Basic Chinese

Yip Po-Ching & Don Rimmington
Basic Chinese – A Grammar and Workbook

中国经济和文化 [Zhōngguó jīngjì hé wénhuà] – China’s economy and culture
他有两本书和一支笔。[Tā yǒu liǎng běn shū hé yī zhī bǐ.] – He has two books and one pen.
我要吃两片面包,一个鸡蛋和一块蛋糕。[Wǒ yào chī liǎng piàn miànbāo, yīgè jīdàn hé yīkuài dàngāo.] – I want to eat two slices of bread, an egg and a piece of cake.
他想买四个苹果,三个橙子,两个面包和一打鸡蛋。[Tā xiǎng mǎi sì gè píngguǒ, sān gè chéngzi, liǎng gè miànbāo hé yī dá jīdàn.] – He would like to buy four apples, three oranges, two loaves of bread and a dozen eggs.
我想交(一)个中国朋友。[Wǒ xiǎng jiāo (yī) gè zhōngguó péngyǒu.] – I would like to have a Chinese friend.
我想买(一)打鸡蛋。[Wǒ xiǎng mǎi (yī) dǎ jīdàn.] – I want to buy a dozen eggs.
他只是(一)个学生。[Tā zhǐshì (yī) gè xuéshēng.] – He is only a student.
我想吃(一)个橙子。[Wǒ xiǎng chī (yī) gè chéngzi.] – I want to eat an orange.
我们有(一)个建议。[Wǒmen yǒu (yī) gè jiànyì.] – We have a suggestion.
我只想去一个国家。[Wǒ zhǐ xiǎng qù yīgè guójiā.] – I only want to go to one country.
我要去买(一)把牙刷。[Wǒ yào qù mǎi (yī) bǎ yáshuā.] – I want to go and buy a toothbrush.
她只有一个孩子。[Tā zhǐyǒu yīgè háizi.] – She only has one child.

我碰见两个朋友。[Wǒ pèngjiàn liǎng gè péngyǒu.] – I bumped into two friends [I met two friends.]
他想找一个借口。[Tā xiǎng zhǎo yīgè jièkǒu.] – He wanted to find an excuse.
孩子们要吃苹果。[Háizimen yào chī píngguǒ.] – The children wanted to eat apples.
他们想去三个国家。[Tāmen xiǎng qù sān gè guójiā. ] – They would like to visit three countries.
我想和杯茶。[Wǒ xiǎng hé bēi chá. ] – I would like to have a cup of tea.
她有中国朋友。[Tā yǒu zhòng guó péngyǒu.] – She has Chinese friends.
你要吃几片面包?[Nǐ yào chī jǐ piàn miànbāo?] – How many slices of bread would you like to eat?
谁要买鸡蛋?[Shéi yāomǎi jīdàn?] – Who wants to buy eggs?

我要买几个面包。[Wǒ yāomǎi jǐ gè miànbāo.] – I would like to buy some bread rolls.
她想吃两块蛋糕。[Tā xiǎng chī liǎng kuài dàngāo.] – She would like to eat two pieces of cake.
我碰见三个中国人。[Wǒ pèngjiàn sān gè zhōngguó rén.] – I bumped into three Chinese people.
我要喝杯咖啡。[Wǒ yào hē bēi kāfēi.] – I would like to have a cup of coffee.
我想去五个国家。[Wǒ xiǎng qù wǔ gè guójiā.] – I would like to go/ visit five countries.
她是一个工程师。[Tā shì yīgè gōngchéngshī.] – She is an engineer.
我有两个孩子。[Wǒ yǒu liǎng gè háizi.] – I have two children.
我只想去一个城市。[Wǒ zhǐ xiǎng qù yīgè chéngshì.] – I only want to go to one city.
谁想买书?[Shéi xiǎng mǎishū?] – Who would like to buy books?
我有个建议。[Wǒ yǒu gè jiànyì.] – I have a suggestion (to make).

苹果和橙子 [Píngguǒ hé chéngzi] – apples and oranges
大人和孩子/小孩 [Dàrén hé háizi/xiǎohái] – adults and children
三片面包,一杯咖啡和一块蛋糕 [Sān piàn miànbāo, yībēi kāfēi hé yīkuài dàngāo] – three slices of bread, a cup of coffee and a piece of cake
四本书和六支笔 [Sì běn shū hé liù zhī bǐ] – four books and six pens
我想去三个国家。[Wǒ xiǎng qù sān gè guójiā.] – I would like to visit three countries.
我想喝(一)杯茶。[Wǒ xiǎng hē (yī) bēi chá.] – I’d like to have a cup of tea.
她只想去两个/家商店。[Tā zhǐ xiǎng qù liǎng gè/jiā shāngdiàn.] – She only wants to go to two shops.
她想买一个面包,两个蛋糕,五个苹果和一打鸡蛋。[Tā xiǎng mǎi yīgè miànbāo, liǎng gè dàngāo, wǔ gè píngguǒ hé yī dá jīdàn.] – She wants to buy a bread roll, two cakes, five apples and a dozen eggs.
孩子只有一个理想。[Háizi zhǐyǒu yīgè lǐxiǎng.] – The child has only one ambition.
我碰见四个中国朋友。[Wǒ pèngjiàn sì gè zhōngguó péngyǒu.] – I bumped into four Chinese friends.
我要几张纸。[Wǒ yào jǐ zhāng zhǐ.] – I want a few pieces of paper.
我想了解中国的经济和文化。[Wǒ xiǎng liǎojiě zhōngguó de jīngjì hé wénhuà.] – I want to know something about China’s economy and culture.

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