks.
我每天都用我的 iPod 听音乐。[Wǒ měitiān dū yòng wǒ de iPod tīng yīnyuè.] – I listen to music everyday with my iPod.
我每天听中文广播。[Wǒ měitiān tīng zhōngwén guǎngbò.] – I listen to the Chinese language broadcast everyday.
我爱听歌曲,因为它们能舒缓心情。[Wǒ ài tīng gēqǔ, yīnwèi tāmen néng shūhuǎn xīnqíng.] – I love songs because they can soothe my mind.
我喜欢听北京话。[Wǒ xǐhuān tīng běijīng huà.] – I love to listen to the Beijing dialect.
我不是一位律师,但我可以帮你打听一下。[Wǒ bùshì yī wèi lǜshī, dàn wǒ kěyǐ bāng nǐ dǎtīng yīxià.] – I’m not a lawyer but I can ask around for you.
我不敢打包票这次自己一定能考好。[Wǒ bù gǎn dǎbāo piào zhè cì zìjǐ yīdìng néng kǎo hǎo.] – I’m not one hundred percent sure that I’m going to get a good score this time.
抱歉,我没听清你的话。[Bàoqiàn, wǒ méi tīng qīng nǐ dehuà.] – I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.
对不起,我的孩子刚才在楼梯上吐了。[Duìbùqǐ, wǒ de háizi gāngcái zài lóutī shàng tǔle.] – I’m sorry, my child has just thrown up on the stairs.
很高兴听你这样说。[Hěn gāoxìng tīng nǐ zhèyàng shuō.] – I’m very glad to hear that.
在一个民主国家,每个公民都应该有投票权。[Zài yīgè mínzhǔ guójiā, měi gè gōngmín dōu yīnggāi yǒu tóupiào quán.] – In a democracy, every citizen should have the right to vote.
在布鲁克林,大部分面包店和墨西哥快餐店都关门了。[Zài bùlǔkè lín, dà bùfèn miànbāo diàn hé mòxīgē kuàicān diàn dōu guānménle.] – In Brooklyn, most bakeries and taquerias were closed.
在中国,私人轿车逐渐取代了自行车。[Zài zhōngguó, sīrén jiàochē zhújiàn qǔdàile zìxíngchē.] – In China, privately-owned cars have gradually replaced bicycles.
饭馆的前面是火车站。[Fànguǎn de qiánmiàn shì huǒchē zhàn.] – In front of the restaurant is the train station.
大部分国家的公民要到六十五岁才有资格领取养老金。[Dà bùfèn guójiā de gōngmín yào dào liùshíwǔ suì cái yǒu zīgé lǐngqǔ yǎnglǎo jīn.] – In most countries people do not qualify for a pension until 65.
按我的看法,它是市场上最好的汽车。[Àn wǒ de kànfǎ, tā shì shìchǎng shàng zuì hǎo de qìchē.] – In my opinion, it’s the best car on the market.
原则上,改变一下应该是一件简单的事。[Yuánzé shàng, gǎibiàn yīxià yīnggāi shì yī jiàn jiǎndān de shì.] – In principle, making the changes should be a simple matter.
在中国农村和小城镇,许多居民喜欢购买活鸡。[Zài zhōngguó nóngcūn hé xiǎo chéngzhèn, xǔduō jūmín xǐhuān gòumǎi huó jī.] – In rural and small-town China, many residents prefer to buy live chickens.
在农村地区,人们可以打折购买电视机,洗衣机和冰箱这样的大件物品。[Zài nóngcūn dìqū, rénmen kěyǐ dǎzhé gòumǎi diànshì jī, xǐyījī hé bīngxiāng zhèyàng de dà jiàn wùpǐn.] – In rural areas, people were given rebates on big-ticket items like televisions, washing machines and refrigerators.
按照风水,运气和财富是宇宙之中火,水,木,金,土的平衡。[Ànzhào fēngshuǐ, yùnqì hé cáifù shì yǔzhòu zhī zhōng huǒ, shuǐ, mù, jīn, tǔ de pínghéng.] – In terms of fengshui, luck and prosperity are based on the balance of fire, water, wood, metal and earth in the universe.
八十年代初,中国大约百分之八十的人生活在农村地区。[Bāshí niándài chū, zhōngguó dàyuē bǎi fēn zhī bāshí de rén shēnghuó zài nóngcūn dìqū.] – In the early 1980s, about 80 percent of Chinese people still lived in rural areas.
上世纪五十年代,中国为了限制农村人口流向城市,开始实施户籍制度。[Shàng shìjì wǔshí niándài, zhōngguó wèile xiànzhì nóngcūn rénkǒu liúxiàng chéngshì, kāishǐ shíshī hùjí zhìdù.] – In the 1950s, a household registration system was instituted to curb rural migration to cities.
地铁的站台上有一些黄线,下地铁的人按理说应该跟随黄线的指示。[Dìtiě de zhàntái shàng yǒu yīxiē huáng xiàn, xià dìtiě de rén ànlǐ shuō yīnggāi gēnsuí huáng xiàn de zhǐshì.] – In the subway there is a platform and on the platform there are yellow lines in which everyone getting off the subway are suppose to follow.
调查人员没有发现他与这宗案件相牵连的证据。[Diàochá rényuán méiyǒu fāxiàn tā yǔ zhè zōng ànjiàn xiāng qiānlián de zhèngjù.] – Investigators could find no evidence linking him to the case.
他家是方圆数十里最富的。[Tā jiā shì fāngyuán shù shí lǐ zuì fù de.] – In this region, his family is the richest family in a ten mile radius.
我在火车站看见了我们的老师。[Wǒ zài huǒchē zhàn kànjiànle wǒmen de lǎoshī.] – I saw our teacher at the train station.
我应该能够破世界纪录。[Wǒ yīnggāi nénggòu pò shìjiè jìlù.] – I should be able to break the world record.
我的脸红吗?[Wǒ de liǎnhóng ma?] – Is my face red?
那支红色的笔是你的吗?[Nà zhī hóngsè de bǐ shì nǐ de ma?] – Is that red pen yours?
这是你的猫吗?[Zhè shì nǐ de māo ma?] – Is this your cat?
取决于你认为大学生活哪些方面最重要。[Qǔjué yú nǐ rènwéi dàxué shēnghuó nǎxiē fāngmiàn zuì zhòngyào.] – It depends on what aspect of college life you consider most important.
这个取决于想提高哪方面。[Zhège qǔjué yú xiǎng tígāo nǎ fāngmiàn.] – It depends on what you want to improve.
不管黑猫还是白猫,能抓住老鼠的就是好猫。[Bùguǎn hēi māo háishì bái māo, néng zhuā zhù lǎoshǔ de jiùshì hǎo māo.] – It doesn’t matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice.
我觉得韩国应该聪明点,努力跟中国合作。[Wǒ juédé hánguó yīnggāi cōngmíng diǎn, nǔlì gēn zhōngguó hézuò.] – I think Korea should be smarter by trying to cooperate with China.
我觉得她很聪明。[Wǒ juédé tā hěn cōngmíng.] – I think she’s very smart.
我以为他很聪明,其实他是个蠢货。[Wǒ yǐwéi tā hěn cōngmíng, qíshí tā shìgè chǔnhuò.] – I thought he was very smart but he was in fact a fool.
有大火灾时,一个城市的消防队帮助另一个城市非常普遍。[Yǒu dà huǒzāi shí, yīgè chéngshì de xiāofáng duì bāngzhù lìng yīgè chéngshì fēicháng pǔbiàn.] – It is common practice for one city’s fire department to help another city when there is a big fire.
听说下个星期会下雪。[Tīng shuō xià gè xīngqí huì xià xuě.] – It is said it is going to snow next week.
家长们该离开了。[Jiāzhǎngmen gāi líkāile.] – It is time for the parents to leave.
挑选一个不会被外包给外国人的职业非常重要。[Tiāoxuǎn yīgè bù huì bèi wàibāo gěi wàiguó rén de zhíyè fēicháng zhòngyào.] – It is very important to choose an occupation that cannot be outsourced to workers in another country.
我采取了非常老派的做法。[Wǒ cǎiqǔle fēicháng lǎopài de zuòfǎ.] – I took a very fogeyish step.
我把钱取出来后,把我的账户关了。[Wǒ bǎ qián qǔ chūlái hòu, bǎ wǒ de zhànghù guānle.] – I took out my money and closed my account.
我争取按时回家与我们的孩子一起吃晚饭。[Wǒ zhēngqǔ ànshí huí jiā yǔ wǒmen de háizi yīqǐ chī wǎnfàn.] – I try to get home on time to have dinner with our kids.
今天是个雾天。[Jīntiān shìgè wù tiān.] – It’s a foggy day today.
好像这活永远干不完似的。[Hǎoxiàng zhè huó yǒngyuǎn gān bù wán shì de.] – It seemed as if the work would never end.
现在好像世界上一半的人都在减肥。[Xiànzài hǎoxiàng shìjiè shàng yībàn de rén dōu zài jiǎnféi.] – It seems like half the world is trying to lose weight now.
豪华轿车在中国市场火爆的原因不难理解。[Háohuá jiàochē zài zhōngguó shìchǎng huǒbào de yuányīn bù nán lǐjiě.] – It’s not hard to comprehend the reasons behind the explosion of China’s luxury car market.
听起来很不错![Tīng qǐlái hěn bùcuò!] – It sounds great!
我觉得这听起来好蠢。[Wǒ juédé zhè tīng qǐlái hǎo chǔn.] – It sounds pretty stupid to me.
取消城市人口规模限制,对全体公民一视同仁的时候到了。[Qǔxiāo chéngshì rénkǒu guīmó xiànzhì, duì quántǐ gōngmín yīshìtóngrén de shíhòu dàole.] – It’s time to do away with maximum population targets for cities and to treat all citizens equally
争取你的合法权利需要有勇气。[Zhēngqǔ nǐ de héfǎ quánlì xūyào yǒu yǒngqì.] – It takes courage to stand up for your rights.
十年树木,百年树人。[Shí nián shùmù, bǎinián shù rén.] – It takes 10 years to grow a tree, while a sound education program may require 10 times as long before it takes root.
我还是第一次看见这么猛烈的炮火。[Wǒ háishì dì yī cì kànjiàn zhème měngliè de pàohuǒ.] – It was the first time that I saw such intensive artillery fire.
我被蚊子咬得全身是包。[Wǒ bèi wénzi yǎo dé quánshēn shì bāo.] – I’ve got mosquito bites all over my body.
我听说食品也在他们考虑之中。[Wǒ tīng shuō shípǐn yě zài tāmen kǎolǜ zhī zhōng.] – I’ve heard food is one of the things they’re considering.
听说他被开除了。[Tīng shuō tā bèi kāi chúle.] – I’ve heard he was fired.
我听说他经常打小报告。[Wǒ tīng shuō tā jīngcháng dǎ xiǎo bàogào.] – I’ve heard that he often rats on his colleagues.
我听说中国汽油的零售价格基本平稳。[Wǒ tīng shuō zhōngguó qìyóu de língshòu jiàgé jīběn píngwěn.] – I’ve heard that the gas price is stable at the pump in China.
听说新老板要来了。[Tīng shuō xīn lǎobǎn yào láile.] – I’ve heard the new boss will be here soon.
听说原告召集了一场记者招待会。[Tīng shuō yuángào zhàojíle yī chǎng jìzhě zhāodài huì.] – I’ve heard the plaintiff called a press conference.
听说你们学校很大,老师很多。[Tīng shuō nǐmen xuéxiào hěn dà, lǎoshī hěnduō.] – I’ve heard your school is very big and there are many teachers.
我想在河边散步,唱我喜欢的歌。[Wǒ xiǎng zài hé biān sànbù, chàng wǒ xǐhuān de gē.] – I want to take a walk along the river bank, singing my favorite songs.
结账的时候我才发现我没有带钱包。[Jiézhàng de shíhòu wǒ cái fāxiàn wǒ méiyǒu dài qiánbāo.] – I was not aware that I did not bring my wallet until I was checking out.
她第一次对我这么说时,我感到很恼火。[Tā dì yī cì duì wǒ zhème shuō shí, wǒ gǎndào hěn nǎohuǒ.] – I was offended when she had first told me this.
听说你从法国回来了,把我高兴得什么似的。[Tīng shuō nǐ cóng fàguó huíláile, bǎ wǒ gāoxìng dé shénme shì de.] – I was over the moon when I heard you came back from France.
听到这个消息我很吃惊。[Tīng dào zhège xiāoxī wǒ hěn chījīng.] – I was shocked by the news.
当时我在洗澡,没听见门铃响。[Dāngshí wǒ zài xǐzǎo, méi tīngjiàn ménlíng xiǎng.] – I was taking a shower at that moment. I didn’t hear the doorbell ring.
我会真正进入丛林来采集标本。[Wǒ huì zhēnzhèng jìnrù cónglín lái cǎijí biāoběn.] – I will actually get into the jungle to gather specimens.
我永远是你最好的朋友。[Wǒ yǒngyuǎn shì nǐ zuì hǎo de péngyǒu.] – I will always be your best friend.
我会永远珍惜我们的友谊。[Wǒ huì yǒngyuǎn zhēnxī wǒmen de yǒuyì.] – I will always cherish our friendship.
我永远都不会忘记和你一起度过的日子。[Wǒ yǒngyuǎn dōu bù huì wàngjì hé nǐ yīqǐ dùguò de rìzi.] – I will never forget the days that I spent with you.
我永远不会让你失望。[Wǒ yǒngyuǎn bù huì ràng nǐ shīwàng.] – I will never let you down.
除非你要我取消这堂课,否则我不会这么做。[Chúfēi nǐ yào wǒ qǔxiāo zhè táng kè, fǒuzé wǒ bù huì zhème zuò.] – I won’t cancel the class unless you want me to.
我想采取一个完全不同的方法。[Wǒ xiǎng cǎiqǔ yīgè wánquán bùtóng de fāngfǎ.] – I would like to take a completely different approach.
最好是用圆规画圆。[Zuì hǎo shì yòng yuánguī huà yuán.] – I would use a compass to draw circles.
就读给我听好了。[Jiùdú gěi wǒ tīng hǎole.] – Just read it to me.
孩子们本来就不该整天坐着。[Háizimen běnlái jiù bù gāi zhěng tiān zuòzhe.] – Kids aren’t meant to sit still all day!
从错误中吸取经验教训。[Cóng cuòwù zhōng xīqǔ jīngyàn jiàoxùn.] – Learn lessons from our mistakes.
现在别去惹他,他正一肚子火。[Xiànzài bié qù rě tā, tā zhèng yī dùzi huǒ.] – Leave him alone. He is angry at the moment.
这件事包在我身上。[Zhè jiàn shì bāo zài wǒ shēnshang.] – Leave it all to me and I will make it.
还是听天由命吧。[Háishì tīngtiānyóumìng ba.] – Let’s leave it to chance.
人生短暂,应该活得潇洒一点。[Rénshēng duǎnzàn, yīnggāi huó dé xiāosǎ yīdiǎn.] – Life is short. You should live free and easy.
跟他爸爸一样,这个孩子很聪明。[Gēn tā bàba yīyàng, zhège háizi hěn cōngmíng.] – Like his father, this kid is very smart.
你听我讲。[Nǐ tīng wǒ jiǎng.] – Listen…
听他讲,别打岔。[Tīng tā jiǎng, bié dǎchà.] – Listen to his talk; do not interrupt.
听老师的不会错。[Tīng lǎoshī de bù huì cuò.] – Listen to your teachers, it is not going to be wrong.
火灾过后没什么留下了。[Huǒzāi guòhòu méishénme liú xiàle.] – Little remained after the fire.
看了华裔的餐桌,我i发现他们吃饺子远没有我那么贪心。[Kànle huáyì de cānzhuō, wǒ i fāxiàn tāmen chī jiǎo zǐ yuǎn méiyǒu wǒ nàme tānxīn.] – Looking at the tables of Chinese families, I noticed that their dumpling consumption was considerably less piggish than mine.
许多亚裔美国申请者能够在考试中取得高分。[Xǔduō yà yì měiguó shēnqǐng zhě nénggòu zài kǎoshì zhōng qǔdé gāo fēn.] – Many Asian-American applicants do well on tests.
很多城市居民搬到了与上班的地方相距甚远的郊区。[Hěnduō chéngshì jūmín bān dàole yǔ shàngbān dì dìfāng xiāngjù shén yuǎn de jiāoqū.] – Many city residents have moved to suburbs many miles from their jobs.
许多电子设备已被全能的智能手机所取代。[Xǔduō diànzǐ shèbèi yǐ bèi quánnéng de zhìnéng shǒujī suǒ qǔdài.] – Many electronic devices have been superseded by all-powerful smartphones.
很多人选择乘坐公共汽车或者火车。[Hěnduō rén xuǎnzé chéngzuò gōnggòng qìchē huòzhě huǒchē.] – Many people are choosing to take the bus or the train.
许多人喜欢住在农村而不喜欢住在城市。[Xǔduō rén xǐhuān zhù zài nóngcūn ér bù xǐhuān zhù zài chéngshì.] – Many people prefer living in the country instead of the city.
很多言论只是耸人听闻。[Hěnduō yánlùn zhǐshì sǒngréntīngwén.] – Many remarks are just sensational.
许多青少年沉迷于电子游戏。[Xǔduō qīngshàonián chénmí yú diànzǐ yóuxì.] – Many teenagers become hooked on video games.
许多村民仍然偏向于用汉语交谈。[Xǔduō cūnmín réngrán piānxiàng yú yòng hànyǔ jiāotán.] – Many villagers still prefer to converse in Chinese.
婚姻是一种法律契约,应该是仅仅针对成年人的。[Hūnyīn shì yī zhòng fǎlǜ qìyuē, yīnggāi shì jǐnjǐn zhēnduì chéngnián rén de.] – Marriage is a legal contract and it should be reserved for adults only.
婚姻应该你做主,你的父母与你的另外一半生活一辈子。[Hūnyīn yīnggāi nǐ zuòzhǔ, nǐ de fùmǔ yǔ nǐ de lìngwài yībàn shēnghuó yībèizi.] – Marriage is your decision; Your parents won’t be living with that person the rest of their lives.
或许他正侧耳细听,看屋里有没有人。[Huòxǔ tā zhèng cè’ěr xì tīng, kàn wū li yǒu méiyǒu rén.] – Maybe he was listening to see whether anyone was home.
成千上万的人回到家乡和亲人团聚。[Chéng qiān shàng wàn de rén huí dào jiāxiāng hé qīnrén tuánjù.] – Millions return to their hometowns for family reunions.
妈妈带宝宝去动物园看大熊猫。[Māmā dài bǎobǎo qù dòngwùyuán kàn dà xióngmāo.] – Mom took her little one to the zoo to see the giant pandas.
大多数美国人宁愿看到政府削减开支而不是扩大消费来促进经济发展。[Dà duōshù měiguó rén nìngyuàn kàn dào zhèngfǔ xuējiǎn kāizhī ér bùshì kuòdà xiāofèi lái cùjìn jīngjì fāzhǎn.] – Most Americans would rather see the government cut spending than try to boost the economy with more spending.
大部分租车预约服务可以取消,并没有任何罚款。[Dà bùfèn zūchē yùyuē fúwù kěyǐ qǔxiāo, bìng méiyǒu rènhé fákuǎn.] – Most car rental reservations can be canceled with no penalty.
大多数年轻人一致认为,过春节还是要遵循传统,吃饺子,拜年,发红包。[Dà duōshù niánqīng rén yīzhì rènwéi,guò chūnjié háishì yào zūnxún chuántǒng, chī jiǎozi, bàinián, fà hóngbāo.] – Most young people agree we should keep the old traditions when celebrating Chinese New Year: eating dumplings, visiting our relatives, and giving out red envelopes filled with cash.
雾霾主要来自于燃煤锅炉,汽车尾气和排放二氧化碳的工厂。[Wù mái zhǔyào láizì yú rán méi guōlú, qìchē wěiqì hé páifàng èryǎnghuàtàn de gōngchǎng.] – Much of that smog originates from coal-fire boilers, vehicle exhausts and industrial plants that pump out carbon dioxide.
我孩子喜欢去给爷爷奶奶拜年,因为他们会得到红包。[Wǒ háizi xǐhuān qù gěi yéyé nǎinai bàinián, yīnwèi tāmen huì dédào hóngbāo.] – My children like paying New Year’s visits to grandpa and grandma, because they will get red envelopes filled with cash.
我的汉语还远不够完美,我的法语也是这个程度。[Wǒ de hànyǔ hái yuǎn bùgòu wánměi, wǒ de fǎyǔ yěshì zhège chéngdù.] – My Chinese is far from perfect, so is my French.
我的教练和父母说,我要继续奋斗继续打球,永远不要放弃。[Wǒ de jiàoliàn hé fùmǔ shuō, wǒ yào jìxù fèndòu jìxù dǎqiú, yǒngyuǎn bùyào fàngqì.] – My coach and my parents tell me to keep fighting, to keep playing and never give up.
公司离家不远。[Gōngsī lí jiā bù yuǎn.] – My company is not far from my house.
我父亲把红楼梦藏在一个锁着的抽屉里。[Wǒ fùqīn bǎ hónglóumèng cáng zài yīgè suǒzhe de chōutì lǐ.] – My dad kept Dream of the Red Chamber in a locked drawer.
我女儿的头也从书包后面抬了起来。[Wǒ nǚ’ér de tóu yě cóng shūbāo hòumiàn táile qǐlái.] – My daughter’s head had emerged from behind her backpack.
我的家人和朋友都来祝贺我。[Wǒ de jiārén hé péngyǒu dōu lái zhùhè wǒ.] – My family and friends have congratulated me.
我父亲非常聪明。[Wǒ fùqīn fēicháng cōngmíng.] – My father was a clever man.
我最喜欢的是南瓜味的汤圆,里面有甜甜的黑芝麻。[Wǒ zuì xǐhuān de shì nánguā wèi de tāngyuán, lǐmiàn yǒu tián tián de hēi zhīma.] – My favorite was the pumpkin-flavored globe with a sugary paste of black sesame at the core.
我家不是很远。[Wǒjiā bùshì hěn yuǎn.] – My home is not far from here.
我的儿子被哈佛大学录取了。[Wǒ de érzi bèi hāfó dàxué lùqǔle.] – My son was accepted by Harvard University.
叔叔的手机是一个远房亲戚送的。[Shūshu de shǒujī shì yīgè yuǎnfáng qīnqī sòng de.] – My uncle received his phone as a gift from a distant relative.
我的钱包不是被他偷走的。[Wǒ de qiánbāo bùshì bèi tā tōu zǒu de.] – My wallet was not stolen by him.
我太太给我小女儿买了一条红裙子。[Wǒ tàitài gěi wǒ xiǎo nǚ’ér mǎile yītiáo hóng qúnzi.] – My wife bought a red skirt for our younger daughter.
我的弟弟还没到家。他错过了公共汽车。[Wǒ de dìdì hái méi dàojiā. Tā cuòguòle gōnggòng qìchē.] – My younger brother is not home yet. He missed the bus.
我妹妹养了一只波斯猫。[Wǒ mèimei yǎngle yī zhǐ bōsī māo.] – My younger sister has a Persian cat.
美国航空航天局正在建设一个比哈勃望远镜更加强大的太空望远镜。[Měiguó hángkōng hángtiān jú zhèngzài jiànshè yīgè bǐ hā bó wàngyuǎnjìng gèngjiā qiángdà de tàikōng wàngyuǎnjìng.] – NASA is building a new telescope that is even more powerful than Hubble.
他们几乎都在进口红酒。[Tāmen jīhū dōu zài jìnkǒu hóngjiǔ.] – Nearly all of them were drinking imported red wine.
他们都不想破坏自己的家庭。[Tāmen dōu bùxiǎng pòhuài zìjǐ de jiātíng.] – Neither of them wanted to break up their families.
不过我也常常吃西方食品汉堡包,比萨饼, 我都喜欢。[ Bùguò wǒ yě chángcháng chī xīfāng shípǐn hànbǎobāo, bǐsàbǐng, wǒ dū xǐhuān.] – Nevertheless, I also often eat western food. Hamburger, pizza, I like them all.
纽约市官员预计到访的外国游客人数将会减少。[Niǔyuē shì guānyuán yùjì dào fǎng de wàiguó yóukè rénshù jiāng huì jiǎnshǎo.] – New York City officials expect the number of foreign visitors to decrease.
就完整性,速度和易用性而言,我发现其它系统差远了。[Jiù wánzhěng xìng, sùdù hé yì yòng xìng ér yán, wǒ fāxiàn qítā xìtǒng chà yuǎnle.] – No other system I’ve found even comes close to its completeness, speed, and ease of use.
朝鲜从其远程火箭发射场发射了四枚弹道导弹。[Cháoxiǎn cóng qí yuǎnchéng huǒjiàn fāshè chǎng fāshèle sì méi dàndào dǎodàn.] – North Korea launched four ballistic missiles from its long-range rocket launch site.
如今大马力火车头能拉上百个车厢。[Rújīn dà mǎlì huǒchētóu néng lā shàng bǎi gè chēxiāng.] – Nowadays a high-horsepower locomotive can pull up to 100 cars.
中国现在是世界上最大的汽车市场。[Zhōngguó xiànzài shì shìjiè shàng zuìdà de qìchē shìchǎng.] – Now China is the world’s largest auto market.
现在他全身遍布了红色的斑点。[Xiànzài tā quánshēn biànbùle hóngsè de bāndiǎn.] – Now he is having red spots all over his body.
现在的空气质量远远不如从前。[Xiànzài de kōngqì zhí liàng yuǎn yuǎn bùrú cóngqián.] – Now the air is far worse than it ever was.
坐公共汽车当然要买票。[Zuò gōnggòng qìchē dāngrán yāo mǎi piào.] – Of course you have to buy a ticket if you want to take the bus.
石油分析师纷纷预测,油价可能会跌破每桶四十美元。[Shíyóu fēnxī shī fēnfēn yùcè, yóujià kěnéng huì diē pò měi tǒng sìshí měiyuán.] – Oil analysts predict that the price could fall below $40.
原油产量可能会在下半年开始减少,价格到时候也会开始反弹。[Yuányóu chǎnliàng kěnéng huì zàixià bànnián kāishǐ jiǎnshǎo, jiàgé dào shíhòu yě huì kāishǐ fǎntán.] – Oil production is likely to begin declining in the second half of the year, and then crude prices will also begin to recover.
好吧,我会仔细想想怎样与他们建立起良好的关系。[Hǎo ba, wǒ huì zǐxì xiǎng xiǎng zěnyàng yǔ tāmen jiànlì qǐ liánghǎo de guānxì.] – OK, I will think it over on how to build a good relationship with them.
海岸线附近的一个大型墓地被海啸严重破坏了。[Hǎi’ànxiàn fùjìn de yīgè dàxíng mùdì bèi hǎixiào yánzhòng pòhuàile.] – One large cemetery near the coastline was heavily damaged by the tsunami.
只有和老同事,老朋友在一起的时候,他才喜欢高谈阔论。[Zhǐyǒu hé lǎo tóngshì, lǎo péngyǒu zài yīqǐ de shíhòu, tā cái xǐhuān gāotánkuòlùn.] – Only with old colleagues and old friends does he like to talk, and carries on in a loud voice.
除夕全家人聚在一起包饺子。[Chúxì quánjiā rén jù zài yīqǐ bāo jiǎozi.] – On New Year’s Eve, families gather together and spend the evening preparing dumplings.
关于爱这个主题,你难免会听到陈词滥调。[Guānyú ài zhège zhǔtí, nǐ nánmiǎn huì tīng dào chéncílàndiào.] – On the subject of love, clichés are hard to avoid.
第一天早上,班车把我们带到了一处松树林。[Dì yī tiān zǎoshang, bānchē bǎ wǒmen dài dàole yī chù sōngshù lín.] – On our first morning, a shuttle bus dropped us in a grove of pines.
对远程医疗,其他的医学专业人士也持类似的保留意见。[Duì yuǎnchéng yīliáo, qítā de yīxué zhuānyè rénshì yě chí lèisì de bǎoliú yìjiàn.] – Other medical professionals have expressed similar reservations about telemedicine.
作为一个整体,我们已经取得了很大进展。[Zuòwéi yīgè zhěngtǐ, wǒmen yǐjīng qǔdéle hěn dà jìnzhǎn.] – Overall, we have made good progress.
美国留学的中国学生突破了三十万。[Měiguó liúxué de zhōngguó xuéshēng túpòle sānshí wàn.] – Over 300, 000 Chinese students are studying in the United States.
讲究个人卫生能防止细菌和疾病的蔓延。[Jiǎngjiù gèrén wèishēng néng fángzhǐ xìjùn hé jíbìng de mànyán.] – Paying attention to personal hygiene can prevent the spread of germs and disease.
你的付款晚了三个星期,从而我们要收取滞纳金。[Nǐ de fùkuǎn wǎnle sān gè xīngqí, cóng’ér wǒmen yào shōuqǔ zhìnàjīn.] – Payment was received three weeks after it was due; thus, you will be charged a late fee.
公司的人议论纷纷,说今年的年终分红要泡汤了。[Gōngsī de rén yìlùn fēnfēn, shuō jīnnián de niánzhōng fēnhóng yào pàotāngle.] – People in the company are chatting that there won’t be any year-end bonus this year.
人们在社交媒体上开玩笑说,有的街道成了运河。[Rénmen zài shèjiāo méitǐ shàng kāiwánxiào shuō, yǒu de jiēdào chéngle yùnhé.] – People made jokes on social media about wading through streets that had become canals.
人们应该感到担心,因为这些大型项目中盈利的寥寥无几。[Rénmen yīnggāi gǎndào dānxīn, yīnwèi zhèxiē dàxíng xiàngmù zhōng yínglì de liáoliáo wújǐ.] – People should be concerned because very few of these big projects generate cash.
人们不应该在公共场所吸烟。[Rénmen bù yìng gāi zài gōnggòng chǎngsuǒ xīyān.] – People shouldn’t smoke in public places.
在不到六秒钟之内,高性能汽车能够从静止加速到六十英里小时。[Zài bù dào liù miǎo zhōng zhī nèi, gāo xìngnéng qìchē nénggòu cóng jìngzhǐ jiāsù dào liùshí yīnglǐ xiǎoshí.] – Performance cars are capable of going from 0 to 60 mph in under 6 seconds.
对于脾气比较火爆的人来说,最重要的或许是确保自己不发脾气。[Duìyú píqì bǐjiào huǒbào de rén lái shuō, zuì zhòngyào de huòxǔ shì quèbǎo zìjǐ bù fā píqì.] – Perhaps most important for the fiery among us, make sure not to lose their tempers.
也许我们应该在这儿等。[Yěxǔ wǒmen yīnggāi zài zhè’er děng.] – Perhaps we should just stay here and wait.
拼音极大地减轻了外国人学习中文的痛苦。[Pīnyīn jí dàdì jiǎnqīngle wàiguó rén xuéxí zhōngwén de tòngkǔ.] – Pinyin has vastly eased the classroom agonies of foreigners studying Chinese.
请你多多包涵。[Qǐng nǐ duōduō bāohan.] – Please bear with me.
请不要把细节省掉了。[Qǐng bùyào bǎ xìjié shěng diàole.] – Please don’t omit any details.
如果你想取消一门课,请提前通知我。[Rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng qǔxiāo yī mén kè, qǐng tíqián tōngzhī wǒ.] – Please give some notice if you’d like to cancel a class.
请回到这首歌的起点,我想听完整的歌曲。[Qǐng huí dào zhè shǒu gē de qǐdiǎn, wǒ xiǎng tīng wánzhěng de gēqǔ.] – Please go back to the beginning of the song. I want to hear the whole thing.
大卫换了一份新工作,请与我一起祝贺他吧。[Dà wèi huànle yī fèn xīn gōngzuò, qǐng yǔ wǒ yīqǐ zhùhè tā ba.] – Please join me in congratulating David on his new position.
您留下联系电话,包裹到了,我们会通知您的。[Nín liú xià liánxì diànhuà, bāoguǒ dàole, wǒmen huì tōngzhī nín de.] – Please leave your contact number. We will let you know when the package arrives.
请你们尽早到我的办公室领取你们的门票。[Qǐng nǐmen jǐnzǎo dào wǒ de bàngōngshì lǐngqǔ nǐmen de ménpiào.] – Please pick up your tickets at my desk at your earliest convenience.
请你把这段课文读给大家听。[Qǐng nǐ bǎ zhè duàn kèwén dú gěi dàjiā tīng.] – Please read this paragraph of the text to us.
请耐心等待详细情况。[Qǐng nàixīn děngdài xiángxì qíngkuàng.] – Please stand by for further information.
请到我这里来领取你的礼品卡。[Qǐng dào wǒ zhèlǐ lái lǐngqǔ nǐ de lǐpǐn kǎ.] – Please stop by and see me to claim your gift card.
请仔细考虑后给我一个答复。[Qǐng zǐxì kǎolǜ hòu gěi wǒ yīgè dáfù.] – Please think it over and let me know your decision.
偷猎的人杀死了很多大象来获取象牙。[Tōu liè de rén shā sǐle hěnduō dà xiàng lái huòqǔ xiàngyá.] – Poachers have hunted and killed many elephants for their tusks.
在毛主席时代,中国种植了数以百万计的杨树。[Zài máo zhǔxí shídài, zhōngguó zhòngzhíle shù yǐ bǎi wàn jì de yáng shù.] – Poplar trees were planted by the millions in Chairman Mao’s day.
普林斯顿大学的一项研究已经显示,在大学录取中,亚裔需要更高的分数才行。[Pǔlínsīdùn dàxué de yī xiàng yánjiū yǐjīng xiǎnshì, zài dàxué lùqǔ zhōng, yà yì xūyào gèng gāo de fēnshù cái xíng.] – Princeton University has already produced a study that shows in college admissions, Asians need higher test scores.
支持者称大型水坝和风力发电厂能减少碳排放。[Zhīchí zhě chēng dàxíng shuǐbà hé fēnglì fādiàn chǎng néng jiǎnshǎo tàn páifàng.] – Proponents say big dams and wind farms can cut carbon emissions.
蛋白质,糖,脂肪,维生素和矿物质都是从常规食品中提取的。[Dànbáizhí, táng, zhīfáng, wéishēngsù hé kuàng wùzhí dōu shì cóng chángguī shípǐn zhōng tíqǔ de.] – Proteins, sugars, fats, vitamins and minerals are extracted from regular food.
简单地说,农村很美。[Jiǎndān de shuō, nóngcūn hěn měi.] – Quite simply, the countryside is beautiful.
废物再生利用对减少垃圾处理费用有利。[Fèiwù zàishēng lìyòng duì jiǎnshǎo lèsè chǔlǐ fèiyòng yǒulì.] – Recycling can help reduce garbage disposal costs.
一排排新公寓楼取代了臭名昭著的棚户区。[Yī pái pái xīn gōngyù lóu qǔdàile chòumíng zhāozhù de pénghù qū.] – Rows of new apartment buildings have replaced the infamous shantytown.
农村地区的学生依然处于极度劣势。[Nóngcūn dìqū de xuéshēng yīrán chǔyú jídù lièshì.] – Rural students are still at a severe disadvantage.
上海汽车集团股份有限公司 [Shànghǎi qìchē jítuán gǔfèn yǒuxiàn gōngsī] – SAIC Motor Corporation Limited
学校应该确保考试不要过于繁重,且更有目的性。[Xuéxiào yīnggāi quèbǎo kǎoshì bùyào guòyú fánzhòng, qiě gèng yǒu mùdì xìng.] – Schools should step back and make exams less onerous and more purposeful.
由于天气原因,今天的课取消了。[Yóuyú tiānqì yuányīn, jīntiān de kè qǔxiāole.] – School was cancelled due to the weather.
账单中包哈服务费和销售税。[Zhàngdān zhōng bāo hā fúwù fèi hé xiāoshòu shuì.] – Service charges and sales tax are included in the bill.
估计有几百人会去听他的讲座。[Gūjì yǒu jǐ bǎi rén huì qù tīng tā de jiǎngzuò.] – Several hundred people are expected to attend his lecture.
她调整了一下汽车座椅,这样她的脚可以够着踏板。[Tā tiáozhěngle yīxià qìchē zuò yǐ, zhèyàng tā de jiǎo kěyǐ gòuzhe tàbǎn.] – She adjusted the car seat so she could reach the pedals.
她差一点就打破了世界纪录。[Tā chà yīdiǎn jiù dǎpòle shìjiè jìlù.] – She almost broke the world record.
她打破了杯子。[Tā dǎpòle bēizi.] – She broke the cup.
她肩膀上辈着一个背包。[Tā jiānbǎng shàngbèizhe yīgè bèibāo.] – She carried a backpack on her shoulders.
她声称抢意外走火了。[Tā shēngchēng qiǎng yìwài zǒuhuǒle.] – She claimed that the gun went off accidentally.
听到这个好消息,他高兴得直拍手。[Tīng dào zhège hǎo xiāoxī, tā gāoxìng dé zhí pāishǒu.] – She clapped in delight when she heard the good news.
当她听到这个消息后,她高兴得鼓掌叫好。[Dāng tā tīng dào zhège xiāoxī hòu, tā gāoxìng dé gǔzhǎng jiàohǎo.] – She clapped in delight when she heard the news.
她有张圆脸。[Tā yǒu zhāng yuán liǎn.] – She has a round face.
她作为双打选手取得了很多胜利。[Tā zuòwéi shuāngdǎ xuǎnshǒu qǔdéle hěnduō shènglì.] – She has enjoyed plenty of success as a doubles player.
她专业素质高,有远见,有爱心。[Tā zhuānyè sùzhì gāo, yǒu yuǎnjiàn, yǒu àixīn.] – She is highly qualified, visionary and caring.
她 是这个代表团的翻译。[Tā shì zhège dàibiǎo tuán de fānyì.] – She is the interpreter of this delegation.
她是这个团队中最能干的工程师。[Tā shì zhège tuánduì zhōng zuì nénggàn de gōngchéngshī.] – She is the most capable engineer in the team.
她牵挂孩子们。[Tā qiānguà háizimen.] – She is worried about the kids.
她是该公司赞助的电视卡拉OK比赛的评委。[Tā shì gāi gōngsī zànzhù de diànshì kǎlā OK bǐsài de píngwěi.] – She judges televised karaoke contests sponsored by the company.
她取得了极大的成就。[Tā qǔdéle jí dà de chéngjiù.] – She made huge achievements.
她骂孩子们把他们的房间里搞得一团糟。[Tā mà háizimen bǎ tāmen de fángjiān lǐ gǎo dé yītuánzāo.] – She scolded the children for making a mess in their room.
她应该已经上班了。[Tā yīnggāi yǐjīng shàngbānle.] – She should be at work already.
她有时候喜欢喝杯红酒。[Tā yǒu shíhòu xǐhuān hē bēi hóngjiǔ.] – She sometimes enjoys drinking a glass of red wine.
她前往中国成都,参观了那里的一个大熊猫保护基地。[Tā qiánwǎng zhōngguó chéngdū, cānguānle nàlǐ de yīgè dà xióngmāo bǎohù jīdì.] – She traveled to China to visit a panda preserve in Chengdu.
当她和女儿吃晚餐时,听到了窗外的枪声。[Dāng tā hé nǚ’ér chī wǎncān shí, tīng dàole chuāngwài de qiāng shēng.] – She was at the dinner table with her daughter when she heard gunshots outside.
她出生在农村。[Tā chūshēng zài nóngcūn.] – She was born in a rural area.
对车的破损,她得到了补偿。[Duì chē de pòsǔn, tā dédàole bǔcháng.] – She was compensated for the damage done to her car.
她穿着一件粉红色的衬衫。[Tā chuānzhuó yī jiàn fěnhóng sè de chènshān.] – She was wearing a pink shirt.
硅谷到处都是非常聪明的人。[Guīgǔ dàochù dōu shì fēicháng cōngmíng de rén.] – Silicon Valley is full of very smart people.
人们只要改变自己的生活方式,就有可能永远把癌症拒之门外。[Rénmen zhǐyào gǎibiàn zìjǐ de shēnghuó fāngshì, jiù yǒu kěnéng yǒngyuǎn bǎ áizhèng jù zhī mén wài.] – Simple changes to people’s behaviors have the potential to make sure many cancers never occur.
聪明人都会去他们觉得增长空间最大的地方。[Cōngmíng rén dūhuì qù tāmen juédé zēng cháng kōngjiān zuìdà dì dìfāng.] – Smart people go to where they feel there is the most growth.
今年冬天雾霾笼罩了中国大片地区。[Jīnnián dōngtiān wù mái lóngzhàole zhōngguó dàpiàn dìqū.] – Smog has blanketed large parts of China this winter.
电梯内禁止吸烟。[Diàntī nèi jìnzhǐ xīyān.] – Smoking is prohibited in the elevator.
有些家属屈服了。[Yǒuxiē jiāshǔ qūfúle.] – Some families buckled.
一些居民抱怨说,政府早就该发布预警。[Yīxiē jūmín bàoyuàn shuō, zhèngfǔ zǎo jiù gāi fābù yùjǐng.] – Some residents have complained that the government should have early on issued an alert.
儿子,是该整理你的桌子的时候了。[Érzi, shì gāi zhěnglǐ nǐ de zhuōzi de shíhòule.] – Son, it is time to tidy up your desk.
听起来很合理是不是?[Tīng qǐlái hěn hélǐ shì bùshì?] – Sounds logical, right?
西班牙火腿是个非常特别的食品。[Xībānyá huǒtuǐ shìgè fēicháng tèbié de shípǐn.] – Spanish ham is a very unique product.
开公司是我的长远目标。[Kāi gōngsī shì wǒ de chángyuǎn mùbiāo.] – Starting a business is my long term goal.
学生对自己的教育绝对该有发言权。[Xuéshēng duì zìjǐ de jiàoyù juéduì gāi yǒu fāyán quán.] – Students should absolutely have a voice in their education.
太极拳包含了丰富的中国传统文化。[Tàijí quán bāohánle fēngfù de zhōngguó chuántǒng wénhuà.] – Tai Chi is rich with traditional Chinese cultural and philosophical thought.
这还不包括一套公寓和一辆车的费用。[Zhè hái bù bāokuò yī tào gōngyù hé yī liàng chē de fèiyòng.] – That does not include the costs of an apartment and a car.
这件事听起来很熟悉。[Zhè jiàn shì tīng qǐlái hěn shúxī.] – That rings a bell. [This thing sounds familiar.]
精英学校的录取率上升了。[Jīngyīng xuéxiào de lùqǔ lǜ shàngshēngle.] – The acceptance rate of elite colleges climbed.
美国机场的安全措施远比以前严格。[Měiguó jīchǎng de ānquán cuòshī yuǎn bǐ yǐqián yángé.] – The airport security at U.S. airports is far more rigorous than before.
中国国家能源局下发了该通知。[Zhōngguó guójiā néngyuán jú xià fāle gāi tōngzhī.] – The announcement was made by China’s National Energy Administration.
中国产汽车的登陆,令一些美国人感到惊讶。[Zhōngguó chǎn qìchē de dēnglù, lìng yīxiē měiguó rén gǎndào jīngyà.] – The arrival of Chinese-made cars has surprised some people in the United States.
这篇文章值得仔细研究。[Zhè piān wénzhāng zhídé zǐxì yánjiū.] – The article deserves a careful study.
今年秋天体育部组建了一个官方电子游戏团队。[Jīnnián qiūtiān tǐyù bù zǔjiànle yīgè guānfāng diànzǐ yóuxì tuánduì.] – The athletic department created an official video game team this fall.
作者的新书包括了一些以前出版的资料。[Zuòzhě de xīnshū bāokuòle yīxiē yǐqián chūbǎn de zīliào.] – The author’s new book includes some previously published material.
这家汽车零件制造商计划裁员一百名工人。[Zhè jiā qìchē língjiàn zhìzào shāng jìhuà cáiyuán yībǎi míng gōngrén.] – The automobile part manufacturer plans to lay off 100 workers.
烤红薯太烫了,空手拿可不行。[Kǎo hóngshǔ tài tàngle, kōngshǒu ná kě bùxíng.] – The baked sweet potatoes were too hot to handle with our bare hands.
那坏东西把我按倒在墙上,抢走了我的钱包。[Nà huàidōngxī bǎ wǒ àn dào zài qiáng shàng, qiǎng zǒule wǒ de qiánbāo.] – The bad guy slammed me against the wall and took my wallet.
那个海滩度假村已经商业化,原有的风光不复存在。[Nàgè hǎitān dùjiàcūn yǐjīng shāngyè huà, yuán yǒu de fēngguāng bù fù cúnzài.] – The beach resort has been commercialized and has none of its original charm.
北京方言中包含了来自蒙语和满语的词汇。[Běijīng fāngyán zhōng bāohánle láizì méng yǔ hé mǎn yǔ de cíhuì.] – The Beijing dialect contains words derived from both Mongolian and Manchurian.
美国大型汽车制造商每年都会购买数以百万计的挡风玻璃。[Měiguó dàxíng qìchē zhìzào shāng měinián dūhuì gòumǎi shù yǐ bǎi wàn jì de dǎng fēng bōlí.] – The big American automakers buy millions of windshields each year.
书上极其详细地描述了选举过程。[Shū shàng jíqí xiángxì de miáoshùle xuǎnjǔ guòchéng.] – The book describes the election process in painstaking details.
书中包括许多生动的插图。[Shū zhōng bāokuò xǔduō shēngdòng de chātú.] – The book includes many vivid illustrations.
公共汽车并不总是最快的交通方式。[Gōnggòng qìchē bìng bù zǒng shì zuì kuài de jiāotōng fāngshì.] – The buses are not always the quickest way to get around town.
公共汽车班数很多,也很便宜。[Gōnggòng qìchē bān shù hěnduō, yě hěn piányí.] – The buses run frequently and they are inexpensive.
公共汽车过来了。[Gōnggòng qìchē guòláile.] – The bus is coming.
宣传活动包括电视广告和在学校举办的研讨会。[Xuānchuán huódòng bāokuò diànshì guǎnggào hé zài xuéxiào jǔbàn de yántǎo huì.] – The campaign includes television commercials and seminars in schools.
车子马上就没有汽油了。[Chēzi mǎshàng jiù méiyǒu qìyóule.] – The car almost ran out of gas.
由于刹车失灵,汽车撞倒交通信号灯上了。[Yóuyú shāchē shīlíng, qìchē zhuàng dǎo jiāotōng xìnhàodēng shàngle.] – The car crashed into the traffic light because of bad brakes.
汽车滑出公路,差点撞上一群行人。[Qìchē huá chū gōnglù, chàdiǎn zhuàng shàng yīqún xíngrén.] – The car slid off the road and almost hit a group of pedestrians.
今天猫没吃东西。[Jīntiān māo méi chī dōngxī.] – The cat did not eat anything today.
那个有钱人家的孩子被绑匪绑架,索取赎金。[Nàgè yǒu qián rénjiā de háizi bèi bǎngfěi bǎngjià, suǒqǔ shújīn.] – The child of the wealthy family was kidnapped and held for ransom.
中国当局曾表示,存放在海外的敦煌珍宝应该归还给中国。[Zhōngguó dāngjú céng biǎoshì, cúnfàng zài hǎiwài de dūnhuáng zhēnbǎo yīnggāi guīhuán gěi zhōngguó.] – The Chinese authorities have said the treasures from Dunhuang now stashed abroad should be returned.
中国政府正在推动改革,以减少学生的课业负担。[Zhōngguó zhèngfǔ zhèngzài tuīdòng gǎigé, yǐ jiǎnshǎo xuéshēng de kèyè fùdān.] – The Chinese government is now pushing reforms to reduce student workloads.
中国古典小说红楼梦就刻画了传统的管家角色。[Zhōngguó gǔdiǎn xiǎoshuō hónglóumèng jiù kèhuàle chuántǒng de guǎnjiā juésè.] – The classical Chinese novel, Dream of the Red Chamber, features traditional butlers.
大学应该录取那些真正对这所学校感兴趣的人。[Dàxué yīnggāi lùqǔ nàxiē zhēnzhèng duì zhè suǒ xuéxiào gǎn xìngqù de rén.] – The colleges should accept the students whose interest in them is genuine.
多少人将失去工作,公司没有提供细节。[Duōshǎo rén jiāng shīqù gōngzuò, gōngsī méiyǒu tígōng xìjié.] – The company gave no details of how many people would lose their jobs.
为了不致于破产,公司必须卖掉一些资产。[Wèi liǎo bùzhì yú pòchǎn, gōngsī bìxū mài diào yīxiē zīchǎn.] – The company had to sell some of its assets to avoid bankruptcy.
该公司帮助人们寻找合适的建筑承包商。[Gāi gōngsī bāngzhù rénmen xúnzhǎo héshì de jiànzhú chéngbāo shāng.] – The company helps people find the right construction contractors.
公司没有采取任何行动。[Gōngsī méiyǒu cǎiqǔ rènhé xíngdòng.] – The company took no action.
代表们讨论了包括禽流感以及中国和印度日益增强的经济实力等问题。[Dàibiǎomen tǎolùnle bāokuò qín liúgǎn yǐjí zhōngguó hé yìndù rìyì zēngqiáng de jīngjì shílì děng wèntí.] – The delegates discussed issues such as bird flu and the growing economic power of China and India.
这种疾病在发达国家中几乎从来没有听说过。[Zhè zhǒng jíbìng zài fādá guójiā zhōng jīhū cónglái méiyǒu tīng shuōguò.] – The disease is almost unheard of in developed countries.
这种药物的副作用包括头痛和易疲劳。[Zhè zhǒng yàowù de fùzuòyòng bāokuò tóutòng hé yì píláo.] – The drug’s side effects include headache and fatigue.
十年前该药物被禁止使用。[Shí nián qián gāi yàowù bèi jìnzhǐ shǐyòng.] – The drug was banned a decade ago.
大学毕业生的收入仍然远超没有读过大学的人。[Dàxué bìyè shēng de shōurù réngrán yuǎn chāo méiyǒu dú guo dàxué de rén.] – The earnings of college graduates continue to outpace those of non-collegians by a significant margin.
十一点的会议刚刚被取消了。[Shíyī diǎn de huìyì gānggāng bèi qǔxiāole.] – The 11am meeting just got cancelled.
公司的雇员都在周末加班加点测试针对这个新项目的筹备工作。[Gōngsī de gùyuán dōu zài zhōumò jiābān jiādiǎn cèshì zhēnduì zhège xīn xiàngmù dì chóubèi gōngzuò.] – The employees have been working extra weekend shifts to test their readiness for the new program.
楼房的入口被一棵倒下的树挡住了。[Lóufáng de rùkǒu bèi yī kē dào xià de shù dǎngzhùle.] – The entrance to the building was blocked by a fallen tree.
今天早晨雾很浓。[Jīntiān zǎochén wù hěn nóng.] – The fog was thick this morning.
汽油价格开始有所下降。[Qìyóu jiàgé kāishǐ yǒu suǒ xiàjiàng.] – The gas price is starting to come down.
总经理提出了一系列削减成本的措施。[Zǒng jīnglǐ tíchūle yī xìliè xuējiǎn chéngběn de cuòshī.] – The general manager has proposed a number of cost-cutting measures.
那届政府还没来得及采取任何举措就解散了。[Nà jiè zhèngfǔ hái méi láidéjí cǎiqǔ rènhé jǔcuò jiù jiěsànle.] – The government was dissolved before any action could be taken.
旅馆和机票都包括在我们的度假套餐里了。[Lǚguǎn hé jīpiào dōu bāokuò zài wǒmen de dùjià tàocān lǐle.] – The hotel and airfare were all part of our vacation package.
改善还远远不够,而且过于缓慢。[Gǎishàn hái yuǎn yuǎn bùgòu, érqiě guòyú huǎnmàn.] – The improvements have been too few and too slow.
这些窃听器似乎安装得很专业。[Zhèxiē qiètīng qì sìhū ānzhuāng dé hěn zhuānyè.] – The installation of the bugs appeared to have been a professional job.
调查人员没有发现包庇的证据。[Diàochá rényuán méiyǒu fāxiàn bāobì de zhèngjù.] – The investigators found no evidence of a cover-up.
他们的房子着火了,但人没事。[Tāmen de fángzi zháohuǒle, dàn rén méishì.] – Their house caught fire but they were OK.
他们的演出棒极了。你应该去亲身体验一下。[Tāmen de yǎnchū bàng jíle. Nǐ yīnggāi qù qīnshēn tǐyàn yīxià.] – Their performance was gorgeous. You should go there and experience it for yourself.
就业市场远比百分之九的失业率要糟糕。[Jiùyè shìchǎng yuǎn bǐ bǎi fēn zhī jiǔ de shīyè lǜ yào zāogāo.] – The job market is far worse than the 9 percent unemployment rate suggests.
劳动力在未来几十年里会继续减少。[Láodònglì zài wèilái jǐ shí nián lǐ huì jìxù jiǎnshǎo.] – The labor force will continue to shrink for decades.
这梯子好像不是很稳定。[Zhè tīzi hǎoxiàng bùshì hěn wěndìng.] – The ladder doesn’t seem very stable.
这场官司可能使他们破产。[Zhè chǎng guānsī kěnéng shǐ tāmen pòchǎn.] – The lawsuit could leave them bankrupt.
两年前就该裁员了。[Liǎng nián qián jiù gāi cáiyuánle.] – The layoffs should have happened two years ago.
当地政府已经取缔了一切娱乐场所。[Dāngdì zhèngfǔ yǐjīng qǔdìle yīqiè yúlè chǎngsuǒ.] – The local government has shut down all forms of entertainment.
杂志必须取悦自己的核心广告客户。[Zázhì bìxū qǔyuè zìjǐ de héxīn guǎnggào kèhù.] – The magazine must please its core advertisers.
主楼的电梯都修好了。[Zhǔlóu de diàntī dōu xiūhǎole.] – The main building elevators are back in working order.
这名男子不会透露他的工作或其他生活细节。[Zhè míng nánzǐ bù huì tòulù tā de gōngzuò huò qítā shēnghuó xìjié.] – The man would not comment on his work or other details of his life.
这个电梯的最大载重量是五吨。[Zhège diàntī de zuìdà zài zhòngliàng shì wǔ dūn.] – The max weight capacity of this elevator is 5 metric tons.
麦克风安装好了,但我听不到声音。[Màikèfēng ānzhuāng hǎole, dàn wǒ tīng bù dào shēngyīn.] – The microphone is installed properly, but I’m getting no sound.
这部电影忽略了很多故事细节。[Zhè bù diànyǐng hūlüèle hěnduō gùshì xìjié.] – The movie leaves a lot out of the story.
高考是中国大学录取学生的唯一标准。[Gāokǎo shì zhōngguó dàxué lùqǔ xuéshēng de wéiyī biāozhǔn.] – The national college-entrance examination is the lone criterion for admission to Chinese universities.
北京新国际机场是中国彰显自己在政治和经济上所取得成就的大型项目之一。[Běijīng xīn guójì jīchǎng shì zhōngguó zhāngxiǎn zìjǐ zài zhèngzhì hé jīngjì shàng suǒ qǔdé chéngjiù de dàxíng xiàngmù zhī yī.] – The new international airport in Beijing is one of the mega-projects that China has built as an affirmation of its political and economic greatness.
那老头是这家汽车修理店的师傅。[Nà lǎotóu shì zhè jiā qìchē xiūlǐ diàn de shīfù.] – The old man is the master technician of this car shop.
高考成绩是唯一的录取标准。[Gāokǎo chéngjī shì wéiyī de lùqǔ biāozhǔn.] – The only criterion for admission is a student’s score on the college entrance examination.
这种结果会伤害该地区的每个国家。[Zhè zhǒng jiéguǒ huì shānghài gāi dìqū de měi gè guójiā.] – The outcome would hurt everyone in the region, including China.
大熊猫宝宝上个月从华盛顿国家动物园回到了中国。[Dà xióngmāo bǎobǎo shàng gè yuè cóng huáshèngdùn guójiā dòngwùyuán huí dàole zhōngguó.] – The panda, named Bao Bao, from the National Zoo in Washington moved to China last month.
党领导不能确定下一步该怎么做。[Dǎng lǐngdǎo bùnéng quèdìng xià yībù gāi zěnme zuò.] – The party leadership is uncertain about what to do next.
院子里的桃树已经结出果实了。[Yuànzi lǐ de táo shù yǐjīng jié chū guǒshíle.] – The peach trees in the yard have borne fruit.
村里的人仍然遵循他们的祖先留下来的古老习俗。[Cūnlǐ de rén réngrán zūnxún tāmen de zǔxiān liú xiàlái de gǔlǎo xísú.] – The people in the village still observe the ancient customs of their ancestors.
我脚下的那一块玻璃破碎了。[Wǒ jiǎoxià dì nà yīkuài bōlí pòsuìle.] – The piece of glass at my feet had shattered.
游泳池里非常多,我们永远无法游出一条直线。[Yóuyǒngchí lǐ fēicháng duō, wǒmen yǒngyuǎn wúfǎ yóu chū yītiáo zhíxiàn.] – The pool was so full that we could never swim in a straight line.
猪排上裹的不是普通的地瓜粉,是日式面包粉。[Zhūpái shàng guǒ de bùshì pǔtōng dì dìguā fěn, shì rì shì miànbāo fěn.] – The pork chop is dredged not in the usual sweet potato starch but in panko.
英国无神论者的比例远高于美国。[Yīngguó wúshénlùn zhě de bǐlì yuǎn gāo yú měiguó.] – The rate of atheism in Britain is much higher than in the United States.
真正的问题远远超出了个人的范畴。[Zhēnzhèng de wèntí yuǎn yuǎn chāochūle gèrén de fànchóu.] – The real problem is far bigger than any individual.
其中的许多细节没有公开记录可供参考。[Qízhōng de xǔduō xìjié méiyǒu gōngkāi jìlù kě gōng cānkǎo.] – There are no public records of many of the details.
这个国家动物园里有两只熊猫。[Zhège guójiā dòngwùyuán li yǒu liǎng zhī xióngmāo.] – There are two pandas at this national zoo.
是那件红衣服还是这件白的好看?[Shì nà jiàn hóng yīfú háishì zhè jiàn bái de hǎokàn?] – The red dress over there or this white one, which one looks better?
左边那个红色的是我的。[Zuǒbiān nàgè hóngsè de shì wǒ de.] – The red one on the left is mine.
有学龄儿童和卖红薯的,还有下棋的退休老人。[Yǒu xuélíng értóng hé mài hóngshǔ de, hái yǒu xià qí de tuìxiū lǎorén.] – There are schoolchildren, yam sellers and retirees armed with chess pieces.
河上有一座破烂不堪的灰色小石桥。[Héshàng yǒu yīzuò pòlàn bùkān dì huīsè xiǎoshí qiáo.] – There is a broken small, gray stone bridge over the river.
有只动物在树上,好像是只猴子。[Yǒu zhǐ dòngwù zài shù shàng, hǎoxiàng shì zhǐ hóuzi.] – There is an animal up on the tree. It appears to be a monkey.
毫无疑问他们会取消这场比赛。[Háo wú yíwèn tāmen huì qǔxiāo zhè chǎng bǐsài.] – There is no doubt they will cancel the game.
出现了资金该如何分配的问题。[Chūxiànle zījīn gāi rúhé fēnpèi de wèntí.] – There’s issues about how money should be distributed.
度假村提供一系列老少皆宜的设施和场所。[Dùjiàcūn tígōng yī xìliè lǎoshào jiē yí de shèshī hé chǎngsuǒ.] – The resort offers a wide range of facilities for young and old alike.
那个饭馆在火车站前面。[Nàgè fànguǎn zài huǒchē zhàn qiánmiàn.] – The restaurant is in the front of the train station.
其余部分来自食品,厨房用具,音乐,红酒,首饰,钟表, 电影和玩具等商品。[Qíyú bùfèn láizì shípǐn, chúfáng yòngjù, yīnyuè, hóngjiǔ, shǒushì, zhōngbiǎo, diànyǐng hé wánjù děng shāngpǐn.] – The rest comes from items like food, kitchenware, music, wine, jewelry, watches, movies and toys.
书包在桌子上。[Shūbāo zài zhuōzi shàng.] – The schoolbag is on the desk.
学校董事会投票决定恢复学费减免政策。[Xuéxiào dǒngshìhuì tóupiào juédìng huīfù xuéfèi jiǎnmiǎn zhèngcè.] – The school board voted to reinstate the school’s tuition exempt policy.
学校被要求采取一定的措施来解决这个问题。[Xuéxiào bèi yāoqiú cǎiqǔ yīdìng de cuòshī lái jiějué zhège wèntí.] – The school has been asked to take certain actions to fix the problem.
学校在减少招生规模。[Xuéxiào zài jiǎnshǎo zhāoshēng guīmó.] – The school is shrinking the size of its student body.
这些改革能让我们减少浪费的同时,促进公司的发展状大。[Zhèxiē gǎigé néng ràng wǒmen jiǎnshǎo làngfèi de tóngshí, cùjìn gōngsī de fǎ zhǎn zhuàng dà.] – These changes should allow us to grow the company while reducing waste.
这些橙色汤圆泡在浓郁清澈,热气腾腾的汤里上桌。[Zhèxiē chéngsè tāngyuán pào zài nóngyù qīngchè, rèqì téngténg de tāng lǐ shàng zhuō.] – These orange globes arrived, bobbing in a thick, clear, steaming soup.
上海交响乐团 [Shànghǎi jiāoxiǎngyuè tuán] – the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra
这个标牌从远处看不是很清楚。[Zhège biāopái cóng yuǎn chù kàn bùshì hěn qīngchǔ.] – The sign is hard to read from a distance.
这位歌星突然被一群歌迷包围了。[Zhè wèi gēxīng túrán bèi yīqún gēmí bāowéile.] – The singer was suddenly surrounded by a crowd of fans.
星星太遥远了。[Xīngxīng tài yáoyuǎnle.] – The stars are too far away.
风暴造成了大范围的破坏。[Fēngbào zàochéngle dà fànwéi de pòhuài.] – The storm caused widespread damage.
学生是这次运动的前锋,他们应该准备打持久战。[Xuéshēng shì zhè cì yùndòng de qiánfēng, tāmen yīnggāi zhǔnbèi dǎ chíjiǔ zhàn.] – The students, who are at the forefront of this campaign, should brace themselves for a protracted fight.
地铁便宜,而且比公共汽车快得多。[Dìtiě piányí, érqiě bǐ gōnggòng qìchē kuài dé duō.] – The subway is inexpensive and much faster than the buses.
阳光穿过树枝,斜照过来。[Yángguāng chuānguò shùzhī, xié zhào guòlái.] – The sunlight slanted down through the branches of the trees.
火警铃响后,老师要求我们保持冷静。[Huǒjǐng líng xiǎng hòu, lǎoshī yāoqiú wǒmen bǎochí lěngjìng.] – The teacher asked us to stay calm after the fire alarm went off.
老师不在教室,这节课取消了吗?[Lǎoshī bùzài jiàoshì, zhè jié kè qǔxiāole ma?] – The teacher is not in the classroom. Is today’s class cancelled?
西红柿在肥沃湿润的土壤中长得最好。[Xīhóngshì zài féiwò shīrùn de tǔrǎng zhōng cháng dé zuì hǎo.] – The tomato plant grows best in rich and moist soil.
火车准时到达。[Huǒchē zhǔnshí dàodá.] – The train arrived on time.
火车按时到了。[Huǒchē ànshí dàole.] – The train has arrived on time.
火车站不是在机场的旁边。[Huǒchē zhàn bùshì zài jīchǎng de pángbiān.] – The train station is not next to the airport.
后院里的那棵树长了很多。[Hòuyuàn lǐ dì nà kē shù zhǎngle hěnduō.] – The tree in your backyard has grown a lot.
双方同意停火,继续举行和平谈判。[Shuāngfāng tóngyì tínghuǒ, jìxù jǔxíng hépíng tánpàn.] – The two sides agree to cease fire and continue the peace talks.
这座村庄离云南省省会昆明不到一英里。[Zhè zuò cūnzhuāng lí yúnnán shěng shěnghuì kūnmíng bù dào yī yīnglǐ.] – The village is located less than a mile from the capital of Yunnan Province, Kunming.
该签证计划为外国投资者提供了获取绿卡的快速途径。[Gāi qiānzhèng jìhuà wèi wàiguó tóuzī zhě tígōngle huòqǔ lǜkǎ de kuàisù tújìng.] – This visa program offers foreign investors a fast path to a green card.
钱包在抽屉里。[Qiánbāo zài chōutì lǐ.] – The wallet is in the drawer.
仓库没有着火,但仓库地下的木材烧坏了。[Cāngkù méiyǒu zháohuǒ, dàn cāngkù dìxià de mùcái shāo huàile.] – The warehouse did not catch fire, but the timbers under it burned.
证人详细叙述了那天晚上事情发生的经过。[Zhèngrén xiángxì xùshùle nèitiān wǎnshàng shìqíng fāshēng de jīngguò.] – The witness recounted in detail what happened that night.
他们全部都同意为团队去做这件合理的事情。[Tāmen quánbù dōu tóngyì wèi tuánduì qù zuò zhè jiàn hélǐ de shìqíng.] – They all want to do the right thing for the team.
他们这代人相信自己没有不能突破的界限和不能跨越的障碍。[Tāmen zhè dài rén xiāngxìn zìjǐ méiyǒu bùnéng túpò dì jièxiàn hé bùnéng kuàyuè de zhàng’ài.] – They are a generation of people who see no boundaries and no obstacle that they can’t hurdle.
他们之间隔着很远的距离。[Tāmen zhī jiàngézhe hěn yuǎn de jùlí.] – They are separated by a great distance.
他们为这些青少年树立了一个好的榜样。[Tāmen wèi zhèxiē qīngshàonián shùlìle yīgè hǎo de bǎngyàng.] – They are setting a good example for these young teenagers.
他们打破了一位老师公寓的窗户。[Tāmen dǎpòle yī wèi lǎoshī gōngyù de chuānghù.] – They broke the windows of a teacher’s apartment.
它们还会扰乱交通,甚至引发火灾。[Tāmen hái huì rǎoluàn jiāotōng, shènzhì yǐnfā huǒzāi.] – They can disrupt traffic and even cause fires.
他们继续努力,争取达到他们的既定目标。[Tāmen jìxù nǔlì, zhēngqǔ dádào tāmen de jìdìng mùbiāo.] – They continue to strive toward their goals.
他们把测试工作承包给了一家中国公司。[Tāmen bǎ cèshì gōngzuò chéngbāo gěile yījiā zhōngguó gōngsī.] – They contracted the testing work to a Chinese company.
他们详细列出了美国几乎所有学院和大学的学生收入。[Tāmen xiángxì liè chūle měiguó jīhū suǒyǒu xuéyuàn hé dàxué de xuéshēng shōurù.] – They detailed the earnings of people who attended nearly every college and university in America.
打给他们的电话没有人接听。[Dǎ gěi tāmen de diànhuà méiyǒu rén jiētīng.] – They did not answer phone calls.
他们并没有取消这项政策。[Tāmen bìng méiyǒu qǔxiāo zhè xiàng zhèngcè.] – They did not reverse the policy.
他们穿着大红色的衣服聚在一起。[Tāmen chuānzhuó dà hóngsè de yīfú jù zài yīqǐ.] – They gathered in bright red clothes.
他们还从未测试过可以飞越太平洋的远程导弹。[Tāmen hái cóng wèi cèshìguò kěyǐ fēiyuè tàipíngyáng de yuǎnchéng dǎodàn.] – They have never tested a long-range missile that could fly across the Pacific.
他们的教学设施简陋,缺乏训练有素的老师。[Tāmen de jiàoxué shèshī jiǎnlòu, quēfá xùnliàn yǒu sù de lǎoshī.] – They have poor school facilities and a paucity of well-trained teachers.
包括曼哈顿的唐人街和皇后区的法拉盛。[Bāokuò mànhādùn de tángrénjiē hé huánghòu qū de fǎlā shèng.] – They include Chinatown in Manhattan and Flushing, Queens.
他们是在上海师范大学认识的。[Tāmen shì zài shànghǎi shīfàn dàxué rènshí de.] – They met at Shanghai Normal University.
他们点了一个汉堡包和一包薯条。[Tāmen diǎnle yīgè hànbǎobāo hé yī bāo shǔ tiáo.] – They ordered a hamburger and fries.
他们的画笔下有树木,工业项目,渔船,花园,小鸟。[Tāmen de huàbǐ xià yǒu shùmù, gōngyè xiàngmù, yúchuán, huāyuán, xiǎo niǎo.] – They painted trees, industrial projects, fishing boats, gardens and birds.
他们敦促特朗普总统采取行动,缓和紧张的军事局势。[Tāmen dūncù tè lǎng pǔ zǒngtǒng cǎiqǔ xíngdòng, huǎnhé jǐnzhāng de jūnshì júshì.] – They urged President Trump to take actions and defuse military tensions.
他们每天都牵着狗散步。[Tāmen měitiān dū qiānzhe gǒu sànbù.] – They walk their dogs every day.
他们害怕对方听不懂他们说的话。[Tāmen hàipà duìfāng tīng bù dǒng tāmen shuō dehuà.] – They were afraid they would not be understood.
听了这个突如其来的消息,他们都十分诧异。[Tīngle zhège tūrúqílái de xiāoxī, tāmen dōu shífēn chàyì.] – They were all astonished at the unexpected news.
他们没事,我们的牵挂是多余的。[Tāmen méishì, wǒmen de qiānguà shì duōyú de.] – They were fine. We needn’t have worried.
他们连听到医院和医生这样的字眼,就会惊慌失措。[Tāmen lián tīng dào yīyuàn hé yīshēng zhèyàng de zìyǎn, jiù huì jīnghuāng shīcuò.] – They were panicked even to hear the word hospital and doctor.
仔细想想,不要轻易下结论。[Zǐxì xiǎng xiǎng, bùyào qīngyì xià jiélùn.] – Think it over. Don’t jump to conclusions.
这个公寓楼的墙壁很薄,你能听到邻居所说的一切。[Zhège gōngyù lóu de qiángbì hěn báo, nǐ néng tīng dào línjū suǒ shuō de yīqiè.] – This apartment building has thin walls, and you can hear everything your neighbors say.
这个小孩漂亮,而且聪明。[Zhège xiǎohái piàoliang, érqiě cōngmíng.] – This child is not only handsome but also smart.
这座城市无力应对更多的环境破坏。[Zhè zuò chéngshì wúlì yìngduì gèng duō de huánjìng pòhuài.] – This city is ill equipped to handle more environmental damage.
这座城市离清朝初期几位皇帝的故土不远。[Zhè zuò chéngshì lí qīngcháo chūqí jǐ wèi huángdì de gùtǔ bù yuǎn.] – This city was near the hometown of the early Qing emperors.
这家公司把这位小演员当成了一棵摇钱树。[Zhè jiā gōngsī bǎ zhè wèi xiǎo yǎnyuán dàngchéngle yī kē yáoqiánshù.] – This company treated the young actor like a cash cow.
这房子比它周围的树矮。[Zhè fángzi bǐ tā zhōuwéi de shù ǎi.] – This house is lower than its surrounding trees.
这仅仅是一块金箔包装的巧克力。[Zhè jǐnjǐn shì yīkuài jīnbó bāozhuāng de qiǎokèlì.] – This is just a piece of chocolate wrapped in gold foil.
这是在柬埔寨的同一个村子,就在几个月之前。[Zhè shì zài jiǎnpǔzhài de tóng yīgè cūnzi, jiù zài jǐ gè yuè zhīqián.] – This is the same village in Cambodia, just a couple of months ago.
这部新电梯又快有安静。[Zhè bù xīn diàntī yòu kuài yǒu ānjìng.] – This new elevator is both fast and quiet.
这个系统可以使汽车的燃油经济性提高。[Zhège xìtǒng kěyǐ shǐ qìchē de rányóu jīngjì xìng tígāo.] – This system can increase the fuel economy of cars.
申请材料超出了许多录取十分严苛的学校。[Shēnqǐng cáiliào chāochūle xǔduō lùqǔ shífēn yán kē de xuéxiào.] – This was more application material than many other highly selective schools demanded.
今年我们公司业务有(希)望破记录。[Jīnnián wǒmen gōngsī yèwù yǒu (xī)wàng pò jìlù.] – This year, our company is on track to have a record year.
他们两个人的性格相差得太远了。[Tāmen liǎng gèrén dì xìnggé xiāngchà dé tài yuǎnle.] – Those two personalities are totally different.
那两棵树是我们这块私人地皮的边界。[Nà liǎng kē shù shì wǒmen zhè kuài sīrén dìpí de biānjiè.] – Those two trees mark the boundary of our private land.
这里每年生产几千辆汽车。[Zhèlǐ měinián shēngchǎn jǐ qiān liàng qìchē.] – Thousands of cars are produced here each year.
要进入中国一流的大学,学生需要在难度极大的全国高考中取得高分。[Yào jìnrù zhōngguó yīliú de dàxué, xuéshēng xūyào zài nándù jí dà de quánguó gāokǎo zhōng qǔdé gāo fēn.] – To gain a spot in a top Chinese university, a student needed a high score on the country’s famously difficult national college entrance examination.
汤姆和玛丽为我们女儿的出生向我们表示祝贺。[Tāngmǔ hé mǎlì wèi wǒmen nǚ’ér de chūshēng xiàng wǒmen biǎoshì zhùhè.] – Tom and Mary congratulated us on the birth of our daughter.
明天我坐公共汽车去公司。[Míngtiān wǒ zuò gōnggòng qìchē qù gōngsī.] – Tomorrow I will take the bus to work.
哈佛大学高层通常会例行公事地批准系里的录取决定。[Hāfó dàxué gāocéng tōngcháng huì lìxínggōngshì dì pīzhǔn xì lǐ de lùqǔ juédìng.] – Top Harvard officials typically rubber-stamp departmental admission decisions.
星期二的课取消了。[Xīngqí’èr de kè qǔxiāole.] – Tuesday’s class is cancelled.
两只小鸟在一棵小树上做了一个窝。[Liǎng zhī xiǎo niǎo zài yī kē xiǎo shù shàng zuòle yīgè wō.] – Two small birds have built a nest on the small tree.
美国只有四座火力发电厂计划上线。[Měiguó zhǐyǒu sìzuò huǒlì fādiàn chǎng jìhuà shàngxiàn.] – Utilities in the United States have only four coal-fired power plants set to go online.
最近,大众超过了日本的丰田,成为世界第一大汽车厂商。[Zuìjìn, dàzhòng chāoguòle rìběn de fēngtián, chéngwéi shìjiè dì yī dà qìchē chǎngshāng.] – Volkswagen recently edged Toyota to become the world’s top seller of automobiles.
小心!那辆汽车差一点撞到你了。[Xiǎoxīn! Nà liàng qìchē chà yīdiǎn zhuàng dào nǐle.] – Watch out! That car nearly hit you.
我们也不会给出减肥建议。[Wǒmen yě bù huì gěi chū jiǎnféi jiànyì.] – We also don’t give advice on weight loss.
我们在听一个讲座。[Wǒmen zài tīng yīgè jiǎngzuò.] – We are listening to a lecture.
我们在印第安纳州生产对华出口的德国品牌豪华汽车。[Wǒmen zài yìndì’ānnà zhōu shēngchǎn duì huá chūkǒu de déguó pǐnpái háohuá qìchē.] – We are making German luxury vehicles in Indiana for export to China.
我们正采取措施来扭转这种局面。[Wǒmen zhèng cǎiqǔ cuòshī lái niǔzhuǎn zhè zhǒng júmiàn.] – We are taking steps to correct the situation.
我们正努力减少我们的债务。[Wǒmen zhèng nǔlì jiǎnshǎo wǒmen de zhàiwù.] – We are trying to reduce our debt.
我们正在努力减少生产和运输货物的成本。[Wǒmen zhèngzài nǔlì jiǎnshǎo shēngchǎn hé yùnshū huòwù de chéngběn.] – We are trying to reduce the cost of producing and transporting goods.
我们吃了无数的红薯。[Wǒmen chī liǎo wú shǔ de hóngshǔ.] – We ate an awful lot of the sweet potatoes.
我们可以在火车站旁边的商店买水果。[Wǒmen kěyǐ zài huǒchē zhàn pángbiān de shāngdiàn mǎi shuǐguǒ.] – We can buy fruits from the stores near the train station.
星期一我们再详细讨论。[Xīngqí yī wǒmen zài xiángxì tǎolùn.] – We can talk about it in detail on Monday.
因为害怕电池着火,我们甚至不能把手机带上飞机。[Yīn wéi hàipà diànchí zháohuǒ, wǒmen shènzhì bùnéng bǎ shǒujī dài shàng fēijī.] – We can’t even take our cellphones on airplanes today because of fears about battery fires.
我们能听见有人在大声敲门。[Wǒmen néng tīngjiàn yǒurén zài dàshēng qiāo mén.] – We could hear a door being pounded.
我们能看见一辆公共汽车从反方向过来了。[Wǒmen néng kànjiàn yī liàng gōnggòng qìchē cóng fǎn fāngxiàng guòláile.] – We could see a bus coming from the opposite direction.
我们发现了从树上掉下来的绿色小苹果。[Wǒmen fāxiànle cóng shù shàng diào xiàlái de lǜsè xiǎo píngguǒ.] – We discovered the small green apples that had fallen from the trees.
我们没有猫,只有一条狗。[Wǒmen méiyǒu māo, zhǐyǒu yītiáo gǒu.] – We do not have cats. We only have a dog.
我们开车穿过浓雾。[Wǒmen kāichē chuānguò nóng wù.] – We drove through dense fog.
我们一年到头都用红薯,豆子和大头菜充饥。[Wǒmen yīniándàotóu dōu yòng hóngshǔ, dòuzi hé dàtóucài chōngjī.] – We fed ourselves on sweet potatoes, beans and tulip bulbs all year round.
我们是听着这些故事长大的。[Wǒmen shì tīngzhe zhèxiē gùshì zhǎng dà de.] – We grew up with these stories.
我们甚至听都没听说过巧克力。[Wǒmen shènzhì tīng dōu méi tīng shuōguò qiǎokèlì.] – We hadn’t even heard of chocolate.
我们已经与电梯公司联系了,他们很快会派人来把电梯修理好。[Wǒmen yǐjīng yǔ diàntī gōngsī liánxìle, tāmen hěn kuài huìpài rén lái bǎ diàntī xiūlǐ hǎo.] – We have contacted the elevator company and someone will be out shortly to get the elevator back into working order.
我们听到了教堂的钟声。[Wǒmen tīng dàole jiàotáng de zhōng shēng.] – We heard the church bells ringing.
我们会像对待其他失误一样,从这次失误中吸取教训。[Wǒmen huì xiàng duìdài qítā shīwù yīyàng, cóng zhè cì shīwù zhōng xīqǔ jiàoxùn.] – We’ll learn from this mistake as we’ve learned from the others.
我们必须采取实际行动来维护我们的权利。[Wǒmen bìxū cǎiqǔ shíjì xíngdòng lái wéihù wǒmen de quánlì.] – We must take action to defend our rights.
要用火柴来点燃我们的蜡烛。[Yào yòng huǒchái lái diǎnrán wǒmen de làzhú.] – We need a match to light our candles.
我们经常听人说起,成功完全取决于你认识什么人。[Wǒmen jīngcháng tīng rén shuō qǐ, chénggōng wánquán qǔjué yú nǐ rènshí shénme rén.] – We often hear that success is all about the people you know.
我们很快在河边搭起了一个帐篷。[Wǒmen hěn kuài zài hé biān dā qǐle yīgè zhàngpéng.] – We quickly pitched a tent near the river bank.
我们都是有远见的人。[Wǒmen dōu shì yǒu yuǎnjiàn de rén.] – We’re both visionaries.
我们不害怕,我们将为争取真正的普选继续奋斗。[Wǒmen bù hàipà, wǒmen jiāng wèi zhēngqǔ zhēnzhèng de pǔxuǎn jìxù fèndòu.] – We’re not afraid, and we will fight on for a genuine universal suffrage.
我们不是承包商,更像雇员。[Wǒmen bùshì chéngbāo shāng, gèng xiàng gùyuán.] – We’re not contractors, we’re more like employees.
你今天在学校时淘气了还是听老师的话了?[Nǐ jīntiān zài xuéxiào shí táoqìle háishì tīng lǎoshī dehuàle?] – Were you naughty today at school or did you obey the teacher?
我们应该从别人的错误中吸取教训。[Wǒmen yīnggāi cóng biérén de cuòwù zhōng xīqǔ jiàoxùn.] – We should learn from other people’s mistakes.
我们应该采取措施来有效地防止传染病的传播。[Wǒmen yīnggāi cǎiqǔ cuòshī lái yǒuxiào dì fángzhǐ chuánrǎn bìng de chuánbò.] – We should take steps to effectively prevent the infectious diseases from spreading.
我们无可奈何地站在那里,看着大火把房子烧毁了。[Wǒmen wúkěnàihé de zhàn zài nàlǐ, kànzhe dà huǒbǎ fángzi shāohuǐle.] – We stood by helplessly while the fire destroyed the house.
我们刚刚听说了一个令人鼓舞的消息。[Wǒmen gānggāng tīng shuōle yīgè lìng rén gǔwǔ de xiāoxī.] – We’ve just heard encouraging news.
我们等到太阳下山之后才生火。[Wǒmen děngdào tàiyáng xiàshān zhīhòu cái shēnghuǒ.] – We waited for the sun to set before starting the fire.
我们将讨论下一步该采取什么行动。[Wǒmen jiāng tǎolùn xià yībù gāi cǎiqǔ shénme xíngdòng.] – We will discuss what steps to take next.
我们永远不会像父母那代人一样赞下每一份钱,从来不花。[Wǒmen yǒngyuǎn bù huì xiàng fùmǔ nà dài rén yīyàng zàn xià měi yī fèn qián, cónglái bu huā.] – We will never be like my parents’ generation who saved every penny and never spent any.
你采取什么行动来促进和平呢?[Nǐ cǎiqǔ shénme xíngdòng lái cùjìn hépíng ne?] – What actions do you take to promote peace?
火星有什么独有的特征?[Huǒxīng yǒu shé me dú yǒu de tèzhēng?] – What are unique characteristics about Mars?
是什么促使校长采取这一步骤?[Shì shénme cùshǐ xiàozhǎng cǎiqǔ zhè yī bùzhòu?] – What has prompted the principal to take this step?
如果我忘记了吃药,我该怎么办?[Rúguǒ wǒ wàngjìle chī yào, wǒ gāi zěnme bàn?] – What should I do if I forget to take the medicine?
你可以采取哪些步骤使家庭恢复安宁与和谐呢?[Nǐ kěyǐ cǎiqǔ nǎxiē bùzhòu shǐ jiātíng huīfù ānníng yǔ héxié ne?] – What steps can you take to restore peace and serenity in the family?
做面包的面粉是用小麦做的。[Zuò miànbāo de miànfěn shì yòng xiǎomài zuò de.] – Wheat is used to make flour for breads.
第一次世界大战后, 当中国要求归还领土,世界不肯听我们的。[Dì yī cì shìjiè dàzhàn hòu, dāng zhōngguó yāoqiú guīhuán lǐngtǔ, shìjiè bù kěn tīng wǒmen de.] – When China demanded its territory back after the First World War, the world did not listen to us.
每当你节约能源,不仅节省了钱,也减少了对化石燃料的需求。[Měi dāng nǐ jiéyuē néngyuán, bùjǐn jiéshěngle qián, yě jiǎnshǎole duì huàshí ránliào de xūqiú.] – Whenever you save energy, you not only save money, you also reduce the demand for fossil fuels.
听到这个消息,我真为你感到难过。[Tīng dào zhège xiāoxī, wǒ zhēn wèi nǐ gǎndào nánguò.] – When I heard this news I felt so sorry for you.
婴儿应该在什么时候开始吃固体食物呢?[Yīng’ér yīnggāi zài shénme shíhòu kāishǐ chī gùtǐ shíwù ne?] – When is the best time to introduce solid food to babies?
听说我要去给她的七年级同学们讲性教育,女儿窘得要命。[Tīng shuō wǒ yào qù gěi tā de qī niánjí tóngxuémen jiǎng xìng jiàoyù, nǚ’ér jiǒng dé yàomìng.] – When my daughter heard I’d be teaching sex education to her fellow seventh graders, she was mortified.
这些人见了城管就跟老鼠见了猫似的。[Zhèxiē rén jiànle chéngguǎn jiù gēn lǎoshǔ jiànle māo shì de.] – When these people see a city management officer, they’re like a mouse seeing a cat.
到了第二个红绿灯,右拐。[Dàole dì èr gè hónglǜdēng, yòu guǎi.] – When you arrive at the second traffic light, turn right.
你坐哪班公共汽车去上班?[Nǐ zuò nǎ bān gōnggòng qìchē qù shàngbān?] – Which bus do you ride to work?
为什么会有这么多的老师打动肝火呢?[Wèishéme huì yǒu zhème duō de lǎoshī dǎ dònggānhuǒ ne?] – Why are so many teachers bent out of shape?
没有出过事故,为什么汽车保险还是涨了?[Méiyǒu chūguò shìgù, wèishéme qìchē bǎoxiǎn háishì zhǎngle?] – Why do auto insurance rates increase despite no accidents?
为什么在秋季树叶颜色会变?[Wèishéme zài qiūjì shùyè yánsè huì biàn?] – Why do leaves change color in the fall?
你干吗不喝点红酒?[Nǐ gànma bù hē diǎn hóngjiǔ?] – Why don’t you have some red wine?
为什么在炎热天呆在一棵大树下会觉得清凉?[Wèishéme zài yánrè tiān dāi zài yī kē dà shù xià huì juédé qīngliáng?] – Why do you feel cool under a tree on a hot sunny day?
拜托,大家安静下来,认真听?[Bàituō, dàjiā ānjìng xiàlái, rènzhēn tīng?] – Will everyone please be quiet and listen carefully?
请你帮我查查火车什么时候到?[Qǐng nǐ bāng wǒ chá chá huǒchē shénme shíhòu dào?] – Will you please find out for me when the train arrives?
风可能会驱散这座城市的雾霾。[Fēng kěnéng huì qūsàn zhè zuò chéngshì de wù mái.] – Winds may disperse the smog over the city.
赢得一场重大比赛有时可以为玩家赚取数年学费。[Yíngdé yī chǎng zhòngdà bǐsài yǒushí kěyǐ wéi wánjiā zhuàn qǔ shù nián xuéfèi.] – Winning a big tournament can sometimes earn players several years’ worth of tuition money.
冬天要结束了。春天不远了。[Dōngtiān yào jiéshùle. Chūntiān bù yuǎnle.] – Winter is almost over. Spring is not far away.
如今在北京的大街上,你几乎一点儿也听不到老北京话了。[Rújīn zài běijīng de dàjiē shàng, nǐ jīhū yīdiǎn er yě tīng bù dào lǎo běijīng huàle.] – You almost never hear the old Beijing dialect on the city streets nowadays.
你说得对。该睡觉了。[Nǐ shuō dé duì. Gāi shuìjiàole.] – You are right. It is time to go to bed.
我听你的。[Wǒ tīng nǐ de.] – You are the boss.
你都二十五岁了,早就应该独立自主了。[Nǐ dōu èrshíwǔ suìle, zǎo jiù yīnggāi dúlìzìzhǔle.] – You are twenty-five years old. You should have been on your own for a long time.
您可以随时取消订阅。[Nín kěyǐ suíshí qǔxiāo dìngyuè.] – You can cancel your subscription at any time.
你可以在媒体上羞辱该航空公司。[Nǐ kěyǐ zài méitǐ shàng xiūrù gāi hángkōng gōngsī.] – You can certainly go to media and shame the airline.
你可以随便挑几件家里的东西来演示火山爆发。[Nǐ kěyǐ suíbiàn tiāo jǐ jiàn jiālǐ de dōngxī lái yǎnshì huǒshān bàofā.] – You can demonstrate a volcanic eruption using some simple household items.
只要有面包店,你就能搞到新鲜面包。[Zhǐyào yǒu miànbāo diàn, nǐ jiù néng gǎo dào xīnxiān miànbāo.] – You can get fresh bread wherever there is a bakery.
如果你有一台笔记本电脑,那么你就可以进行远程下载。[Rúguǒ nǐ yǒuyī tái bǐjìběn diànnǎo, nàme nǐ jiù kěyǐ jìnxíng yuǎnchéng xiàzài.] – You can get them remotely if you happen to have a laptop.
你不能骑自行车去学校。还是坐公共汽车吧。[Nǐ bùnéng qí zìxíngchē qù xuéxiào. Háishì zuò gōnggòng qìchē ba.] – You cannot ride a bike to school. It is better to take a bus.
从机场你可以看到火车站。[Cóng jīchǎng nǐ kěyǐ kàn dào huǒchē zhàn.] – You can see the train station from the airport.
你能团结身边的每个人。[Nǐ néng tuánjié shēnbiān de měi gèrén.] – You can unite everybody around you.
你再仔细想想,注意一旦拿定就千万不要反悔了。[Nǐ zài zǐxì xiǎng xiǎng, zhùyì yīdàn ná dìng jiù qiān wàn bùyào fǎnhuǐle.] – You’d better think it through again: once decided, you must not change your mind any more.
在火车站一定要保管好自己的随身物品。[Zài huǒchē zhàn yīdìng yào bǎoguǎn hǎo zìjǐ de suíshēn wùpǐn.] – You definitely need to take good care of your belongings when you are at the train station.
只要不是与世隔绝的人应该都知道吸烟会导致肺癌。[Zhǐyào bùshì yǔ shì géjué de rén yīnggāi dōu zhīdào xīyān huì dǎozhì fèi’ái.] – You’d have to be living under a rock not to know that smoking causes lung cancer.
做好这些细节,才能做好工作。[Zuò hǎo zhèxiē xìjié, cáinéng zuò hǎo gōngzuò.] – You have to get the details right to do your job right.
你会进入一片广阔的森林,在那里你会遇到野生动物。[Nǐ huì jìnrù yīpiàn guǎngkuò de sēnlín, zài nàlǐ nǐ huì yù dào yěshēng dòngwù.] – You’ll enter a vast forest where you’ll meet wild animals.
你将来会喜欢从中国买电动汽车太阳能面板和电池。[Nǐ jiānglái huì xǐhuān cóng zhōngguó mǎi diàndòng qìchē tàiyángnéng miànbǎn hé diànchí.] – You’ll love buying your electric cars, solar panels and batteries from China.
在这里,你永远都不用戴口罩。[Zài zhèlǐ, nǐ yǒngyuǎn dōu bùyòng dài kǒuzhào.] – You’ll never need to wear a mask here.
你应该改一改你被动的个性。[Nǐ yīnggāi gǎi yī gǎi nǐ bèidòng de gèxìng.] – You need to change your passive personality.
你要有驾驶执照和汽车保险才能开车。[Nǐ yào yǒu jiàshǐ zhízhào hé qìchē bǎoxiǎn cáinéng kāichē.] – You need to have a driver’s license and car insurance in order to drive a car.
年轻人离开家乡,去远方城市追求发展。[Niánqīng rén líkāi jiāxiāng, qù yuǎnfāng chéngshì zhuīqiú fāzhǎn.] – Young people left their home town to pursue careers in distant cities.
你女儿很漂亮,也很聪明。[Nǐ nǚ’ér hěn piàoliang, yě hěn cōngmíng.] – Your daughter is pretty, and she’s also smart.
怎么说呢都该死。[Zěnme shuō ne dōu gāisǐ.] – You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
你这么大了应该能区别事实与幻想。[Nǐ zhème dàle yīnggāi néng qūbié shìshí yù huànxiǎng.] – You’re old enough to distinguish between fact and fantasy.
你眼睛红了。要不要休息一下?[Nǐ yǎnjīng hóngle. Yào bùyào xiūxí yīxià?] – Your eyes are red. Do you want to take a break?
你左眼是红的,有什么东西在里面吧?[Nǐ zuǒ yǎn shì hóng de, yǒu shé me dōngxī zài lǐmiàn ba?] – Your left eye is red. There might be something inside it.
你鼻子红了。[Nǐ bízi hóngle.] – Your nose is red.
你的楼梯风格应与你的房子格调一致。[Nǐ de lóutī fēnggé yīng yǔ nǐ de fángzi gédiào yīzhì.] – Your staircase style should blend in with the rest of your house.
你的最终目标是说服你的听众,让他们采纳你的建议。[Nǐ de zuìzhōng mùbiāo shì shuōfú nǐ de tīngzhòng, ràng tāmen cǎinà nǐ de jiànyì.] – Your ultimate goal is to persuade your listeners to adopt your proposal.
你应该依靠你自己,而不是别人。[Nǐ yīnggāi yīkào nǐ zìjǐ, ér bùshì biérén.] – You should always depend on yourself rather than someone else.
你应该想清楚哪些学校最适合你自己。[Nǐ yīnggāi xiǎng qīngchǔ nǎxiē xuéxiào zuì shìhé nǐ zìjǐ.] – You should be figuring out which colleges suit you best.
你应该在促销的时候买这些靴子。[Nǐ yīnggāi zài cùxiāo de shíhòu mǎi zhèxiē xuēzi.] – You should buy these boots while they’re on sale.
你应该事先打电话预约。[Nǐ yīnggāi shìxiān dǎ diànhuà yùyuē.] – You should call in advance to make an appointment.
你应该定期备份你的数据。[Nǐ yīnggāi dìngqí bèifèn nǐ de shùjù.] – You should create a backup of your data on a regular basis.
你现在应该去做人生中最重要的事。[Nǐ xiànzài yīnggāi qù zuò rénshēng zhōng zuì zhòngyào de shì.] – You should do the most important thing in your life now.
你应该多锻炼身体。[Nǐ yīnggāi duō duànliàn shēntǐ.] – You should exercise more.
你应该找个男朋友,然后结婚,生孩子。[Nǐ yīnggāi zhǎo gè nán péngyǒu, ránhòu jiéhūn, shēng háizi.] – You should find a boyfriend and then get married and have a kid.
你现在应该去找一个丈夫。[Nǐ xiànzài yīnggāi qù zhǎo yīgè zhàngfū.] – You should find a husband now.
你应该顺应潮流,找一个挣钱的商机。[Nǐ yīnggāi shùnyìng cháoliú, zhǎo yīgè zhèng qián de shāngjī.] – You should follow the trends to find a profitable business opportunity.
你应该去对面的柜台拿你的收据。[Nǐ yīnggāi qù duìmiàn de guìtái ná nǐ de shōujù.] – You should get your receipts at the opposite desk.
你应该去和你的经理商量。[Nǐ yīnggāi qù hé nǐ de jīnglǐ shāngliáng.] – You should go and discuss it with your manager.
你应该帮助他们卖出更多产品。[Nǐ yīnggāi bāngzhù tāmen mài chū gèng duō chǎnpǐn.] – You should help them to sell more product.
你应该学一种手艺。[Nǐ yīnggāi xué yī zhǒng shǒuyì.] – You should look for a special skill.
你不可好高骛远。[Nǐ bùkě hàogāowùyuǎn.] – You shouldn’t aim too high.
你应该注意在运动中是否出现了不寻常的疲劳,呼吸急促或胸痛等症状。[Nǐ yīnggāi zhùyì zài yùndòng zhōng shìfǒu chū xiàn liǎo bù xúncháng de píláo, hūxī jícù huò xiōngtòng děng zhèngzhuàng.] – You should pay attention to symptoms such as unusual fatigue, shortness of breath or chest pain during exercise.
你应该读一下你最喜欢的信用卡的福利待遇附属细则。[Nǐ yīnggāi dú yīxià nǐ zuì xǐhuān de xìnyòngkǎ de fúlì dàiyù fùshǔ xìzé.] – You should read the small print of your favorite credit card’s benefit package.
你应该征求专业人士的意见。[Nǐ yīnggāi zhēngqiú zhuānyè rénshì dì yìjiàn.] – You should seek professional advice.
你觉得你受了委屈,你就应该说出来。[Nǐ juédé nǐ shòule wěiqu, nǐ jiù yīnggāi shuō chūlái.] – You should speak up if you feel wronged.
在作决定之前,你应该仔细想想。[Zài zuò juédìng zhīqián, nǐ yīnggāi zǐxì xiǎng xiǎng.] – You should take some time to reflect before you make a decision.
你应该穿干净的内衣内裤。[Nǐ yīnggāi chuān gānjìng de nèiyī nèikù.] – You should wear clean underwear.