1.14.1 Say completed action with 了 | HSK 1 Beginner’s Chinese Course
他去学开车了。Tā qù xué kāichēle. – He went to learn how to drive.
了 expressing change
你女儿几岁了?Nǐ nǚ’ér jǐ suìle? – How old is your daughter [now]?
我去商店了。Wǒ qù shāngdiànle. – I went to the shop.
你去买什么了?Nǐ qù mǎi shénmeliǎo? – What did you buy?
我买了苹果。Wǒ mǎile píngguǒ. – I bought apples.
我买了一点儿苹果。Wǒ mǎile yīdiǎn er píngguǒ. – I bought a few apples.
我买了不少衣服。Wǒ mǎi liǎo bù shǎo yīfú. – I bought a lot of clothes.
你看见了几个人?Nǐ kànjiànle jǐ gèrén? – How many people did you see?
她没去商店。Tā méi qù shāngdiàn.- She did not go to the shop.
我没买。Wǒ méi mǎi. – I didn’t buy it.
我没见张先生。Wǒ méi jiàn zhāng xiānshēng. – I did not see Mr. Zhang.
你去买什么了?Nǐ qù mǎi shénmeliǎo? – What did you go and buy?
我没买苹果。Wǒ méi mǎi píngguǒ. – I didn’t buy apples.
Asking “how much” with 多少 – Beginner Chinese Grammar HSK 1 Grammar 1.8.2
你有几个杯子?Nǐ yǒu jǐ gè bēizi? – How many cups do you have?
你家有几口人?Nǐ jiā yǒu jǐ kǒu rén? – How many people are there in your family?
你们学校有多少个学生?Nǐmen xuéxiào yǒu duōshǎo gè xuéshēng? – How many students do you have in your school?
你有多少汉语老师?Nǐ yǒu duōshǎo hànyǔ lǎoshī? – How many Chinese teachers do you have?
这个杯子多少钱?Zhège bēizi duōshǎo qián? – How much is this cup?
Emphasizing specifics with 是……的 – Beginner Chinese Grammar HSK 1.15.1
Emphasizing time, place or manner with 是……的 sentences
是 + where/ when / how / for whom 的
我是昨天来的。Wǒ shì zuótiān lái de. – It was yesterday when I came.
这个是我在北京买的。Zhège shì wǒ zài běijīng mǎi de. – It was in Beijing where I bought this.
我们是开车来的。Wǒmen shì kāichē lái de. – We drove here.
你们是怎么来的?Nǐmen shì zěnme lái de? – How did you get here?
你们是在哪儿认识的?Nǐmen shì zài nǎ’er rènshí de? – Where did you meet?
我们是在学校认识的。Wǒmen shì zài xuéxiào rènshí de. – We met in school.
你们是件么时候认识的?Nǐmen shì jiàn me shíhòu rènshí de? – When did you meet [each other]?
我们是两千十一年九月认识的。Wǒmen shì liǎng qiān shíyī nián jiǔ yuè rènshí de. – We met in September 2011.
我是坐飞机来北京的。Wǒ shì zuò fēijī lái běijīng de. – I came to Beijing by plane.
1.6.1 Say “know how to” with 会 | HSK 1 Beginner’s Chinese Course (03:55)
会 “know how to”
我会写。Wǒ huì xiě. – I know how to write.
我会写汉字。Wǒ huì xiě hànzì. – I know how to write Chinese characters.
我会做。Wǒ huì zuò. – I know how to make.
我会做菜。Wǒ huì zuò cài. – I know how to make a dish (cook).
我会做中国菜。Wǒ huì zuò zhōngguó cài. – I know how to cook Chinese food.
我不会做中国菜。Wǒ bù huì zuò zhōngguó cài. – Wǒ bù huì zuò zhōngguó cài.
我不会读。Wǒ bù huì dú. – I don’t know how to read.
你妈妈会说汉语吗?Nǐ māmā huì shuō hànyǔ ma? – Can your mother speak Chinese?
1.5.1 Ask “how many” with 几 | HSK 1 Beginner’s Chinese Course (03:45)
几 + measure word
你有几个汉语老师?Nǐ yǒu jǐ gè hànyǔ lǎoshī? – How many Chinese teachers do you have?
你家有几口人?Nǐ jiā yǒu jǐ kǒu rén? – How many people are there in your family?
李老师家几口人?Lǐ lǎoshī jiā jǐ kǒu rén? – How many people are in Teacher Li’s family?
你几岁(了)?Nǐ jǐ suì? – How old are you?
Adding emphasis with 呢 – HSK 2 Grammar Lesson 2.7.4
N 呢? – what about?
我是中国人, 你呢?Wǒ shì zhōngguó rén, nǐ ne? – I am Chinese, what about you?
…呢? – wonder?
他在哪儿呢?Tā zài nǎ’er ne? – Where is he [I wonder]?
…呢! – contrary to assumption
时间还早呢。Shíjiān hái zǎo ne. – It’s still early. [So relax!]
八点上课, 时间还早呢。Bā diǎn shàngkè, shíjiān hái zǎo ne. – The class starts at eight, it’s still early. [So relax!]
医院离我们这儿还远呢。Yīyuàn lí wǒmen zhè’er hái yuǎn ne. – The hospital is still far from here. [So be patient].
坐公共汽车要一个多小时。Zuò gōnggòng qìchē yào yīgè duō xiǎoshí. – It will take over an hour to get there by bus.
公司很远, 坐公共汽车要一个多小时呢! – 不慢。走路要一天呢!Gōngsī hěn yuǎn, zuò gōnggòng qìchē yào yīgè duō xiǎoshí ne! – Bù màn. Zǒulù yào yītiān ne! – The company is far, it will take over an hour to get there by bus! – It’s not slow. It will take a day on foot!
大卫在吗? - 他还在教室学习呢。Dà wèi zài ma? – Tā hái zài jiàoshì xuéxí ne. – Is David here? – He is still studying at the classroom!
Expressing “to invite,” “to let,” “to ask” with 请, 让, 叫 – HSK 2 Grammar Lesson 2.8.3
请 – please
请吃饭。Qǐng chīfàn. – Please eat.
请 someone V – invite someone to do something
我请你吃饭。Wǒ qǐng nǐ chīfàn. – I’m inviting you to have a meal.
让 someone V – let/tell someone to do something
我给大卫打电话。Wǒ gěi dà wèi dǎ diànhuà. – I’ll phone David.
王老师让我给大卫打电话。Wáng lǎoshī ràng wǒ gěi dà wèi dǎ diànhuà. – Teacher Wang told me to call David.
你让我再想想。Nǐ ràng wǒ zài xiǎng xiǎng. – Let me think about it. [Please permit me.]
你让我再看看。Nǐ ràng wǒ zài kàn kàn. – Let me take another look.
我的门打不开了。我让人去看看。 – Wǒ de mén dǎ bù kāile. – Wǒ ràng rén qù kàn kàn. – I can’t open my door. – I’ll get someone to look into it.
叫 someone V – get/ask someone to do something
我叫人去看看。Wǒ jiào rén qù kàn kàn. – I’ll get someone to look into it.
帮 someone v – help someone do something
这个工作是他帮我介绍的。Zhège gōngzuò shì tā bāng wǒ jièshào de. – He helped me get (introduced to) this job.
Expressing “again” with 再 – HSK 2 Grammar Lesson 2.8.2
让我看看。Ràng wǒ kàn kàn. – Let me take a look.
让我再看看。Ràng wǒ zài kàn kàn. – Let me look more/further.
再 V – do it again, do it more
你看一下这本书吧。Nǐ kàn yīxià zhè běn shū ba. – Take a look at this book.
你再看一下这本书吧。Nǐ zài kàn yīxià zhè běn shū ba. – Take another look at this book (read it again).
你给他打电话吧。Nǐ gěi tā dǎ diànhuà ba. – Call him.
你再给他打电话吧。Nǐ zài gěi tā dǎ diànhuà ba. – Call him again.
他回来他再打给他电话吧。Tā huílái tā zài dǎ gěi tā diànhuà ba. – Call him again when he comes back. [Dont’ do it before he comes back.]
吃了再说。Chīle zàishuō. – Let’s talk after I’m done eating.
你想看什么电影?- 让我想想再告诉你。Nǐ xiǎng kàn shénme diànyǐng? Ràng wǒ xiǎng xiǎng zài gàosù nǐ. – What movie do you want to watch? – Let me think about it, then I’ll let you know.
今天下午去吧。- 今天下午我没有时间, 明天下午再去吧。Jīntiān xiàwǔ qù ba.- Jīntiān xiàwǔ wǒ méiyǒu shíjiān, míngtiān xiàwǔ zài qù ba. – Let’s go this afternoon. -I have no time this afternoon, let’s go tomorrow afternoon.
Making suggestions with “好吗” – HSK 2 Grammar Lesson 2.8.1
吗 “is that right”
我们一起去吃饭,好吗?Wǒmen yīqǐ qù chīfàn, hǎo ma? – Shall we go out to eat, OK?
一起去好吗?Yīqǐ qù hǎo ma? – Let’s go together, OK?
A 不 A
我们一起去吃饭, 好不好?Wǒmen yīqǐ qù chīfàn, hǎobù hǎo? – Let’s go out to eat, OK?
你明天下午给我打电话, 好吗?Nǐ míngtiān xiàwǔ gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà, hǎo ma? – Call me tomorrow, okay?
我们下午去看电影, 好吗?Wǒmen xiàwǔ qù kàn diànyǐng, hǎo ma? – Let’s go for a movie tomorrow afternoon, okay?
你等等, 好吗?Nǐ děng děng, hǎo ma? – Wait for me, okay?
Indicating distance with 离 – HSK 2 Grammar Lesson 2.7.3
我家很远。Wǒjiā hěn yuǎn. – My home is far.
N 离 N + distance – “away from”
我家离学校很远。Wǒjiā lí xuéxiào hěn yuǎn. – My home is far away from school.
你家离公司远吗?Nǐ jiā lí gōngsī yuǎn ma? – Is your home far away from the company?
我家离公司不远。Wǒjiā lí gōngsī bù yuǎn. – My home is not far away from the company.
我家离公司很近。Wǒjiā lí gōngsī hěn jìn. – My home is very close to the company.
饭馆儿离这儿远不远?Fànguǎn er lí zhè’er yuǎn bù yuǎn? – Is the restaurant far from here?
不远不远, 走几分钟就到了。Bù yuǎn bù yuǎn, zǒu jǐ fēnzhōng jiù dàole. – It’s not far at all, just a few minute’s walk.
学校离机场很远。Xuéxiào lí jīchǎng hěn yuǎn. – The school is far away from the airport.
学校离机场有二十多公里。Xuéxiào lí jīchǎng yǒu èrshí duō gōnglǐ. – The school is over 20 kilometers away from the airport.
N 离 N + time – “away from”
离我的生日还有一个多星期呢!Lí wǒ de shēngrì hái yǒu yīgè duō xīngqí ne! – There is still a week (and a few days) before my birthday!
离我的生日还早呢!Lí wǒ de shēngrì hái zǎo ne! – My birthday is still a long time away!