ChatGPT’s Mandarin Character Coach


Goal: improve Chinese
Style: HSK3, sentences with English translation, pinyin
What character propose you to study today?

Today, I propose that we study the character “” (jiā), which means “family” or “home”. It is a common character that appears in many Chinese words and phrases.

Here are some sentences with English translations and pinyin to help you improve your Chinese:

我的家很大。 (Wǒ de jiā hěn dà.) My family is big.
我喜欢待在家里。 (Wǒ xǐhuān dāi zài jiā lǐ.) I like to stay at home.
她的家离公司很近。 (Tā de jiā lí gōngsī hěn jìn.) Her home is very close to the company.
我的家人都很健康。 (Wǒ de jiārén dōu hěn jiànkāng.) My family members are all very healthy.
我们的家乡很美丽。 (Wǒmen de jiāxiāng hěn měilì.) Our hometown is very beautiful.
我的家很大,有四个卧室和两个浴室。(Wǒ de jiā hěn dà, yǒu sì gè wòshì hé liǎng gè yùshì.) My home is big, it has four bedrooms and two bathrooms.
我很喜欢和家人一起吃饭。(Wǒ hěn xǐhuān hé jiārén yīqǐ chīfàn.) I really enjoy eating meals with my family.
这是我家的狗,它叫小白。(Zhè shì wǒ jiā de gǒu, tā jiào xiǎobái.) This is my family’s dog, it’s called Xiao Bai.
我们一家人每年都会去旅行。(Wǒmen yījiā rén měi nián dōu huì qù lǚxíng.) Our family goes on a trip every year.
我家离学校很近,只要走路十分钟。(Wǒ jiā lí xuéxiào hěn jìn, zhǐyào zǒulù shífēnzhōng.) My home is very close to the school, it only takes a ten-minute walk.
I hope these sentences are helpful in improving your Chinese language skills!

Another character to study is “” (xué), which means “to study” or “to learn”.

我在学中文。 (Wǒ zài xué Zhōngwén.) – I am studying Chinese.
我喜欢学新东西。 (Wǒ xǐhuān xué xīn dōngxī.) – I like to learn new things.
你每天都要学习吗?(Nǐ měi tiān dōu yào xuéxí ma?) – Do you study every day?
学习可以让人进步。 (Xuéxí kěyǐ ràng rén jìnbù.) – Studying can make people progress.
我正在学中文。 (Wǒ zhèngzài xué zhōngwén.) – I am currently learning Chinese.
我每天都会学习一些新知识。 (Wǒ měitiān dūhuì xuéxí yìxiē xīn zhīshì.) – I learn some new knowledge every day.
学习可以让人变得更聪明。 (Xuéxí kěyǐ ràng rén biàn dé gèng cōngmíng.) – Learning can make people become smarter.
好好学习,天天向上。 (Hǎohǎo xuéxí, tiāntiān xiàngshàng.) – Study hard and make progress every day. (This is a common Chinese phrase often used to encourage people to study hard.)
我每天都要学习两个小时。(Wǒ měitiān dōu yào xuéxí liǎng gè xiǎoshí.) I study for two hours every day.
学习英语对我来说很重要。(Xuéxí yīngyǔ duì wǒ lái shuō hěn zhòngyào.) Learning English is very important for me.
这个学期我要学习数学、英语和历史。(Zhège xuéqī wǒ yào xuéxí shùxué, yīngyǔ hé lìshǐ.) This semester, I will study math, English, and history.
她是一个很努力的学生,每天都会学习很多知识。(Tā shì yīgè hěn nǔlì de xuéshēng, měitiān dōu huì xuéxí hěn duō zhīshì.) She is a very hardworking student, and she studies a lot every day.
学习不仅仅是为了考试,更是为了让自己变得更有用。(Xuéxí bù jǐnjǐn shì wèile kǎoshì, gèng shì wèile ràng zìjǐ biàn dé gèng yǒuyòng.) Learning is not only for exams, but also to make ourselves more useful.

How about the character “” (shí), which means “time” or “moment”.

现在几点钟?(Xiànzài jǐ diǎn zhōng?) – What time is it now?
我的生日是在十月十二日,也就是今年的这个时候。 (Wǒ de shēngrì shì zài shí yuè shí’èr rì, yě jiùshì jīnnián de zhège shíhòu.) – My birthday is on October 12th, which is around this time of the year.
时光飞逝,转眼间我已经工作了十年。 (Shíguāng fēishì, zhuǎnyǎn jiān wǒ yǐjīng gōngzuò le shí nián.) – Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, I have been working for ten years.
如果你错过了这个机会,可能就要等很长的时候才会再有机会。 (Rúguǒ nǐ cuòguò le zhège jīhuì, kěnéng jiù yào děng hěn cháng de shíhòu cái huì zài yǒu jīhuì.) – If you miss this opportunity, you may have to wait for a long time before you have another chance.

How about the character “” (shuǐ), which means “water”?

我们需要喝很多水。 (Wǒmen xūyào hē hěn duō shuǐ.) – We need to drink a lot of water.
水是生命之源。 (Shuǐ shì shēngmìng zhī yuán.) – Water is the source of life.
我们可以用水来洗衣服。 (Wǒmen kěyǐ yòng shuǐ lái xǐ yīfú.) – We can use water to wash clothes.
水可以变成冰。 (Shuǐ kěyǐ biàn chéng bīng.) – Water can turn into ice.
水是生命之源。(Shuǐ shì shēngmìng zhī yuán.) Water is the source of life.
天气炎热,我喜欢喝冰水。(Tiānqì yánrè, wǒ xǐhuān hē bīng shuǐ.) It’s hot weather, I like to drink cold water.
这个水很清澈,可以直接喝。(Zhège shuǐ hěn qīngchè, kěyǐ zhíjiē hē.) This water is very clear and can be drunk directly.
炒菜的时候要加一些水,这样菜会更好吃。(Chǎocài de shíhou yào jiā yīxiē shuǐ, zhèyàng cài huì gèng hǎochī.) When cooking, adding some water will make the food taste better.
泳池里的水很凉快,适合在炎热的夏天游泳。(Yǒngchí lǐ de shuǐ hěn liángkuai, shìhé zài yánrè de xiàtiān yóuyǒng.) The water in the swimming pool is very cool and suitable for swimming in the hot summer.

Let’s study the character “” (fēi), which means “to fly”. Here are some example sentences with English translation and pinyin:
鸟会飞,但是鱼不会。(Niǎo huì fēi, dànshì yú bù huì.) Birds can fly, but fish cannot.
飞机是一种很快的交通工具。(Fēijī shì yī zhǒng hěn kuài de jiāotōng gōngjù.) Airplanes are a very fast means of transportation.
我梦想着能够像超人一样飞翔在天空中。(Wǒ mèngxiǎngzhe nénggòu xiàng chāorén yīyàng fēixiáng zài tiānkōng zhōng.) I dream of being able to fly like Superman in the sky.
她的手写字很漂亮,就像小鸟在飞舞一样。(Tā de shǒu xiězì hěn piàoliang, jiù xiàng xiǎoniǎo zài fēiwǔ yīyàng.) Her handwriting is beautiful, like a bird flying and dancing.
在天安门广场升国旗的时候,很多鸽子都会在空中飞过。(Zài Tiān’ānmén guǎngchǎng shēng guóqí de shíhou, hěn duō gēzi dōu huì zài kōngzhōng fēiguò.) During the national flag-raising ceremony in Tiananmen Square, many pigeons will fly over in the air.
鸟儿可以飞到很高的地方。(Niǎo ér kěyǐ fēi dào hěn gāo de dìfāng.) Birds can fly to very high places.
飞机在空中飞行的速度很快。(Fēijī zài kōngzhōng fēixíng de sùdù hěn kuài.) The speed of airplanes flying in the air is very fast.
红色的风筝在天空中飞来飞去。(Hóngsè de fēngzhēng zài tiānkōng zhōng fēi lái fēi qù.) The red kite is flying back and forth in the sky.
大雁每年冬天都会飞到南方过冬。(Dàyàn měinián dōngtiān dōu huì fēi dào nánfāng guò dōng.) Geese fly to the south every winter to spend the winter.
他的想象力飞到了天边,让我们无法想象。(Tā de xiǎngxiàng lì fēi dào le tiānbiān, ràng wǒmen wúfǎ xiǎngxiàng.) His imagination soared, beyond our imagination.

I hope these examples are helpful for you to improve your Chinese!

Let’s study the character “” (ài), which means “love”. Here are some example sentences with English translation and pinyin:
我爱我的家人。(Wǒ ài wǒ de jiārén.) I love my family.
他爱音乐,每天都要听很多歌。(Tā ài yīnyuè, měitiān dōu yào tīng hěn duō gē.) He loves music and listens to a lot of songs every day.
她爱读书,周末经常去图书馆看书。(Tā ài dúshū, zhōumò jīngcháng qù túshūguǎn kànshū.) She loves reading and often goes to the library to read on weekends.
爱是一种美好的情感,让人们感到幸福和温暖。(Ài shì yī zhǒng měihǎo de qínggǎn, ràng rénmen gǎndào xìngfú hé wēnnuǎn.) Love is a beautiful emotion that makes people feel happy and warm.
真正的爱是无私的,只为对方的幸福着想。(Zhēnzhèng de ài shì wúsī de, zhǐ wèi duìfāng de xìngfú zhuóxiǎng.) True love is selfless and only considers the happiness of the other person.

Let’s study the character “” (jiàn), which means “healthy” or “strong”. Here are some example sentences with English translation and pinyin:

健康饮食对我们的身体很重要。(Jiànkāng yǐnshí duì wǒmen de shēntǐ hěn zhòngyào.) A healthy diet is very important for our body.
运动可以让身体更健康。(Yùndòng kěyǐ ràng shēntǐ gèng jiànkāng.) Exercise can make our body healthier.
她很健康,每天都会去健身房锻炼身体。(Tā hěn jiànkāng, měitiān dōu huì qù jiànshēnfáng duànliàn shēntǐ.) She is very healthy and goes to the gym to exercise every day.
我们应该保持心理健康,不要太紧张。(Wǒmen yīnggāi bǎochí xīnlǐ jiànkāng, bùyào tài jǐnzhāng.) We should maintain our mental health and not be too nervous.
每天早上起床后,我都会做一些瑜伽来保持身体健康。(Měitiān zǎoshang qǐchuáng hòu, wǒ dōu huì zuò yīxiē yújiā lái bǎochí shēntǐ jiànkāng.) Every morning after getting up, I do some yoga to keep my body healthy.
运动对身体很健康。(Yùndòng duì shēntǐ hěn jiànkāng.) Exercise is very healthy for the body.
他的身体很健壮,可以干任何重活。(Tā de shēntǐ hěn jiàn zhuàng, kěyǐ gàn rènhé zhòng huó.) He is very strong and can do any heavy work.
每天吃水果和蔬菜对身体很有益处,可以让身体更健康。(Měitiān chī shuǐguǒ hé shūcài duì shēntǐ hěn yǒuyìchù, kěyǐ ràng shēntǐ gèng jiànkāng.) Eating fruits and vegetables every day is very beneficial for the body and can make it healthier.
学习也需要保持身体健康,才能更好地学习。(Xuéxí yě xūyào bǎochí shēntǐ jiànkāng, cái néng gèng hǎo de xuéxí.) Learning also requires maintaining good health in order to learn better.
他们的生活方式很健康,每天都有规律的饮食和运动。(Tāmen de shēnghuó fāngshì hěn jiànkāng, měitiān dōu yǒu guīlǜ de yǐnshí hé yùndòng.) Their lifestyle is very healthy, with regular diet and exercise every day.